Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

29 Jan

Hey all, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on smurf accounts and the Quick Match (Casual) MMR system, I appreciate it.

First, let's cover smurfing! This has been something the dev team has begun investigating due to the kind of interactions players have been having in Quick Match, Unranked, and Ranked. It's unfair for our players to be matched up against someone who clearly has more experience in the game than their clearance/rank suggests. Myself, UbiMorning, and UbiFate have been keeping track of threads discussing these issues and we're making sure the devs are aware each week. I don't have any more to share on that front, but when we get information that we're allowed to share, you'll see something from us.

Now on to Quick Match MMR. The mode does have its own hidden MMR system separate from Ranked that determines who you're matched up against. I've seen as of late players unhappy with the probability of getting placed against a Plat playe... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll most likely have luck getting some players in the R6 Discord! [discord.gg] :D
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Originally posted by Sober: noting to say

Hey Sober,

Would you be willing to elaborate on what it is about the new ADS time that you find frustrating personally?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jus†ine: im gold 1 and there's an enemies that are plat 1 and 2 people that are plat 2.... what is going on???

Definitely seems like their MMR was likely within 1,000 of ours.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a solid idea. I wonder what other members of the community would think!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hm. Can we get a video of this if possible?
Originally Posted by WOTH.Lo-fi
I have always had these problems. Legit. (however all games will have SOME extent of hitreg problems so i rarely report it but that one come on man. ) Look at the buck video down there that is even more of a WTF is going on here.
When you say always, can you pinpoint any particular season where this issue became more frequent for you?
Originally Posted by WOTH.Lo-fi
https://medal.tv/clips/17810240/d1337OYwSWcY and if bullets are that slow then please fix that.
Hmm, this definitely does look interesting. I don't wanna say "it's lag", but I haven't seen too many hit-reg reports as of late. When did you start having this issue?
Making note of all threads related to the introduction of a Quick Match Map Pool for the developers. Thanks, folks.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can only assist in English. For Steam users, we suggest running Steam as an Administrator on your PC. You should be able to use it then.
If not, can you provide what your PC specs are?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You could always check with the R6Discord[discord.gg] for people looking to group up!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to clarify- are you running Vulkan or DX11?

Moving this to Player Support for assistance!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to Player Support!

Did you try running Steam as an Admin on your PC as well?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What are your specs? Moving this to Player Support for assistance.
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for reaching out! Please note it may take up to 48 hours for a response, as the team works to answer cases as they come in. If you do not have an answer after 48 hours, you can reach out to the Twitter or Facebook[facebook.com] pages with your support ticket.
Could you reply with your ticket number as well? The team in the Player Support forum can also follow up on your issue for you as well.
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Moving this to Player Support for reference!
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by IsraChido:
Originally posted by Oplik: The perfomance vary by system, harware, drivers.... some people have better FPS with vulcan, and some with the same PC have better FPS with DX11. you can give it a try
I couldn't start the game with the Vulkan option, i tried launching it from UPlay, but i also couldn't, so... i should maybe update my GPU drivers?
Update your GPU drivers and try running Steam as an Admin on your PC.
Originally Posted by UFSBaLLz13
Exactly! They also need to bring back being gimped when you lose health under 50. No more running at 1 h.p.
Hmm, now this would be very interesting to see.
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
But it wasn't changed..it was revered back to it's original tactical state. Ask Croken...it's a good thing..
Exactly, thanks for sharing this, Coop! The devs feel the game got too fast, and this is a way of slowing things down just a bit, and this is based on some modified feedback from the TTS.

How's the experience been for you personally if you've had some time with the new ADS time?