Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

31 Jan

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It does! Reports are looked over by a dedicated team.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there!

Coincidentally I use these for my gaming PC at home. I'm not super well-versed in the world of gaming headsets, but from what I've gathered with my time using them (over 6 months) I'd say they're pretty solid. The sound is loud for the most part, but the microphone quality leaves a bit to be desired for me personally.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by the toast man: ye

Do you feel the weapon is a bad fit for him, or are you not a fan of the SMG 12 in general?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd say Flash Hider, but it's all about preference!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by syralixes: he got buffed? could i get a patch note or somethin
He was not.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking this thread. OP, you're more than welcome to start a new thread, but let's try to discuss/debate things in a more civil manner next time.
Originally Posted by Sgt Astor
God please not SMG12.
Personally, I adored the SMG 12 because of how it absolutely shredded people, it was one of my favorite weapons in the game!.. but I know how unbalanced it was. The SMG 12 will never be in that state again.
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
So this is probably the stupidest thing the balance team has ever done. She was hard nerfed for a reason and bringing her back to her prime just means they want her to op again.

They literally just nerfed the F2 several times because they understood that a high rof and low recoil gun is broken. Hell with their arse backward logic we should reverse the rework for lion and give bb 150hp shields.

And before console players come up i play on console and do not want this.
Hey there!

So in regards to Ela's buff, is there any particular reason why you feel this shouldn't have been done?
Hi, Cash,

The issue with uneven Ranked matches has been reported up the chain to the dev team for investigation. Ranked can already be a stressful experience, and getting into a game with either teammates who leave mid-game, or joining a game without a full team makes the experience even more frustrating. That's definitely not the kind of environment we want our players in.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is! Here you go!




Let me know if you need anything else. :)
Originally Posted by mahdiawam900
Hii siege community , i just want to ask the dev team about the last patch notes which changed the ADS time for all weapon, im a KAID main and i play with him literally every round, im schoked about the new ADS time of the TCSG 12 which is 400ms,this pose the question; is the balancing team has considered the TCSG 12 as a DMR ( maybe the penetration system has made this problematic) , Because in my opinion it's absolutely not. The drop of damage is higher than an actual DMR and the magazine is smaller and the most important thing is the recoil is very high and not comparable with an DMR equiped with a muzzle brake attachment. So this small change make me sad because i love KAID so much and i main him. I try to attache the angled grip to improve th...
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30 Jan

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by slythua: This was just a random idea for a character I had and its a sound boosting character that when he/her hears a hostile character they will ping them but this ability has a similar cav effect where it takes time to use and recharge. Can be reworked to do something alittle different but i feel an sound utility character might change the way the game is played and also make players use walk more often

I think it's an interesting concept. The idea of an operator who can enhance sounds just for themselves within a short vicinity for a brief second or two could be cool. I think pinging enemies for the entire team could be a bit excessive, however.

(P.S. I don't have any power to introduce any new Operators or abilities, but I figured I'd chime in. :)
Originally Posted by Gravemind01
Lol yes because god forbid you shame people who are ruining the games experience like a total jacka$$. Gotta protect the important people amirite?
As a community, it's not healthy to publicly name or shame other players in a negative way, even though it may seem like they've done something to warrant it. We ask for our players to take any visual evidence of cheating and toxic behavior to Ubisoft Support so it can be handled properly internally.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pink Butterfly xo: My ubisoft is constantly saying I'm offline and not letting me log in. Is anyone else getting this problem?
Hey Pink,

Are you only getting this issue on Siege or other Ubi titles?
For those on console asking for a nerf, what kind of nerf do you think she should get that balances her on consoles and PC?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Solid, thanks for the help Grim!

Hopefully other players who are having this issue will come across your thread.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ningen Isu-: I am new to the game, well soon, in a couple of hours i will own the game!
add me on Uplay "Chibiusa90"

don't be a toxic douche! ::(
Welcome to Siege, Ningen, I hope you enjoy your time with the game!

If you're looking for some tips and tricks on how to get a leg up on the competition, make sure you head over to R6 Academy [r6academy.ubi.com] and check out the content over there. :)
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by iambear.: Dear Ubi,

Can we get a Castle elite or some special outfit please?

Been seeing this around a bit recently!

In your mind, what would a Castle elite look like?