Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

01 Feb

    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys. Quick Play has its own separate MMR system to Ranked, so their rank is not taken into consideration when a match is formed. If you are encountering these players, it means your Quick Play MMR is similar, which could be for a variety of reasons. They may not play Quick Match as often, or just don't take it as seriously to stay in a lower MMR bracket.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Gyro!

Are you looking for the Year 2 Operator Bundle?
Just a note, I have merged a few posts together. In the future, please make sure to use the "Edit Post" feature if you have more to add, instead of making a new reply. You can find it under the + button. Thank you for your understanding!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Something: thank you

Wait... do you mean just a dog as an Operator, or an Operator with a dog as her/his gadget?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rych the wave: Is it just me or is it normal to always get in lobbies with plat players? I'm always around Silver 2 and in every mode except for ranked I get Plat enemies and lvl 30-60 team mates! In ranked they are around Gold 1 :/ Ubisoft do something pls!

Hey Rych, thanks for taking the time to share your Ranked experience with us.

With Ranked, you're matched up with teammates and enemy players that are within 1,000 MMR of yours, so the Plats you played must've been within that range. That MMR limit was implemented to prevent high Golds and Plats from boosting other players.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by desmotivado:
Originally posted by twunny phaiv: what are the issues with it??
It's harms mainly defensive operators

Can you give an example where you felt damage drop off was more of a negative for Defenders than for Attackers?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to Player Support in the event of a bug report. Are you using Vulkan or DX11?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Going to move this to player support!
The results may depend on your PC's specs. What are your specs?

31 Jan

Originally Posted by ItsBurguer
Please Ubi don´t remove Maestro ACOG.
Hey there Burguer, welcome to the forums.

Maestro's ACOG was removed with the most recent patch. Have you had a chance to test his Alda out with any of the other sights yet?
    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the suggestion! As a workaround, there is a community-created resource called R6Loot[www.r6loot.com] where you can search for specific skins.
It would be nice if there was some form of a checklist or an in-game tool to keep track of what you have.
Originally Posted by TheScoobiestDoo
THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK. I'm sorry but if I spend over 1000 hours of my life playing your stupid game and it functions better and crashes less on a CONSOLE than it does on my friggin PC then you have done something wrong. Every time I log on it's not a matter of if the game will crash it's when. Will it be when it loads? Will it be when I'm warming up in T hunt? Will it be in RANKED? And then I get hit with a "Connection lost" when I try to rejoin not once, not twice, but 3 SEPARATE TIMES of closing and re opening your stupid game and then I receive a 30 MINUTE ABANDON PENALTY???? I'm sorry but did I miss the part of the terms and conditions where the game functions less than a lawnmower thrown off the golden gate bridge? Did I fail to ...
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Originally Posted by MarcelDavis2un2
Funnily enough noone ever complained about rook when it comes to globals. I think finka is fine where she is altho i feel like giving her frags was questionable.
Do you feel she would fair better with a different kind of secondary utility? What do you think she would be better with?

Interesting comparison to Rook though. I haven't seen anyone mention him in a conversation with Finka.
Originally Posted by croken717
For me, I think it's as simple as making her ability something that only applies to her. No more jacking the whole team at once, or remote reviving fallen teammates across the map with just the push of a button. Her gadget is plenty strong enough, just for herself. If you want to balance her out a little bit since she wouldn't be global, you could always let her overclock herself a little bit more, similar to Doc (but maybe 130, instead of 120...because I never liked Doc pushing to 140 anyway). But I strongly believer that here ability should not touch the rest of the team, at all.

Thank you for asking!
This would be a pretty interesting ... Read more
I just added this thread to my notes to the developers. Thanks for reports, folks, I appreciate it. I know it can be frustrating to get killed in a gunfight you feel you should've one based on your crosshair placement.
Hey there, welcome to the forums!

The best I could find for you is the cosplay guide for some of the operators. I hope this helps a bit!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Alex:
Back to the Cloud Stingers, when you play, can you distinguish with (decent) accuracy what level the sound is coming from, as well as its distance from you? That's what would mainly make me go for them (of course, my expectation are proportional to the budget, I am not expecting hundreds of $ products-like performance); the mic wouldn't be that much of a problem for me, as long as it doesn't make noise that's alright, I am not usually talking alot over voice.

Thank you!

I'd say so! I tend to wear my headphones over my hoodie while playing and I'm still able to determine where certain sounds are and how near/far they may be. On the rare occasion that I'm wearing my headphones normally... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Adding this thread to my report to the devs, thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't have any details on upcoming sales, but we'll announce when we have something for you!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RobotTrenta: Amaru's gadget, despite allowing for quick breaching, is pretty slow. On top of that, her LMG is incredibly cumbersome to use. I honestly would prefer if she just had a decent AR to get her into action post-grapple faster.

Which AR in the game do you feel would fit her best?