Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

30 Jan

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Torterra246: I was wondering if it was possible to buy credits for someone else, it's for a friend's birthday and I want him to get the battle pass

I think it might be possible on Steam. If you search R6, you should get a result with 600 R6 Credits.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's all about preference, Nishan!

I tend to flip flop back and forth between the two, but I feel the SMG12 has the slight edge. Let's see what others think as well!
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 02: What should i pick Mozzie or Alibi ?? Or Who's the best roamer

I feel like you can't go wrong with either. When Alibi first came out, a lot of players used her prismas for a "smoke and mirrors" strat, and while there are some who still do that, her gadget is mostly used as distraction. If you have an enemy disctracted by a prisma for even a second and you're able to capitalize on that, it'll be huge for your team. Personally, I like to play her closer to site since I usually use my prismas on, or near site.

Mozzie on the other hand, is someone you can deep roam a ton with. If you're able to capture a few drones with his pests, you can set them up in popular areas where the Attackers push from and go for some late round flanks.

If we're basing things around weaponry, I'd give the edge to Alibi. Both Mozzie and Alibi's weapons have little-to-know recoil, but the fire... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sgt.Shadow: Ubi rep said this:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Hey Sgt, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Quick Match map rotation.

I know how frustrating it is for you to feel like you don't have control over which maps you play on. All players have preferences when it comes to maps, and this week, especially we've seen a ton of community members voice their frustration for the lack of House and Plane in the newest rotation.

We've been kee...
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    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dragonfly-44: Im solo player. There's often premade squad who decides to laugh like monkeys and kill me each round. I'd like to report those poor fellas for both griefing and voice abuse.

Hey Dragonfly, it's unfortunate to hear you ran into some toxic teammates while playing, I understand how frustrating that can be.

In regards to double reporting, the one that's submitted is already looked over by a dedicated team, but I can see the benefits for situations like yours. If you're able to, try to leave the match to avoid the situation escalating any further than it already has.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Make sure you're launching the game from Steam or Uplay instead of the shortcut. When you click play, you should have the option to launch the Vulkan version.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Spaghetti Boy: I recorded a video of 2 people throwing on my team, they tk'd etc, they even said they were purposefully deranking, anyway so will a video do anything at all or no?
By all means, if you have any visual evidence of toxicity in our game, please send it to Ubisoft Support [support.ubisoft.com] for investigation if you can.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sgt.Shadow: Your casual map rotation post if full of angry people wanting maps like house and plane for a long time.

Hey Sgt, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on the Quick Match map rotation.

I know how frustrating it is for you to feel like you don't have control over which maps you play on. All players have preferences when it comes to maps, and this week, especially we've seen a ton of community members voice their frustration for the lack of House and Plane in the newest rotation.

We've been keeping track of all threads this week discussing the rotation, so we'll be adding this to the list as well and sending it to the developer team. Unfortunately, we don't have anyth... Read more
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by locoboy69:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Definitely seems like their MMR was likely within 1,000 of ours.

how about you guys take level into consideration? it's annoying being queued with lvl sub 100s if you are lvl 200

Clearance level in Siege doesn't equate to skill, and is more of a gauge of how long they've been playing.

In this Season, the Quick Match (previously β€œCasual”) Playlist will again be receiving updates to its map rotation throughout the Season. There will be 14 maps available in Quick Match at any one time. Below you will find the latest Quick Match map pool.

Y4S4.3 - END OF Y4

Y4S4 - END OF Y4S4.2

Our goal is to give players the ability to familiarize themselves with a more curated selection of maps. We are also aiming to make the playlist more dynamic and enjoyable.
    Ubi-Keo on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Vulkan API Testing Hi Operators,

Please check this article[www.ubisoft.com] for more information about Vulkan API. There is an important notes section at the end of the article regarding GPU drivers and unsupported hardware.

When you launch Rainbow Six Siege after installing the latest update you may experience one of the following issues:

The option for Vulkan does not show up

. If the option for Vulkan is not available then please make sure that all of your drivers are up to date.

. Try restarting Steam

. Start the game by going into the installation folder and starting the Rainbow Six Sieg... Read more
Originally Posted by xcel30
Don't misunderstand, i believe you and this isn't a personal attack against you in any way, just saying devs have many times said some random lip service before so i don't trust you as this point was once brought up and then shut down. Similarly they nerfed thatcher to not break cams saying it was part of an ongoing rework and there would be a future buff that would make this change make more sense, that was more than an year ago.

Transparency is something the devs appear to have forgotten the same as general feedback
One thing that I can touch on are reworks. Those take a lot more time than you might anticipate. The amount of testing, ... Read more
    UbiFate on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can transfer a PC game between accounts, however any saves or progress aren't carried over in the transfer. More info can be found here[ubi.li]!

29 Jan

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dadash-Linjen.: My friend and I have tried this before. We play a few games. Then after a few games, when we start the queue the owner of the party gets kicked and searches for his own game. This is extremely annoying and nothing seem to fix it.

Anyone else having this problem, or maybe a solution?

Please Ubisoft. Fix this problem.

Are you getting an error code or are you just brought back to the main menu?
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
Please communicate that there is another side to this story though ... and that is the players who stick to Casual and never play Ranked. I am in that group, so I'm self-interested in how it gets treated.

I do not play ranked. I do not like AAA/DDD. I do not like Bomb. I do not like map design philosophy that caters specifically to Bomb-only matches. I do not like the Pick & Ban system. I do not like all the limitations, restrictions, and balance-smithing in Ranked. No sir ... I do not like it. And so if I don't like Ranked what am I supposed to play? Unranked? That's just "ranked lite...
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Originally Posted by xcel30
That's funny i remember they started investigating smurfing during operation health, so only NOW they started to investigate or is the same lip service?
I wasn't working on Siege during Operation Health, so I'm unable to confirm what their plans were around that time.
Originally Posted by PierlucaM2013
This news makes me very happy!
Can I suggest a reputation system for player behavior?
Absolutely, go for it!