Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

18 Jul

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We’ve taken a look at the interaction between the Jawas and Geonosians, and while the way thermal detonators are being applied is bugged (pun mildly intended), we think this is an interesting interaction and do not intend to take it away.

As such, we’re still working out the details, but we think we’re going to turn the bug into the intent and change the description to match. The ability moving forward will look something like the below (we’re still working on the final text and may change):

"At the end of each turn, Jawa Scavenger has a 50% chance to inflict a Thermal Detonator on all enemies that used an ability that turn for each time a Jawa ally was attacked that turn."

We’ll roll out the fix in an upcoming release and will notify you when that’s incoming.

EDIT: Updated the ability description
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Before we restarted the first Grand Arena Exhibition, some players spent crystals to refresh their Fleet Arena in order to complete one of the Championship feats. All eligible Championship players who used crystals to refresh Fleet Arena between the start of the event and the restart will be sent the spent crystals along with an inbox message explaining the issue. We are planning for an update to send these crystals out sometime next week, but we will let you know closer to the release.

This took longer than we expected to solve so thank you for your patience. See you on the holotables!
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update contains two fixes for the Grand Arena Championships. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread and your client will need to reboot.

  • [EVENT] - Only Lifetime Season Score points will be incremented when granted from a previous season. This could occur if players did not login and claim their Season Score Points prior to the end of a season.
  • [EVENT] - Championship Points for clearing zones with no defenses will now only be granted to the attacker.

16 Jul

EDIT 4:55pm:

Hi Holotable Heroes,
There was an issue with Fleet Energy that resulted in some players appearing to not regenerate energy. This was due to Fleet Energy being set to a negative state for some players during the update earlier today. This issue will be resolved by either waiting for Fleet Energy to actually reach 0 (could be up to 14 hours in extreme cases) or by refreshing Fleet Energy one or twice.

We've sent all players level 60 and up 150 crystals to assist with refreshing. If you are not seeing the inbox with the crystals, refresh your Inbox by tapping Allies or restarting your client.

We apologize for the inconvenience. See you on the Holotables.

We are aware there are issues with Fleet energy. The team is investigating right away and we will keep you up to date on the status of the fix in this thread.
EDIT 4:55pm:

Hi Holotable Heroes,
There was an issue with Fleet Energy that resulted in some players appearing to not regenerate energy. This was due to Fleet Energy being set to a negative state for some players during the update earlier today. This issue will be resolved by either waiting for Fleet Energy to actually reach 0 (could be up to 14 hours in extreme cases) or by refreshing Fleet Energy one or twice.

We've sent all players level 60 and up 150 crystals to assist with refreshing. If you are not seeing the inbox with the crystals, refresh your Inbox by tapping Allies or restarting your client.

We apologize for the inconvenience. See you on the Holotables.

We are aware there are issues with Fleet energy. The team is investigating right away and we will keep you up to date on the status of the fix in this thread.
Hi Holotable Heroes!
Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 7/16/2019.

For more info on these units, check out the kit reveals and strategy guides below:

The Geonosians are emerging from the hive with all-new tactics! Sun Fac, Poggle the Lesser, Geonosian Spy, and Geonosian Soldier have all been reworked to make use of the Hive Mind buff and are ready to join forces in battle.

Each Geonosian has received some big changes to their kit, and while under the influence of Hive Mind, they gain even more deadly effects.

The next phase of Seperatist Might starts later tonight. Use your freshly reworked Geonosians to battle the fierce Acklay!
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KLIK KLAK Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Developer Intentions will cover the Geonosian squad changes that will be reworked later today! These changes cover a bit more ground than usual so I’ve interviewed the group of designers who worked on these characters.

Check out the full kit changes for each character below: [ Sun Fac | ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update contains a fix for the Grand Arena Championships. We will be rolling out the server update over the next hour. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread and your client will need to reboot

  • [EVENT] - Players who did not receive score from Grand Arena round 1 in the current Championship will have their accounts modified to add those missing points the next time they log in.

If you were affected, there will be an inbox message sent to your account letting you know we fixed your issue. This update will require a restart of the game.

15 Jul

Hello Holotable Heroes,

As many of you noticed in the Territory Battle Geonosis Separatist Might, the encounters that each player within the guild faces are no longer the same for every member of the guild. These encounters pull from a random pool of encounters, but the pools themselves are limited and each node only pulls from a small handful of them.

Much like how we’ve informed you what platoon requirements are, we’d like to take an opportunity here and share the same level of information as to which enemies are possible to encounter as Elites at each of the nodes. Remember, these are just the possible enemies you will face. There is no way to know beforehand which group you’ll actually end up fighting in battle until you actually attempt the node.

ELITES IN SEPARATIST MIGHT (Note: Other non-elite units will appear in battle with the characters listed below)
Phase 1 Top Territory
  • Padawan Anakin
  • CT-5555 “Fives”
  • ...
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Hello Holotable Heroes,

In a prior post, I talked about how we were adding more acquisition sources of Gear 12. I alluded to some more changes that we wanted to make, and these changes are coming in our next update.

Before I go into the changes, I wanted to lay out the terminology that we use when talking about Gear 12 since we released Gear 12 pieces in blocks:
  • Old Gear 12 - The left 3 slots on a character at Gear 12
  • Gear 12+ - The right top and right middle sl...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

I have a short status update on some of the recent issues with Grand Arena Championships.
  • We are working on adjusting player's Championship score from the Grand Arena round last week that did not award 1000 points for wins. This will occur in an update later this week. The points from the round over the weekend should have gone out correctly but we are also investigating reports that both rounds did not award 1000 points for a win.
  • We have identified which players that spent crystals to refresh Fleet Arena to complete Fleet Feats during the canceled Grand Arena Championship but we wanted to let you know that the compensation is still coming.

Stay tuned for an update on when these changes will occur later today or tomorrow.

12 Jul

Server Update: 7/12 ~5PM PST
• Championship points for Round Wins will now be awarded moving forward
• Game will not be restarted for this update
• Next week, we will look into correcting affected player's scores impacted
• We will post more information Monday 7/15 on this issue

Thank you all, and have a GREAT weekend!

Server Update: 07/12 ~5PM PST
• Championship points for Round Wins will now be awarded moving forward
• Game will not be restarted for this update
• Next week, we will look into correcting affected player's scores impacted
• We will post more information Monday 7/15 on this issue

Thank you all, and have a GREAT weekend!

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of the issue that is causing players to not receive their Championship points for certain actions in Grand Arena Championships. The dev team is investigating the root of the cause right away and I will keep you up to date on the status of this issue in this thread.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are continuing to review the Grand Arena Championships for any issues during this exhibition. We’ve received reports of crashes during battle and players unable to enter Grand Arena. We are investigating further and are looking for more information.

If you experience either of these issues, please head over to this thread on Answers HQ and post the following information:

  • What issue you are having?
  • Your Ally Code
  • Your phone model and firmware
  • When did you sign up for this...
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11 Jul

Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update contains several fixes for the Grand Arena Championships. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

  • [EVENT] - Fixed an issue where previous season points were carried over from Championship Exhibition A to Championship Exhibition B. Affected player's leader board scores will resolve automatically after they earn points during the current season

  • Lifetime Championship score is displayed as off by 1 on some game screens

03 Jul

Hi Holotable Heroes!

I wanted to call special attention to that in this morning's server release we believe we fixed the issue that was allowing a relatively small, but highly visible, number of players from earning extra score from winning rounds in Grand Arena and have prevented further cases in the future.

While you may notice that we've fixed some player's scores behind the scenes (and are continuing to make adjustments) on their Arena Status page, the Global Leaderboards won’t update until players score in the next Grand Arena. While this isn’t optimal from a cosmetic or informational perspective, it was important that we prioritized fixing the underlying issue first.

I especially want to reaffirm that we’re monitoring all aspects of player experience during this Exhibition Season. Integrity is the highest priority to us - especially matchmaking, cheat prevention and scoring - and we will continue to make adjustments and fix issues as needed to pro... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes!

Today’s Server Update contains several fixes for the Grand Arena Championships. We will be rolling out the server update over the next several hours. Once complete, we will notify you in this thread.

  • [EVENT] - Fixed an issue that caused Grand Arena tiebreakers to not use matchmaking score. Tie breakers will now use matchmaking GP when determining the winner.
  • [EVENT] - Players can no longer gain extra score from winning rounds of Grand Arena in some circumstances. Note: The change in score will only be visible on the player profile initially. The global leaderboard will not update until that player scores in a future Grand Arena.
  • [EVENT] - Fixed an issue that caused the final Grand Arena round in a Championship season to show the time to the end of the season end instead of the Grand Arena review period

  • Lifetime Championship score is ...
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28 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Below are several known issues for Grand Arena Championships. We are continuing to monitor for any issues and make changes accordingly during this Exhibition round. We will be able to make more substantial changes once the Exhibition is compete. Please post over in the megathread if you run into any additional bugs or have feedback around the event.

  • Tie Breakers are not correctly calculating viable GP when determining a winner if banners are tied at the event of a Grand Arena round
  • ...
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26 Jun

Hi Holotable Heroes!
Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 6/26/2019.

For more info on these units, check out the kit reveals and strategy guides below:
  • Negotiator - Blueprints available for MkII Guild Event Tokens in the Guild Event Store
  • Wat Tambor - Shards for Wat Tambor can be earned ...
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