The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

03 May

What have been some of the memorable experiences you have all had with the weather events? Positive or negative alike - they certainly can change a fight or entire mission.
I personally have had a bit of the opposite experience, constantly gaining slight improvements either directly to my gear score or indirectly by minor improvements on my build. But I can definitely understand where you're coming from - it has slowed down as I've gotten higher and higher gear score. Out of curiosity, could you describe what your typical experience is when you log on? What activities grab your attention, and what aspects of the game do you feel lose it as you're playing?

Originally posted by WhyNotZoidberg_AU

I appreciate the response but I do feel there's something broken in the MM algorithm on our data centre's.

As I feel very strongly that this isn't a population issue, this is a MM algorithm specifically under our Australian data centre's issue, I am willing to challenge Massive in a $300 AUD (Australian Dollar) bet.

My challenge is for Massive to:

  • Get 3 people to connect to Australia servers via a VPN, forcing connection via code or best done in person in Australia
  • 3 different providers would be nice (and I mean ISP's just to isolate further)
  • Queue a match making mission via the map -> random mission
  • Do this before the next maintenance

The win state is:

  • All 3 individuals must connect to games within Australia servers (ESC -> Server Shown) - with other Oceanic players. (not 3 separate solo sessions)
  • If there exists low population, those 3 individuals would likely connect to the same rando...
Read more

Just to add some clarification: Oceania players matching with US servers is not broken. This is on purpose with the explanation above. You guys are pointing out some things that we can definitely have a look at, no question. There's also no need to proof you wrong, that doesn't actually solve anything. If the way matchmaking currently works for the region and it's not what players want we can change it. There's no benefit to us to be right on this just for the sake of being right.

We'll look into some of the feedback players have been providing here and I can see if I can also give you guys some more clarification on the matchmaking process or something else that will make it easier to understand how things are working right now.


Originally posted by durztwo

very long matchmaking queues

How is is it "very long matchmaking queues" exactly when you can have two players in Australia sitting side by side, they both start matchmaking for the same thing at the same time, and they will never be matched with each other no matter how long you wait?

It's just broken software. It might surface itself as "very long matchmaking queues", but it's still broken at the core.

We're not relying on player feedback only and we use data of how long players are waiting in queue. Regarding your two players sitting next to each other: Is the expectation that the game just starts with those two Australian players and the group gets potentially never filled?

Definitely interested in hearing more about that. Thanks for the input!


Hey. We understand there's some confusion around this and some players think matchmaking is broken. Due to very long matchmaking queues we decided to allow players from Oceania to be matched with other servers. We prioritize matching with the US West servers now to at least allow players to join with other agents that speak the same language while having relatively quick queues, but we understand that latency is an issue.

There's probably not an ideal solution for everybody. Some players would like to never match outside of their region because latency is the most important to them. Other agents would prefer to have quicker queues and don't care that much about latency. And then there's probably a bunch more options and opinions that players have. We know this is a tricky topic but we appreciate your feedback and we can make further changes to the matchmaking.

Greetings Agents,

The servers will shut down for a scheduled maintenance Thursday, May 2nd at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 00:30 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours.

  • Fixed an issue where players could not interact with Henry Hayes.

Please follow this thread for any updates as the maintenance progresses.

Thank you,
The Division 2 Team
Yes I agree, sometimes achievements and trophies can be limited in the information they provide. I'm hoping other players will be able to provide some input, just in case there is any confusion
Originally Posted by McFrunze
Hi to all, anyone has obtained this achievement? I'm trying it but even if i've killed a lot of disavowed agents in each Dark Zone the achievement still doesn't popup..
So i'll be gratefull if anyone could give me suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
Hey! We haven't had any reports of there being an issue with this trophy at this time.

I will move this thread to the general discussion section for the time being, so other players can offer their suggestions. If we can determine there is an issue we can move it back to Technical Support ... Read more

02 May

Originally Posted by KagatoAC
I've been looking for a Toy Car for over a week, lol
You will receive a Toy Car this week.

- Scottie
Originally Posted by NikolasKelset
I did 4 hunters and got 5 masks because an npc revived one of the hunters and when I killed him again he dropped another one. Every hunter I ever killed (once or twice) dropped a mask.
Well, that's nice.

- Scottie

01 May

Originally Posted by VampiricVulpix
It makes Reinforcer Chem shots last over 11 full seconds, you can fully heal any player in one shot.
The glitter animation fades away within default time, however the green healing radius on the ground remains & heals.

I've been running that setup most of the time now, able to fully heal dps running teammates pushing 250K armor & up all the time. Plus amazingly enough, using that setup with the few decent skills mods for the Chem Launcher that survived the nerf, you've got options. Ammo & duration boost skill mods being the options.
This is really fascinating. How would you describe your role/moment to moment actions while in a... Read more
I would also recommend reading the book New Dawn ,which talks about the Castle Settlement before it's demise. For those of you that enjoy lore
Glad to hear it has improved for you all
Closed due to trolling.
There's a couple of threads on this and the feedback's pretty mixed in both. Thanks to those offering tips to help others get through it!
Hey! This seems better suited as a gameplay query, rather than a technical issue.

The only explanation I have is if you have other gear that is already giving you weapon damage. Unhinged may only be multiplying your base weapon damage. For example...

Base weapon damage: 20,000
Gear modifiers: +25% damage = 25,000
Unhinged modifier: +25% base damage = 30,000

I hope this information helps, and perhaps more players can add their own input. I will move this to the General Discussion section for the time being!