The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

15 Apr

Originally Posted by Gamer5170
Unfortunately, even junk is subject to the blessings or curses of RNGesus.

We don't ask about my collection of 37 utensils stolen from bags lying around the city...

... What?

Why are you looking at me like that?

But in all seriousness, yeah, completely random. All I can really tell you is search every bag you see lying around. Probably your best bet. To make things easier, donate to a Control Point to get the detection buff.
He's absolutely right.

I have enough diamonds to start my own Division Agent Jewelry store.
It's definitely an important part of any setup - both before and after upgrading. Especially if the Tac-50 and other Specialization weapons are made so strong, how much ammo do you feel should be provided for what would essentially be boss-deletion devices? Or how might stockpiling your ammo then become a secondary objective of sorts?
To my understanding, Stability is how much the reticle moves around and expands while shooting... Accuracy is how tight the spread will be within that reticle... and Handling is a little bit of both as well as swap speed and reload speed.
I swap from Assault to Flame if I have any weapons that deal bonus damage to on-fire targets or if I'm playing in a group.. Merphee has it right about knowledge of enemy spawns or bottlenecks being super important though.

Also, don't forget you can toggle on/off the fire with the ability button. It drains MUCH slower when it's not shooting. Also allows for more staggered bursts for when multiple waves of enemies spawn.

Hope this helps.
What might the other weapons get? How do you feel this would improve the game especially in terms of build variety?
Originally Posted by teksuo1
maybe add an option to activate hyper-yolo npcs after its fixed?
I like the name though... hyper-yolo tactics. I've played with some people who employ such tactics but to much lesser effect...
I have picked up enough diamonds to fill a bank... RNG can be a strange beast.
Originally Posted by Natfrog
Honestly It's a bit confusing if I'm being honest. When I pick up a specialization I instantly forget my other stuff? Kind of doesn't really make any sense even from a balance stand point. Nothing really doubles up besides pistol damage and signature damage which I can say would be OP if we had all 3 of them at once. Everything else is basically per situation. Why must I run with an AR on my survivalist and not a sniper rifle? As a caster i want to be back as far as i can be because I'm super squishy.
For the bit about 'forgetting' the stats and such, I personally chalk it up to being a big piece of gear (up until recently I sported the Sharpshooter outfi... Read more
Originally Posted by SakariFoxx
Glad you asked, I got a post coming later today that I hope someone from ubi will weight in on.
Keep in mind that just because we might not comment on it, doesn't mean we don't see it.
No, progress cannot transfer across platforms.
The game definitely takes it up a notch once you reach the endgame and Black Tusk invades DC. You'll want to make sure your gear is as up to date as possible and you may need to adjust your tactics to deal with the new enemy. I'm sure other players on here will have more specific and in-depth advice to offer as well.
Originally Posted by As1r0nimo
It's needed due to absurd dmg numbers.
But it should be less aggressive.
By what degree do you believe? I've seen a lot of criticism of Normalization, but seldom see people advocating for it to just be toned down. What degree of non-normalized variation to you feel is a healthy amount?
MurderrTrain, have you tried this with the Jammer Pulse specifically?
Just to add on to what Joonnyy said, here is a meatier quote from the recent patch notes:

Originally Posted by UbiAmper
Tank builds do not feel viable as armor and health don't seem to provide enough benefit and sustain:
A: We agree. It’s a complex issue to solve, but in the interest of transparency, here’s our thought process. The way to take the least damage in the game is to kill everything that could do damage to you. So the players damage output ends up also mitigating a lot of incoming damage in that indirect way. Further, the faster you burst an enemy down, the less time you have to spend popped up from cover. Added to that, we didn’t want to scale enemy health as much as their damage in harder content always to avoid as much of the “bullet sponge” s...
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How do you feel the Specializations (weapons, talents, and all) of The Division 2 compare to the free-range talents and skills of The Division?

Edit: Free range insofar as any and all skills and all talents, etc. were all simultaneously available to everyone. No imposed archetypes.
Real quick, for those concerned about crossbow damage/effectiveness, have you gotten the perks to increase Spec. weapon damage?

Now to everyone, what do you feel the different Specializations are lacking (besides damage), what do you feel would give them a bigger, better impact?

14 Apr

There are a set of Weekly Invaded missions that rotate in order to keep the mission pool changing frequently.
To anyone who has not found the Chatterbox blueprint yet, I've seen threads where players found the drop and Liberty parts on normal difficulty.

- Scottie
Sounds like this all got sorted. Thanks for the answers, everyone!