The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

15 Apr

Just to add on to what Joonnyy said, here is a meatier quote from the recent patch notes:

Originally Posted by UbiAmper
Tank builds do not feel viable as armor and health don't seem to provide enough benefit and sustain:
A: We agree. It’s a complex issue to solve, but in the interest of transparency, here’s our thought process. The way to take the least damage in the game is to kill everything that could do damage to you. So the players damage output ends up also mitigating a lot of incoming damage in that indirect way. Further, the faster you burst an enemy down, the less time you have to spend popped up from cover. Added to that, we didn’t want to scale enemy health as much as their damage in harder content always to avoid as much of the “bullet sponge” s...
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How do you feel the Specializations (weapons, talents, and all) of The Division 2 compare to the free-range talents and skills of The Division?

Edit: Free range insofar as any and all skills and all talents, etc. were all simultaneously available to everyone. No imposed archetypes.
Real quick, for those concerned about crossbow damage/effectiveness, have you gotten the perks to increase Spec. weapon damage?

Now to everyone, what do you feel the different Specializations are lacking (besides damage), what do you feel would give them a bigger, better impact?

14 Apr

There are a set of Weekly Invaded missions that rotate in order to keep the mission pool changing frequently.
To anyone who has not found the Chatterbox blueprint yet, I've seen threads where players found the drop and Liberty parts on normal difficulty.

- Scottie
Sounds like this all got sorted. Thanks for the answers, everyone!
Originally Posted by TheVavil
You absolutely can loot the other components and make one on each character.

I have done this on two characters so far.

edit: What "Boon-Dock_Saint" said in the previous answer is also a way to do it.
Thank you for the first-hand experience, TheVavil!
Loving all the responses here. Similar to what many above me have said, voice communication can be helpful, yes, but it is by no means mandatory or even necessarily an expectation for standard matchmaking. I know I have seen some clans who look specifically for those willing to use voice chat, but I would bet there are equally as many with no such qualifications.

(I personally have voice chat on but don't speak. That way I can get the info I might need but only responding through text chat.) Keep up the great responses everyone!
Couple things... firstly, please remember than you can edit your posts to include multiple quotes instead of making several posts in rapid succession, as that can cause issues in the thread and beyond. Secondly, especially when in a heated discussion with another player, make sure you are reading everything that they have to say so as to not argue past each other and confuse the conversation.

I'm glad that Pottsey's build is working out for him, and I appreciate all the different feedback I've seen here. A question I have though, when you refer to skill builds as not being 'viable,' particularly when compared to DPS builds, what does viable mean to you? What should it take to reach that level of viability?
Hey everyone. Just a reminder to be respectful to your fellow forum members while conversing on here. If you're in an intense back-and-forth with someone else, be sure to read their entire post carefully to ensure that you aren't talking past each other.

The DZ has been a hot topic for as long as I can remember; while the OP has some really interesting ideas, it feels like it's making a replica of the base game within the DZ, but the DZ has always been that intersection of high-stakes PvE content and aggressive PvP content. All the while giving a unique sense of paranoia and tension that even your allies might turn on you. That said, it feels to me like the proposed system by the OP does more to further divide the DZ from the main game experience rather than working to better meld the two. Even when changes and improvements in The Division 2 have made partaking in the DZ a more preference based choice than it ever has been.

All this to say: To the PvE pl... Read more

Originally posted by redtigerstripe

I've experienced this same issue where I fast travel to an enclosed location and all the exits are stuck closed. Even if I fast travel to a control point where I'm outside already, the game will crash after a minute or two (delta 3). I am running version on xbox and see no updates available. I hope this issue is resolved soon.

Thank you for this info. The workarounds I suggested were based on user reports, but I'm aware that these fixes aren't consistent. When I reported this, I made sure to reinforce that it's having a large impact on players.

Hey brhume, projects were fixed on April 8th - what level/Gear Score are you? And what are you seeing in the projects menu?

Originally posted by Cattattat

Even when we can get out into the world many interactables are broken. The map is wrong as well with a great number of activities simply not present.

If those events are relayed to us from a server then that would point to it being server side. It would also explain why we can't leave as we can't communicate with the server to have it create an instance for us.

Different people have been experiencing this beginning at different times as well. I had no problems playing until sometime this morning. While others were having problems many hours before me, at the same time I was playing without issue.

Restarts don't really "fix" the problem as it eventually returns.

In any event its very discouraging to not be able to play a game while not being told why or when to expect a solution. Without communication we are going to assume that nothing is being done. Many people are buying the game due to the current sale and this is their first impression.


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Thank you very much for all the info. I was trying to offer workarounds that other players had reported in order to alleviate the issue for individual players if at all possible.

All I can say at this stage is that I highlighted how big of an impact this is having on you and other players when I reported it. I understand that the fixes don't seem to be consistent.

Originally Posted by Demiz3r
I ask you to keep an open mind. Give it a watch. Please don't make this into another PvP vs PvE. Keep it civil and constructive.
Extremely co-signed. Thank you for sharing the video so people can discuss this.
Originally Posted by Goo-Goo-Man
Skill power does not affect skill base damage at all. It only determines whether you can apply mods to your skills or not. The mods applied will raise your base damage, amongst other things.
That is correct. Mods, talents, and Sets are the primary way of increasing the effectiveness of your skills. How do skills feel to use and improve with the post-update system?
Is this issue persisting after having all available missions and side missions completed?
Hey all, we've forwarded the feedback on enemies spawning right on top of/behind players.
Thanks for all the answers everyone!
We have no current news on this. Please make sure to stay on the forums for further updates.

- Scottie
Heads up, make sure we are keeping the conversation on topic, constructive, and civil in the thread.
Thank you.

- Scottie