

28 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reply!

So DLC is usually not cross-compatible across different launchers which is why you may be seeing this error message also.

As you have 2x copies of the game on the same Ubisoft account, you should have 2x game tiles for For Honor in the Ubisoft Connect launcher - one purchased from Connect, one from Steam.

Can you check if you have 2x game tiles for For Honor, in your games library, in the Connect launcher or do you have a screenshot of this?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ibalgin_ thank you for the update and I am happy to hear this has stopped affecting your now.

If you encounter these disconnects in future, please keep an eye on our server status website to check if there are any reported issues on our servers such as degradation or outages, as this can happen from time to time but only affect certain platforms > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ibalgin_ thanks for reaching out to us.

If you see this message when launching the game from Steam >>
"There was a problem authenticating the ownership of this product"

This usually means the game is connected to either a different Steam account or a different Ubisoft account.

  • Do you have more than one Steam or Ubisoft account?
  • Are you signing in with the correct accounts?
  • Have you linked your Steam and Ubisoft accounts together?
  • Have you purchased the game and DLC from the same launcher?
  • ...
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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reply @Soldier_of_Dawn - I edited your post to remove the case and chat logs as this is something we need to do for data protection reasons.

I have looked into your case and can see that it has been forwarded to the For Honor game team to investigate and document, this team will also create a bug report with our For Honor QA team to see if they can replicate the issue as well and try and find a solution.

Thank you again for creating a private support case with us and for providing the system files we need to rule out certain factors and pos...

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27 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @cde1 thank you for getting in touch with us and sorry to hear you have encountered this error message.

I will move your post to our Siege forum as you are currently posting in our Extraction forums.

This error message is usually caused by anti-virus software or Windows Firewall settings.

Can you ensure that Siege and Ubisoft Connect are marked as a trusted programs in any software you may be using and also ensure that Ubi Connect is running with admin rights >> ...

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Thank you for the feedback on this @TSM-EGC I am sorry to hear you are disappointed by the cloud save profile storage. Your concerns have been noted.


Hello @GodPlix thanks for getting in touch with us.

Bans are applied according to our game data and other player reports. A player will not receive a 7-day suspension unless multiple reports and game data have been flagged/reported on that player's account. I am afraid we are unable to go into any more detail about how our ban process works or share details on any individual ban a player may have on our forums.


Hello @TTVHDAndreasEST thank you for getting in touch with us.

Can you please let us know where you purchased/redeemed the game from?

If you have 'claimed' the game from Xbox Game Pass previously and you are a current subscriber, please see our Xbox Game Pass subscription thread for more information on how to solve any Xbox Game Pass issues related to Extraction >> ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Robert_the_red thank you for your post.

I have looked into our investigations of missing sound effects in-game and the most recent report I could find was submitted to us via our For Honor bug reporter tool regarding no sound effects heard when attacking or from grunts during battle.

This appears to have been fixed back at the end of June this year.

Do you have a link to these other bug reporting tickets you mention, or do you have a video showing this occuring in the latest update Year 6 Season 2 (that shows...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Intervin thank you for getting in touch with us.

This 7-0 error code is usually seen when there is a degradation, outage or maintenance ongoing on our For Honor servers. Our servers status can be checked via this link at the time of your next error code, to see if there are any reported issues ongoing >> https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/status/: (https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/status/)

These a...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @BluePower59, thanks for getting in touch with us about these control issues.

I have a few questions to ask to help better understand the potential cause >>

  1. Have you tried to remap any of the keys for the guard or any other actions in this menu? > https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/for-honor/a...
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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Soldier_of_Dawn thank you for providing that video, I can see how this bug can be rather frustrating.

Just to clarify that I have understood the issue correctly, when entering the customization options for one of your heroes, sometimes the game can bug out where it will show the same rewards multiple times via a notification and your heroes progression will temporarily appear as locked or level 1, which forces you to have to shut down the game and restart.

Before I report this issue to our devs, have you performed any troubleshooting to check if thi...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reply @HuskyG4ming123 the Ubisoft account you received the ban on and any linked Steam or Epic accounts would be banned from ever being able to play the game again, even if you were to purchase a new game key, we are unable to go into much further detail then that I'm afraid.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone thank you for reaching back out to us about this progression issue.

I have seen a few reports of this lately in our forum, so I will be merging a few threads together.

Now we are unable to check your rank, progression detail and match history over our forums, but if you get in touch with us over our support link, we should be able to check in detail, the any ELO/MMR/XP you have received, and for which matches. You can contact us about this here > Ubisoft Email Support > https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact

If you have encountered this issue recently, to help us gather more information could you please answer the following >>

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Dudoser1339 I am sorry to hear the game is refusing to launch for you!

This support article contains some of the most common fixes for game and launcher crashes and covers permissions, hardware, and software issues that could potentially cause these crashes. Could you please run through every step in this guide you have yet to try, to see if it can narrow down some possible causes of this issue > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @UMagnificentia I am sorry to hear you are underwhelmed by your latest purchase and cosmetic.

Whilst we are unable to refund this currency once it has been spent, do you have a screenshot of how this shade should look and how it looks when applied to the Kagemi armour, so we can report this to our devs to check if this is a bug?

You can upload a screenshot or photo of this, directly to this thread using the picture logo on the far right of the text box tools above (Please make sure any images posted are under 2MB and 2000x2000 aspect ratio)

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @bodorex74 thank you for getting in touch with us about this crashing issue and that specific error message.

It sounds as though the game may not be using your dedicated graphics card and is instead using your integrated graphics on your motherboard.

To check this, launch the game, then open Windows 'Task Manager', select the 'Processes' tab, under the 'GPU Engine' list, and check to see if your game is using GPU0 or GPU1.

If you then click on the performance tab and scroll down the list, it should tell you which GPU is GPU0 and GPU1

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Tory_Smash55 thank you for getting in touch with us.

If you are trying to purchase the currency through Steam, please wait 24 hours in case of multiple failed purchase attempts, as there may be a temporary lock on your account if you keep seeing this error message.

In the meantime, please make sure your card or payment details are not expired, or are due to be expired and please make sure you are using the correct currency for your region and Steam Store country code, which you can check on your account details here >> ...

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Hello @pimmas01 your thread will have been moved here as you mentioned disconnections and this is an issue we would like to help all players with, but first we must establish where the issue is coming from, ISP, router, and servers through troubleshooting steps.

If you would rather give feedback on the issue and share your experience and not request help to try and fix this issue, that is perfectly fine and we can move your post back to our general discussion area.

Please make sure to tag any of your future posts with a Feedback tag, so we know you are not looking for support with this issue - I will edit your post with this tag now.

Please also note the platform you are playing on too, when you can.

26 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @YrDoom1 thanks for getting in touch with us about your rank progression and welcome to the forums.

In order for us to be able to check your progression and match history, we would need you to contact us privately about this issue so we can see your game data.

If you believe your ranked progression is not increasing correctly, please get in touch with us privately with the date when you first noticed this being an issue, so we can check your gameplay history >
Ubisoft Email/Live Chat support > ...

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