

18 Jul


Hello @BurtMaclin-GOAT, thank you for sharing your request to extend the current Manhunt event.
If you have any more feedback about the game or suggestions, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum for our community team to see, thank you.


Hello @Phenomenon47 thank you for your sharing your thoughts on the addition of close-quarter combat to the game.

I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum, to see if there are other players who would like to contribute to this too and so it can be seen by a larger audience, including our game devs and community team.
If you have any more feedback about the game, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum, as the Player Support section is more for bug reporting and technical issues, thank you!

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Thanks for confirming the fix worked for you blob1807, I will mark this thread resolved, as we haven't had any further contacts since the update, thank you.

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Thanks for the reply ZzouZzou let us know how it goes. We had other reports that there were problems with Bluetooth controllers recently in the game, but our devs and players confirmed this was working with the latest Trackmania update 202206290954-202207061137, so please let us know if this is not the case for you.

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Thank you for the reply @theinsan3 I believe this is working as intended as part of the game's design but we will forward this feedback on as a feature request you would like to see aded to the game, automatic switching of audio sources, thank you.

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Hello @Travis-Tm, thank you for getting in contact with us about your game refusing to launch and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

Could you please follow each step in our tech troubleshooting guide? This guide contains the most common fixes for this issue and will also help rule out if it was caused by hardware, software, corrupted file, Windows settings and out-of-date drivers > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Ouandji-TM thanks for getting in touch with us and very sorry for the delay in replying.

Could you please check out our pinned thread and follow the first two sets of troubleshooting steps contained in this thread here? >

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15 Jul

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Hey @CaptainWillem sorry to hear of your missing exotic after donating resources.

For any content or items that have gone missing from your game, we would need to take a look at your account privately, in order to investigate if we can see the date the item was added to your account.

Please contact us on the following link for further help with this issue > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Jarraxx thanks for getting in touch and thank you for giving us your specs too.

You mention that during combat there are strange effects created by certain attacks, I haven't come across this issue yet.

Do you have any images or screenshots that will help show exactly how this looks in the game?

If you do not have any at hand, if you find any video clips online of what this looks like in-game, you can link that in this thread also if you prefer?

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No worries acika84 keep in touch with us and let us know when this happens again and what error code appears. If there are any unusual ones not contained in our 'error codes' list we can ask our QA team to look into them too to try and find out what is causing them. In the meantime, take care of yourself friend.

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Thank you @Aldur2309 and @MysticExile111 for answering my questions and providing replication steps - I've passed this on to our QA's investigation - thanks again for all t...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @x-man thanks for getting in touch with us.

You can report cheating or toxic players in-game using the Report A Player tool >
If you happen to have video eviden...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks Tyranmedic just above that number, does it have an alphanumeric code such as CUSA 12345 and if so, what does it say for you?

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Thank you Longstridee for doing that, it will help us proceed with your refund without any further delays - I have escalated your case for a refund now to another team, hopefully, an agent will be able to process this asap.

Hey Evarr, you are very welcome, glad to hear you've had your refund now - again, I am sorry for any disappointment caused by this purchase issue!

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Hello everyone, thanks for providing this information and screenshots of what this loot looks like in-game and how the normal colour for that loot appears different to usual.

We reached out to our Division team about this issue and they told us that this colour change was intentional, so that the player can quickly find the combat boosters mid-combat.

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Thanks for sharing that link to Xbox Gamebar kiviestv, it's also the software I recommend using for capturing footage of bugs on Windows 10/11, for any clips we need to forward to our QA team.

I will be locking this thread, now the issue is marked as fixed in our changelog. If anyone does happen to have an issue with the Bluescreen talent and can provide a video on the latest game update, please get back to us in a new thread.


Hello everyone, thank you for the feedback on the Firestarter Chem Launcher and Riot Foam Grenade expertise bouses and your disappointment when using them in-game.

I have made note of this thread and have passed this feedback over to our Division team to document. I can not promise you will receive any kind of official answer from our devs on this topic, but your concerns have been noted.
As this is not a bug report but rather feedback on some of the game's specializations and skill mods, this thread will be moved to our General Discussion area, thank you.

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Thanks for letting us know you have been using the physical copy of the game, I will forward this information over for the investigation I opened up.

On the game cover case, on the spine of the case where it says Tom Clancys The Division 2 (side), can you tell me what the 5/6 number alphanumeric code is underneath the black Ubisoft logo? As this is your region code that may be useful for the team to know?

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Hey GT_Hawk You should still have the option to contact us through email support using this link which will take you to your open cases >  https://www.ubisoft.com/help/cases

If you were to open more live chats with us, it may actually take us longer to assist you, as you will be opening more separate cases, so I can only advise you to wait for a reply over email if you have already opened a case with us, we will be with you as soon as we can. As per my last message, regrettably, sometimes it may take us longer than 48 hours to get back to you if we have a high volume of players contacting us at this time, but your case will be in our queue.

14 Jul

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, thanks for bringing this thread back to our attention.

We have a similar thread regarding these crashes, players noted that when running to the extraction point or performing a sharp turn in a particular area, the game would tend to crash.

I'll let the team know you have also experienced this on different Xbox platforms. In the meantime I will merge these threads together to help us gather more details where needed, thank you.