

05 May

Your feedback and thoughts about the game (and the community at large) are important to us, but this thread has somewhat devolved into dog piling the OP and has long since moved away from the original point that was brought up. Please try to stay on topic and respectful while engaging in the different conversations on these forums.

As for the OP and the conversations in general... When it comes to discussions about PvP and/or PvP, it is important (and more helpful) to talk about the different gameplay aspects or experiences that you have, rather than commenting on those of others. Generalizing an entire group of players or talking down to a particular type of player does not help drive the discourse forward. Oftentimes all it takes is one misplaced (or misread) jab or insult to start a toxic death spiral for a thread.

I've said this in other threads and elsewhere before, please remember that all the other players, posters, and mods on here all want to see... Read more
Originally Posted by Squirrelrabbit
This is a looter shooter where your gear is suppose to matter . If people take time to put together good builds with min max stats they should do better than someone who throws on purple crap or barely plays this game and doesnt take any time or put any thought into their builds . Gear score doesnt matter anymore theres absolutely no reason to really care anymore about it . I'm talking about the darkzone only .
Well yes, and with Normalization you will still see peaks and valleys from your loadout. Your build still has its optimizations even after Normalization; it's not an entirely level playing field. Now finding the line between a 100% level p... Read more


While you can mute other players, if they are harassing you or using offensive language, that is something we take very seriously. In cases of this kind of toxicity, please report such players to Ubisoft Support and we will take the appropriate actions.
Originally Posted by Nennee
Daily project DZ.

Kill 50 enemies in dark zone west.
Its just that dark zone west is normalisation disabled.

Trying to lure us PvE players in there to the slaughter bench huh.
This type of Daily Project can serve several purposes. It can provide a one-off incentive for players who have been considering venturing into the ODZ, it can provide an additional objective for players already in the ODZ, it can tip the scale for a player that bounces between DZs and encourage them to try a new DZ activity, etc.

What was the overall impact of this Daily Project on your play session? Both before and after you saw it? ... Read more
You had me there at the beginning. I would also suggest arrow keys, but I appreciate the feedback nonetheless!
Run with a group! Try new experimental builds! Pick up and use weird weapons! I'm a big fan of playing the game in different ways to find what not only works best, but is also the most fun. Go go go!
Thanks for the helpful advice, everyone. Good answers in here.

04 May

Due to the excessive amounts of trolling, flaming, and general toxicity, this thread is being closed. If you want to talk about the game on these forums, you are expected to do so respectfully.
As this thread has devolved into unproductive toxicity, it will be closed. Feedback about why you might not be enjoying your time with the game is important to us and helpful, flaming back and forth while talking past the topic at hand is not. Thank you.
Not quite the post I expected from the title, but entertaining nonetheless. Any chance the next experiment could be calories burned by running the length of Washington DC while carrying X lbs in the summer heat without stopping?

03 May

What have been some of the memorable experiences you have all had with the weather events? Positive or negative alike - they certainly can change a fight or entire mission.
I personally have had a bit of the opposite experience, constantly gaining slight improvements either directly to my gear score or indirectly by minor improvements on my build. But I can definitely understand where you're coming from - it has slowed down as I've gotten higher and higher gear score. Out of curiosity, could you describe what your typical experience is when you log on? What activities grab your attention, and what aspects of the game do you feel lose it as you're playing?

01 May

Originally Posted by VampiricVulpix
It makes Reinforcer Chem shots last over 11 full seconds, you can fully heal any player in one shot.
The glitter animation fades away within default time, however the green healing radius on the ground remains & heals.

I've been running that setup most of the time now, able to fully heal dps running teammates pushing 250K armor & up all the time. Plus amazingly enough, using that setup with the few decent skills mods for the Chem Launcher that survived the nerf, you've got options. Ammo & duration boost skill mods being the options.
This is really fascinating. How would you describe your role/moment to moment actions while in a... Read more
Moved this to The Division 2 forums where it belongs. Also, welcome to the forums, IMAngryHulk!
As this thread has devolved into unproductive toxicity, it will be closed.

30 Apr

Originally Posted by Sensible-Jack
Well they don't make it fun for me,

I couldn't care what stats are at the end of a mission all I care about is doing the mission and if it was fun to do, and quite surprisingly they are fun for me without some kind of stat page.

For those who like that kind of thing good on you knock yourselves out over it, for me if I can turn it off when its introduced the better.
From what I've seen it looks like it's an optional readout that can be opened at the end of the mission. Entirely opt-in if you want to ignore it.
I appreciate the mixed feedback here everyone. Baseline stats and routine talents definitely can add delicate intricacies to balancing, so it's nice to see the various thoughts from everyone.
Really appreciate all the awesome responses here everyone. Thank you so much for the feedback and insights. Keep it up!
Hey everyone. I know that discussions about the DZ and PvE vs. PvP can get heated, but the forums are not place for name-calling, mockery, and insults. Please keep the discourse civil and respectful or the thread will be closed. Thank you.
I appreciate the feedback. I've seen a number of players talk about their explosion based builds to great affect. It's always nice to see more success stories, for sure.

Also your English was quite good! (Thanks for the video too!)