League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

14 Nov


It's largely due to how easy it is to get Quicksilver enchant. The power of having both so easily is a bit scary, and would slow the game down/drastically weaken champions who rely on CC at higher levels.

This also means that we tend to see more interesting spells taken in it's place.

11 Nov


Originally posted by surlytempo

But we are in a team fight meta are we not? It's not that I feel the philosophy of runes has to be changed every time the meta changes, but to create a rune system that allows itself to evolve with the meta through either combined passives, more item/combined build synergies. If we look at runes like Brutal or Gathering Storm, they are not even equal to the classes they apply to. For example, different AP champs have different AP ratios and so there doesn't seem to be an even distribution of power across champions within even the same damage category who are intended to benefit from those rune selections.

You say the meta can be changed, but, where or how has that meta really changed? And how much of the meta can be changed given you and other developers reluctance to break with those things you deem are fine? Is "fine" really the bar you want to set for what you are trying to market and promote as one of the best MOBAs out there? I don't mean to be rude, but with the amou...

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You're right that different champions have different ratios and thus things that give AP, in this case, Brutal and Gathering Storm, values changes for each champion but that is going to be the case with any game where you have different characters. There isn't a lot of design space when everything is equally valuable to everyone.

I'm sorry that I used the word "fine" what I was saying is that the rune itself is not weak (it actually might be a tad strong for its slot), the problem is that people undervalue it because it isn't as feelable/noticeable as other runes. That is a problem for sure, but when talking in terms of "balance" it isn't a problem here. As for the meta changing, it does change different regions and elos within those regions all tend to have a different meta. We see this in LolPC all the time, and Worlds is often where these metas clash.

You mentioned that you believe funnel strategies are toxic and should be dealt with maybe we didn't deal with i...

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One of our aspirations is to try and get brand new League players who are coming in from Arcane to try out Wild Rift, so I'm really glad y'all are enjoying it 🥺


Originally posted by Floriver

It's definitely not a terrible rune. It has its uses, even if those uses are slightly more niche.

... But new runes would be nice ;)

...Looking into it a bit now I'd argue that it actually could be a bit more niche, while it isn't the most popular rune it is on the stronger side. I'd say this is an issue of satisfaction. Runes like Gathering Storm show you their scaling, and others are more feelable. But the issue here is that once you have this effect you just gain a small, unnoticeable, amount every 2 minutes. I'd bet it would see more play if we showed the values at X minutes (like you see on Gathering Storm) in the tooltip.

...It would also see a lot more play if we put it into more recommended builds. Player's don't deviate from that as much as I would have expected.


Originally posted by surlytempo

For me, I think the stacking nature of runes seems out of place (and out of pace) with our current condensed 5s snowball format. 5m is a long time in a game. I get the principle behind say Gathering Storm vs Brutal and Conditioning vs Bone Plating or Carpace, but, with the stacking runes, the amount of time needed to generate stacks just feels both too long and poorly paced. Maybe give stacks equal to the amount you already have prescribed, but in smaller amounts at shorter intervals. Idk, I'm just not a fan of the current rune system in general. I would personally like to see runes that allow more heroes to engage in more build diversity, and on-hit runes that provide more presence to a range of different champs in the game. Some classes could benefit more from others in terms of specific rune choices, ranged vs melee, a distinction you already make. The current meta just feels so stale tbh :/ and I feel like runes could be a great opportunity to not only promote deeper g...

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It's possible that it isn't the best rune if you are constantly trying to teamfight, but the meta can change and I wouldn't want to us to get in a habit of adjusting the philosophy of a rune (in this case, late-game scaling) to better fit a different meta.

Conditioning isn't the most popular defensive rune, though these runes have a better spread than other tiers. But aside from a lower pick rate, it's actually performing just fine.


Originally posted by Floriver

I feel that conditioning is a weak rune because WR relies on snowballing so much.

Giving up on immediate buffs like adaptive carapace, bone plating, or loyalty for 5 minutes of nothing makes your early game that much weaker.

This isn't a big deal in the mid lane or jungle, but it seems important for baron and dragon lane since it's a game of attrition.

I've had so many fights where I've won with a sliver of health, and, had I taken conditioning instead, I would have lost.

And because of how short the games are, you don't stack up that much armor/MR, making the end payoff not that rewarding.

And as mentioned, it's better for squishies since armor/MR has diminishing returns, but squishies can't afford to not have bone plating or adaptive carapace in the first 5 minutes.

I use conditioning only for ARAM or for bruisers like Galio.

Ok, so your issue with the rune is that you feel that the early game is too valuable to risk on a rune focused on the late game. That suggests an issue with the idea of having a late-game defensive rune.

I think that is a fair issue to have but we already have other early game runes and I don't think we would want to change this just to add another.

Though I don't agree that squishy champions need to take Bone Plating or Adaptive Carapace I think it really depends on the match-up. Bone Plating is great against burst or assassins, but if you are not worried about that it isn't worth taking. Whereas Adaptive Carapace is better if you can stay at low health for longer, something squishy champions tend to struggle with. Though it is a fine general defensive rune.

It's also worth noting that it's only the first 5 minutes of the game, generally, you aren't going to be dealing with a lot of burst damage or be at low health this early on.


I'm curious to know why you feel that Conditioning is a weak rune? Its slow stacking nature is definitely a bit harder to feel than other runes that have a clear on/off state. This would explain it feeling a bit weaker than other defensive runes.

Because this rune is something that all champions have access to it actually wouldn't help tanks more than other classes. It's actually a bit worse for tanks, vs other classes. This is because they end up buying extra Armor/MR so the bonus you gain from Conditioning ends up not being worth as much for tanks, because Armor and MR values have diminishing returns, when compared to other classes who don't purchase as much.

08 Nov


Originally posted by Evilader

Sucks that we only get so little compared to all the other titles. When they said the only reward was gonna be Poro coins I would have at least expected 1000+

We chose to put most of our rewards in the in-game event instead!

03 Nov


Originally posted by deeznutsforpres

I appreciate the desire to evolve and become better. I’m not one to complain about games, especially when they are free to play. I support you guys and enjoy playing the game and have spent my own money on skins to show it. I truly support the idea behind the change but it just felt like something was missing/off about it. There’s plenty of evidence around the net showing diamond/emerald/master players getting paired with people that should not truly be there (low game counts, low win rates, etc). I think the addition of exceptions like was discussed before would be a good thing. Idk how the formula works and don’t want blame you guys for trying things because why even have nice things without trying to evolve and make them better. I’m also not gonna sit here and insult the developers because I know these things can’t be easy to solve with so many different moving parts. However, the way that the article read made it seem like there was no problem with the change and that it was on...

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I appreciate this post a lot, thanks for sharing your thoughts

02 Nov


Originally posted by kingsofleon

I think the initial visual shock of Diamonds playing with silvers, for example, was too much for some players (both high and low ranks); it’s easy to fall into the trap of being biased when you think your teammates suck based on their rank.

I have to say though, I saw unranked players in low Diamond games which is not only jarring but confusing as they’ve only played a handful of ranked games.

Perhaps the system should have had certain exclusions (e.g. placements, low volume of ranked games)? Unless it already did and I’m assuming incorrectly.

Yeah, I think this was pretty solidly overlooked in terms of the impact it would have on loading screen tilt. Ultimately, an ideal matchmaking system - you shouldn't have to think about it at all; you should just trust that it works.

And I agree that certain exclusions should be put in place (which I believe we're now re-adding in the form of "acceptable" ranked bands at each skill level)


Originally posted by deeznutsforpres

It’s like they’re admitting it sucks without them wanting to admit it sucked. I was on team didn’t affect me until I got a run of shit matchmaking teams.

I helped write this post, and I wanted to be honest with the reasons on why we're changing it. The data we saw does look better, especially when it comes to finding games for lower ranked players (with very little impact on overall fairness). But the thing I wanted to get across is that even if data looks good, we have to weigh up the actual play experience against it. In this case, it was not at all worth the tradeoff.

29 Oct


Originally posted by surlytempo

Agreed. /u/nextdoormmr We were told improvements to MM would arrive with 2.5. So many of us are having a miserable time being matched with players in lobbies they aren't ready to be in. Can you tell us why this is happening and if it's intended or not?

This thread probably has the most up-to-date info: https://twitter.com/joshua\_menke/status/1453804648771424257?s=20

28 Oct


We're working on this, but it's taking more time than we hoped because it touches so many systems. We have to make sure we correctly handle all the things that happen at the end of a game: ranked updates, XP, blue motes, boosts, mission progress, wild pass progress, etc.

26 Oct


That looks like a great list. And I think you got most of them covered here.

My first thought for the jungle was Amumu because he is really easy to pick up and have an impact with. But jungle is also a complex role that isn't the most newb friendly anyway.

For support I'm inclined to say Soraka, but with a caveat. Her playstyle isn't the most exciting and isn't for everyone so while she is newb friendly in that she isn't very complex to play it likely won't be the best experience if you are trying to get a friend into the game. Obviously though if this is a playstyle they enjoy than Soraka might be good for them to check out.


Originally posted by Euphoric_Software481

It just feels like whenever a champion is released, they're on the broken spectrum, in terms of damage mostly. Brand was way overpowered on his release. So much that literally all of his abilities received a nerf. And even after that, he's still on the strong side, picked or banned in nearly 70% of my games. So you get an idea how overloaded his kit was. Nunu isn't broken but still pretty strong. It feels unfair that only his ult shield scales with HP but he can build full tank and still deal the same amount of damage as an AP malphite. I hope his kit is updated so he's forced to build at least 1-2 AP items reach that level of damage. His tankiness is balanced but not his damage. Before that, when Lucian was released, he too was pretty OP. Had to be nerfed.

And now, let's talk about veigar. He's supposed to be a scaling mage, but he comes online way too fast. Scaling champions usually hit their power spikes around the 12 to 15 min mark. But veigar can start one-shotting you...

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Brand was way overpowered on his release. So much that literally all of his abilities received a nerf.

I agree Brand was released too strong, and am sorry about that, but it hardly points to a trend. Nunu as we'll was a bit stronger, but it took most players a little time to catch up to it and really get a feel for him.

These are the point I'm interested in here:

It just feels like whenever a champion is released, they're on the broken spectrum, in terms of damage mostly.....

And even after that, he's still on the strong side, picked or banned in nearly 70% of my games.

And the criteria you use to define this. Because I'd argue that he is in a fine spot now and have seen that (as the team has defined champions strength) the vast majority of our champion releases have been under power (in some cases critically). Funny enough this is part of what led to Brand's OP release. We had been ...

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I'm speaking from my own opinions here, and not for the rest of my team.
1. I agree this is annoying and a pain point I have felt too. I don't know if we currently have any plans here in the short term but I'll bring it up to people to see how they feel.
2. I actually think the issue with Wit's End comes from it giving too much. At a glance, the item seems to be doing just fine, if not a little strong. But it isn't something you should be buying every game.
Exactly like you said certain aspects can be hard to feel, but adding some AD to that would just exacerbate the problem because we would need to reduce its other effects to compensate for it, or increase its cost.

  1. I agree Maw feels a bit weak. Part of the issue here is that it is a very narrow item (MR items always will be). But also that it competes with Sterak's Gage, which has great synergy with Triforce.

  2. I haven't personally noticed this as an issue, especially with IBG as its...

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21 Oct


The changes in this twitter thread may fix this for you, they are partly to address that experience: https://twitter.com/draggles/status/1450955240413417475?s=20

20 Oct


Originally posted by pokachipokachi

/u/nextdoorMMR would this be bad?

Sorry I took so long to respond here.

If you've followed me across other games, you probably know that I have implemented solutions that do look at in-game performance, but always carefully.

Basically, looking at variables that the data show contribute meaningfully to winning a match, and only considering them at the level they actually contribute. Using data to determine how much performance mitigates a loss, not just taking a best guess at the value.

I also prefer to make sure winning is always the most important factor.

But, yeah, tdlr: there are definitely ways to do this correctly.

I don't know whether we would see them in Wild Rift anytime soon because we're currently still focused on skill and matchmaking over these next few patches. Once we finish our current pass on those features, we may look more closely at ranks.

It's also possible that some of our improvements to skill and matchmaking will soften issues you are experienci...

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I highly recommend going FoN>Winter's Approach on Nasus for ARAMs. It's tricky to get stacked, but you provide a lot of utility.

19 Oct


Originally posted by PotatoWR

But we cannot lie that we had this problem where everyone thought that deranking was the most realistic way to climb to Challenger with +20 gains. Eventually in a while you stop getting +20 in masters, but players still had chance to abuse it including some of known names. What i was trying to point out that there is no way loosing intentionally could benefit you and it really hurts long term

Yeah, you are correct, losing will always hurt in the long run.

I believe we fixed one of the main factors that made players think it was worth doing. So now, when you drop back into Masters, your LP gains aren't actually more than they were in GM, given the same current overall LP. This should make it so there's no reason to drop back anymore, and best to just grind where you stand.