7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

13 Apr

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

They showed the worse use case. The current water is meant to be contained, not dumped on flat ground. Neither RWG or POIs have water dumped on flat ground.
The water mesh generator is the old mesh code with some cleanup and the programmer working on it is still making changes. The mesh generator makes meshes at a fixed height, which does not tapper off currently.

1 - A20.7 has a few minor changes to reading the world file header. It will not effect existing A20 saves. It will simply show A21 saves in the list without throwing errors.

2 - A20.7 saves are the same as 20.6 saves. A21 will not read those saves due to many changes that are not compatible.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A20.7 has a few minor changes to reading the world file header. It will not effect existing saves.

As I said a few times in the stream's chat, it will be x amount of weeks. Rick gave a more specific guess, but really it could be 3 weeks or 5 weeks or more and comes down to fixing any bugs that we do not want in even an experimental release once we finish features and polish we are doing right now.

There are 63 must fix tasks right now, of which maybe half need to be done to release experimental and more will be added as we go.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haven't read it yet, But nice work Jost! :winter2019happyyul:
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There were keys given out but they were regular steam keys for the game. They don't ever give out keys for advance testing of a future alpha. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No Mathaniel, the game is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago. Stop poking around in the evidence locker!!
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is not, Nor is it possible afaik. Zombies are targeted on You, the player- They don't care about your base beyond the requirement to destroy part of it to get to you.

The reason I don't think it's possible is because your base would be in an unloaded portion of the map, and has nothing for the zombies to target on- since they target players, not blocks. And modders don't have access to the internal pathing or targeting AI of the zombies.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
"Starting soon" screen is gone; The devs are talkin now. :winter2019happyyul:
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Channel is live and starting soon! Come join!
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

LOL. Not working herd dued!

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Me too, but considering it has been in testing for months and fine, I'm not too working.

12 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As Jost already said, Save files would be located in

Easily accessed by searching '%appdata%' in the windows search bar. If you were playing on an RWG world you'll also need the associated world from the 7DTD\GeneratedWorlds folder.

And to answer the other question, No cloud saves. The save files are too large to use Steam Cloud to save them.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To clear some things up, The blood moon does not work on 'waves'.

There is a setting called "Blood Moon Count" that determines how many zombies are allowed to be alive at any one time during the horde night. For sake of example, we'll say 8.

What this means is that, at any given time during the horde night, there will be 8 zombies alive. If you kill 1, 1 will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away from you and path towards your location. If you kill 6, 6 more will instantly spawn about 50-80 meters away and path to you. In short, They immediately respawn as you kill them.

From there, There is a hidden value based on your Game Stage that determines how many total zombies will spawn over the course of the night. For sake of example, let's say 100 zombies. That means as you kill zombies, 8 will be alive at any given time until you have killed 92 of them, at which point when you kill the 93rd-100th there will NOT be a replacement respawn, as you've exhaus... Read more

11 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just going to drop these in here...

System comparison

... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is a good way to get your character data on the server corrupted, plus can corrupt your own local client.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're referring to a thread titled "10 years game ever be finished ?" it was merged into this thread as it's the ongoing megathread regarding Early Access, the length of development, etc.

You might also be referri... Read more

10 Apr

    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ragequit Inc.: When it's feature-locked.

Pretty much this.

As for when that is, I can agree with some elements of the community to some degree at least, that it's been a long time, particularly in light of perhaps a little prematurely made statements by TFP about prior timelines for end of Alpha.

If you want the best reasonable estimate that I'm aware of - and I say this not as a moderator but just a keen follower of what TFP is currently saying about end of Alpha, I would expect an Alpha 22 and Alpha 23 to follow the soon(ish) to be released Alpha 21, which would put Beta sometime around 2024/25.

If I had to bet money on it, that'd be the timeline I'd hang my ha... Read more
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moved to Supp-ort and Bug Reports forum. One day redirect left in GD.

09 Apr

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Give them multiple access points to the start of your path, put some ladders up in addition to your stairs. They love ladders.