7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

17 Apr

    on News - Thread - Direct


Hey Survivors,


Alpha 21 draws closer every day as the devs make steady progress towards the impending experimental release. While that work continues, we are once again preparing to team with our streamer community to show Alpha 21 to a larger audience through a pre-release Streamer Weekend event. We know that there are many streamers out there who have played our game for their audiences and who would love to be a part of this event, including some who didn’...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Friday, I started on the forge mesh showing/hiding each tool and it seems to be working. This will probably make it into A21. Code supports all workstation types, so will be simple enough to do the rest as new models/features are added.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It should be no surprise to anyone that we discuss fast travel as many games have it, hence the helipads. The vehicle teleport is one of my main issues. We think the vehicle should go with you without it being annoying. I'm thinking it teleports to an open parking like area and finding a free spot. I'd prefer it be a very limited system, but it could end up as whatever makes sense or not doing it at all. It could easily not be in A22, yet show up later.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zombie pathing is already cheap and runs off the main thread. I did fix a bug last week with only 1 path per frame being sent to the threading system and since it typically only takes 1 frame to make a path, it was a bottleneck for say 100 zeds making paths each second. A fairly simple change now has it requesting up to 8 paths per frame of which the threading system can provide about 6. This tested well with around 150 zeds on a server spread across 6 players.

16 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by dszombiex:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: ...My current save folder for a29...

Holy cow, can you give a few hints for the feature set of a29?
Heh what a typo. And to think, I was correcting it from a21 when I put the 9 in there.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 It is just a reset time in days. It works at the POI/chunk/region level. The engine does not track player made blocks.

2 Hard to say. So many things change that you can't just load an old world and stare in the same direction and see if it is x FPS faster, because that world won't load and if it did, POIs have changed or new blocks and some blocks converted to props. A lot of it is situational with where you are, what you are doing, your hardware and your options. The simple answer is it runs a bit faster and RAM use is a fair bit less.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JoeSloeMoe: So this week I got to get more of a feel for the changes. It seems that now I cant boil water for drinking, the simplest of tasks.

Lets stop at this statement upon which the rest of your ranty analogy is based:

You need to feel a bit deeper because what you are seeming is completely incorrect. You can and often do boil water for drinking in A21. Whatever source you found that said you don't is wrong.

Now, what you cannot do is take an empty jar to a water source and fill it up. THAT simple task is the one that is gone because empty jars are no longer represented as an item that can be held and used. But you can obtain murky water through scavenging and boil it into drinkable water on your fireplace provided you have a pot just like always. You can also stand in a water source with an empty hand and drink if needed. Finally,you will eventually get some dew c... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
And just imagine the horror for anyone on a limited network connection when Steam Cloud syncs 1+GB every time you start and stop the client.
Imagine if you're at the bottom of the minimum required spec for that. Oh sorry, you have to wait thirty minutes to load the client, and you can't watch YouTube while it happens either. Play often? Bye Bye bandwidth cap, and hello wallet.

This isn't like other games that typically have at most 250MB of save data.

My current save folder for a20 is at 3.25GB, and I've hardly played it in the past year because of testing a21. I'll also note that only one of those is on an RWG map. All the rest are on Navezgane, or are merely locally stored data from playing on servers.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Even if the devs gave Gabe his cloud monies, you couldn't have cloud saves for this game. The maximum per user cloud size available is 1gb, and the saves can exceed 1gb on their own- And also require the world file to be with it, So you can't even fit one save on the cloud without it ultimately corrupting even if it might have worked at first.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Loot is being re-balanced. It's not being nerfed.

Also, as DthBlayde stated, Loot Abundance only affects stack size. If you set it at 80%, that is a 20% chance of getting nothing instead of a single item. Only affects items that stack.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct


I started at TFP at the beginning of A17 and later in that alpha, took over AI and made large changes to how AI for zombies and animals worked. Until A21, there were dozens of big things and hundreds of smaller things for me that were higher priority than bandit AI. The new bandit work, which started during A21, is based on the current state of the AI systems, not prototype code/data from 6-7 years ago.

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not sure if you know that you can play older versions but you should load up Alpha 16 and give it a go. It may be what you are looking for. If you don't know how I'm sure myself or someone else can post how to do it for you. It may be that you play it and decide it wasn't as good as you remember or it may be that you play it and never want to leave that version.

The devs are on a different path now than those old features and they won't return to them at this point for this game.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting. I'll keep an eye on that thread. If it works well, then we may support it.
Thanks for the info.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I made an 8k map the other day and it took 3.5 mins. Granted, this is on my new PC, which is a AMD 7950x.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Paras: Loot from Zombies - By now they only and very rarely (maybe 0.01%) drop bags.
But long ago they used to have loot all the time - mostly trash but still... it gave you rewards for killing them and made it just more interactive - by now it is just and only about XP and seriously... pretty pointless
This was removed for performance reasons. Both on the client, and on dedicated servers. Most of what you got was junk anyway. Now it's more meaningful loot.

Originally posted by Paras: cuting up Zombies - Zombies did not just despawn when defeated but were a great source for animal fat and other ressources for crafting and gave another reason to fight them. By now it is just kill them because they're annoying and to get rid of em and for lousy XP you will get for everything anyways. Not much fun and again just no rewarding.
... Read more

15 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Where are my saves at?[community.7daystodie.com]
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I usually just find a nearby hill and scrape part of the top off.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
May is a target date but not a promise. It’s as simple as that. Expect it to slip and then be pleasantly surprised if it doesn’t. June is just as likely but either May or June are pretty certain. They will always give themselves the caveat of something show stopping causing a delay.