7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Drake Ravenwolf:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I think the test is this. Have you ever found an item of the same type and quality as the one you were already using (like e.g. a green pistol), and been happy to replace your old one with it because the new one has better stats? Or are you still always underwhelmed, because you already had one of those?

Because that’s what the feature is intended to address: a reason to keep looting even when you won’t find a better qual...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Injuries that cause longer-term problems for a player, instead of just reducing their health, are about the only real survival element this game still has.

I had my gripes back when the splint was the only remedy, but only because there was no progression. A player at the end game with all the experience points and luck in the world would still be applying the same splint that a Day 1 character would have to apply. But then they added the cast, along with fortitude skills and candies to reduce healing time.

So I think it’s great for a survival game like 7DtD to have broken legs the way they are. I have no issues with the current implementation.

Edit: transcription error
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think the test is this. Have you ever found an item of the same type and quality as the one you were already using (like e.g. a green pistol), and been happy to replace your old one with it because the new one has better stats? Or are you still always underwhelmed, because you already had one of those?

Because that’s what the feature is intended to address: a reason to keep looting even when you won’t find a better quality.

30 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here’s what’s known publicly.
Water Simulation
All new water coding--water is no longer a block but a water voxel
Water voxels flow into neighboring voxels that are marked to allow it.
Water can be in the same space as a block
Water does not flow or fall continuously like a river or a waterfall
more details to come.
The fact that water can coexist with blocks is encouraging. It suggests that zombies may be able to spawn and do pathing calculations on the underlying blocks.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Indeed. The only direct effect of the ‘heat’ will be to spawn screamer(s), and they won’t be any better equipped to spawn or reach you than other, regular zombies.

Water will be changing in A21, so hopefully the zombies will be better able to handle this case.

29 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nelantion: these are good points I neglected to mention that I play on a private server with my mum :) we spend months and months playing on the same map as we like big builds and then the server we hired forces us to reset it when a large update happens. If anybody knows a private server company that doesn't do this then please let me know :)

Since there are only two of you, you may be a good candidate for hosting the game yourself. But if a paid private server is convenient for you, you can browse and ask around in the Servers sub-forum here for a server provider that hopefully won’t force updates on you.

28 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ren: Honey has been used for thousands of years as a topical antibiotic and wound ointment. 7d2d is a silly game, but it's not that silly for it to include honey as something a zombie attack survivor might slap on a minor wound to help prevent/cure infection, being as it's a broad-spectrum antibacterial. Eating it? Not so much. It's FDA-approved for various minor wound and burn treatment uses in the US, though.

A lot of real, legitimate treatments for injuries and burns can seem strange. For example, xenografts of fish skin for severe burns are fairly common in some countries and in veterinary medicine.

This is just my own hypothesis, but I think the origin of honey in this game could have been... Read more

27 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for splitting this into a separate topic; I appreciate it. :ss13ok:

26 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Roxxapo:
Originally posted by Shurenai: This. This 'inflexible' system is literally how voxels work. Minecraft is subject to the same limitations; Every game that utilizes voxels for it's world space is.

Imagine an electronic picture, and all it's pixels- Now imagine making each pixel 3d, and you have what we know as voxels.

Each voxel is, fundamentally, one pixel. Try parking your car in an occupied space- It doesn't work. You're asking to put a pixel inside a pixe...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Macdallan:
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: One improvement they could do, which IMO wouldn't be THAT costly, is to NOT allow some blocks to be placed on each other IF that means you'll have the infamous floating blocks.

That would also need to take into account block rotation of course. So, for example, a plate block placed with the face on the bottom or side, would be ok. But the same plate placed face up, would crumble to the ground.

I agree, JOST, ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I play random worlds, and I have the same experience: that just in digging a hole for your base or whatever unrelated purpose, you hit a vein of ore. I wouldn’t say it’s 50% ore down there, but I do find it excessive. One could look at biomes.xml and figure out what the percentage really is.

I would like to see smaller ore veins on average. And given the dev’s “get off your ass” philosophy, I would think they would like that, too.

25 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Midas: The "limitation that only one block "object" can be placed in one block "space"" is literally how a voxel system works. It's a three-dimensional grid where each cell can have one thing in it.
This. This 'inflexible' system is literally how voxels work. Minecraft is subject to the same limitations; Every game that utilizes voxels for it's world space is.

Imagine an electronic picture, and all it's pixels- Now imagine making each pixel 3d, and you have what we know as voxels.

Each voxel is, fundamentally, one pixel. Try parking your car in an occupied space- It doesn't work. You're asking to put a pixel inside a pixel. It just doesn't work that way.

You could increase the resol... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a randomized map- Kubixe county is just a randomly chosen name that could be applied at random to any number of seeds. So you're not going to find a map of it on google.

24 Aug

23 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not exactly a base, and it’s more dependent on the placement of POIs than the biome. But yes, I make remote outposts. I guess I’d categorize what I do thusly.
Level 1: a storage chest in the middle of the street. The only purpose is storage, i.e. from the POIs nearby.
Level 2: like level 1, with walls added. No larger than 3x3 internal space. The purpose is storage, concealment, and a small measure of safety. I might quietly hunker down there for a night if I need to. If attacked, I have a little bit of time to mount a defense while they break through the wood. This stage also epitomizes the “I need to set up camp right here right now” scenario, in which case it may be built onto the side of a boulder.
Level 3: like level 2, with a forge and campfire added. Now it’s also a processing station, to convert raw materials I’ve accumulated into basic useful items. I might add a layer of spikes, and a roof to be fancy.

22 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's been planned for a few years now that the final game would be available on multiple platforms. (PS4/5, XBox-whatever, Microsoft Store, and possibly even the Epic store.)

This is just the first step towards those goals.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For sure, it’s a change in stylistic direction. But for those arguing for keeping both, it’s worth remembering that style wasn’t the only consideration. The remade zombies are higher fidelity and more performant than the zombies they replace. That’s important! Ultimately, it means new zombies = more zombies on screen.

So sure, they could’ve chosen to make the new nurse a sexy Halloween costume type nurse like the old one. If they wanted a game where the zombies are exaggerated stereotypes, they could pursue that look. It’s their game. But just adding a new nurse while keeping the old one wasn’t going to fly.

That said, I am 1000% for random variation among individual zombies. So wanting more types is understandable; I just think the way to get there isn’t through artists making discrete types one at a time.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Indeed, the player character art hasn’t been updated in a long time. It looks like they’re opting to focus on the clothing/armor, under the logic that it generally covers up the character so that’s what you actually see.
It would be nice to update the underlying characters in the process. But I’m also dreading that, because my suspicion is they’ll abandon character customization in the process, which I enjoy.