7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut: most players have a couple of hundred hours then shelve the game the updates don't fix anything and no real changes to the gameplay make it stale quickly for most:listen:
And yet, at the same time, any time they make changes to the gameplay, everyone and their mother decides its the worst thing to happen in the history of the universe before even trying it out.

There's always going to be someone unhappy here.

There were people ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about how long it was in alpha 8 months into development.
There were people that complained about the 5x5 crafting grid- There were people that complained about it's removal.
There were people that complained zombies couldn'... Read more

30 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Andi:
Originally posted by GLYCYANURE: Try to download the Modlaucher for 7 days to die made by SPHERELL.
You have a lot of mods, overhaul which are drastically changing the way to play the game.
Let's give it a try.
For instance there's an update for Darkness Falls mod which i'm in and the way of playing is another compared to the previous version.
Have a nice hunt.
Ah uh oh ouch... Another post that'll go way off topic about the pros and cons of modlau...
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29 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Vertical integrity is measured from bedrock to the block being supported- A complete unbroken line of blocks(terrain or player made) from bedrock to the supported block is effectively infinite stability. Remove even a single block from that line, and now the blocks are not vertically supported- But horizontally supported.

If you're doing things UNDER your base, it doesn't matter how far down, it will affect your base.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Disabling EAC has no effect on achievements. Enabling Cheat Mode in the world options, or toggling Creative Mode, or Debug Mode in game will disable achivements.

However, Achievements are only disabled during the session in which any of the above 3 conditions is met; So if you log out and turn cheat mode off, or exit world after enabling CM/DM and then after loading in again do not re-enable any of the three, you can again gain achievements.

In short, Cheat mode, creative mode, and debug mode set a temporary flag for 'disallow achievement progress'.

28 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bobaloui:
Originally posted by Shurenai: -snip-
I regret asking.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bobaloui:
Originally posted by Ball: What slice of life shows the characters playing battleships or hosing down a house fire...?

How about you describe exactly what you mean by "playing battleships" and "hosing down a house fire"

You sound like a lunatic
Euphemisms for pooping and peeing. Playing battle ships, you're 'dropping bombs' into the water; pooping. Hosing down a fire, you're shootin water from your hose- Peeing.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Precious few games make you use the restroom, let alone survival games; Most are on accelerated timescales, typically 1:24- So you'd be stopping to pee like every 15-30 minutes.

It's realistic, yes- But it's also a tedious annoyance that doesn't have any particularly meaningful impact except to constantly interrupt the gameplay loop.

You can stop to pee literally anywhere- You can stop to poop literally anywhere. There's no difficulty or challenge to be had or imparted. You're not going to 'didn't pee enough' yourself to death.

Food, on the other hand.. Food isn't always available. Starvation is a very real threat. Dehydration is a very real threat. Hyper and hypothermia are very real threats- All of them can, and will, kill you if untended, and you can't just put them off or auto-solve them anywhere in any situation.

Hygiene COULD have interesting gameplay impacts; But, again, it's typically not really going to do much besides inter... Read more

27 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr. Fabulous:
Originally posted by Sterling: Should be split between Spear and Javelin IMO. Spear for power attack and longer melee reach, while Javelin is able to have normal melee range, but also a ranged attack and maybe a small stack size like 10-12. Or a ranged weapon that uses specific spear ammo like an atlatl. Either way the spear skill is almost completely worthless right now beyond the initial hour of game play.
i think it be interesting if spear had a magazine...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've tried the spear, but losing it when you throw it has been a deal breaker for me, when there are other melee options that don't have that downside. If it were on a rope you could pull to recover it at any time, that'd be fine. If you launched the spear from an atlatl like Sterling mentioned, that would work well. Then the spears themselves would be a type of ammo, which stacks, while the atlatl would be the weapon, which is the part where you invest your spear parts and spear mods, and you don't lose it.

All things considered, it would be more viable to me if the throw action was replaced altogether by a melee power attack like other melee weapons. I wonder if some players consider the throwing indispensable.

26 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The game takes place post-WW3, essentially. There is no 'powers that be' left. Just little pockets of survivable not-unlivably-irradiated land. Survivors n bandits all trying to make what they can out of whats left.

25 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Macdallan: @Shurenai - Wow, nice post! That's probably everything they need all in one place.

One thing I forgot to mention is upgrading things; When you upgrade things, the support/mass values change since the material is different now. So it's important to upgrade your vertical pillar first (most importantly at the vertical->horizontal connection points), and then upgrade outward from there so you don't accidentally put more mass on a supporting structure than it can support.

This isn't usually super important if you build within reasonable tolerances- But it is important to keep in mind. :)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are six significant things to understand when building in 7DTD.
1: Vertical support, IF there is an unbroken line of blocks (terrain included) from bedrock, is effectively infinite; Horizontal support is finite.
2: Horizontal support begins at the nearest valid vertical support.
3: Horizontal support strength is rated off the support values at the vertical-horizontal connection point, and at each horizontal->horizontal connection; And is still limited by the material being horizontally supported.
4: Everything has mass. Player included.
5: Every material type can only support so much material horizontally, based on the mass mentioned in #4
6: No matter how much mass vs support you have, you cannot extend more than 15 blocks out. And the 15th block in most cases will not support the weight of anything; player included.

So, Because of #1, You can build a 1 wide pillar to the maximum build height with no issues. It will never collapse because... Read more

23 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The big single wooden spikes are indeed gone for several reasons- Most notably that they were exploitable due to how they functioned. They probably aren't coming back any time soon.. but there's mods that re-add them.

Catwalks however still exist; Just not in the form you remember.

Instead of having a hundred different blocks that you have to craft, you now just craft material frames, which you can then use the Shape Menu to pick from 1300~+ shapes to build with- Catwalks are in this shape menu, iirc.

To access the shape menu, hold a material frame in your hand, and hold R to bring up the radial menu- Select the icon that has 3 basic shapes. Tapping R should also bring up the shape menu directly. (If you've remapped your reload key, whatever your reload key is should work)

Keep an eye out for that shape menu icon on things in your inventory; Whenever you see it, the item has shape menu options. For example, your bedroll has multiple colors... Read more

22 Sep

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to General Discussions since this is a question of opinion. Carry on.