7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

10 Mar

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I hardly ever follow the defined trail. I love cutting through furniture barricades and locked doors. Sometimes I'll even cut a hole in the ceiling and go up to the floor above through that. There really is no forcing. You can do any POI however you want. In fact, during the first few days I often visit houses and cut out the window barricades to peek inside. As soon as I locate the kitchen I cut into it right there and clean it out. I do this until I get an iron pot, some extra water, and some cans of food. I don't even explore the rest of the houses-- I just take the kitchens.

That being said, if you are doing a clear quest, following the pre-defined trail will assist in finding every zombie more easily than wandering around in a random fashion. :steamlaughcry:

08 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The drop item key used to be Q. You know, right next to your WASD. I can't prove the cause and effect, but that was changed the alpha after Madmole was seen in a video, pressing Q to accidentally drop his only bow over the wall of his base, on horde night.

Conclusion: to get this changed, we have to root for Madmole to fall out of his gyrocopter. :cozybrawlhalla1:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If I have a reasonable amount of inventory space free, I'll Take All indiscriminately on any regular loot containers - trash piles, cabinets, sports bags, that sort of thing. I do take note of the items I'm collecting, though. As I start getting full, I'll start scrapping more and more things, starting with pipes and nails, and consuming food & drink if I could use the fullness or hydration.

If it's a tier 3 POI or higher, I'll probably accumulate more than a backpack's worth of stuff. So I put a chest on the street, close to the entrance. I dump everything that won't be useful while I'm questing, before I start. For big POIs, I'll make several trips back to dump stuff off at the chest, whenever I swing by that side of the building in the process of clearing it.

Edit: If it's a tier 5 and I'll definitely have to spend the night in the field, I may upgrade the chest on the street into a little processing shack. I just put up the bare minimum of 4 walls and ... Read more

06 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ll move this to General Discussions, since the answers will be subjective.

05 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please start a new topic or add to a recent one, instead of resurrecting a 5+ year old thread. Mechanics and balance can change a lot in that time, which makes reading old posts confusing.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It depends when all the main features of a21 get done. We don't have any giant features like the RWG overhaul in a20, so hopefully it will take less time than a20, but we can't say for sure as many of the features are still big changes like the water overhaul.

04 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We also hate the ambiguity of one message for both moves and deletes, but we can’t change it. If we actually delete a thread, though, you’ll generally know because we’ll also issue the poster a warning explaining the problem.

Closing this now.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can get better loot earlier if you are willing to enter the tougher biomes as there is now a loot stage bonus present in those biomes. A Pass-n-Gas in the wasteland could be your ticket.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 They will be an improved version of the zombie AI.

2 We have a programmer working full time on water. He has a new simulation for water flow working and has a lot of details to sort out. I would like to see the raft, but how it fits into game play is unclear.

3 Zeds 1m maybe, but not a focus for a21. Wandering would be looked at for bandits, but once it works, then zeds might be able to use it too.

4 More would be nice, but don't know.

5 Not by much. I don't think we will be tossing a bunch of bandits out there while a lot of zeds are spawned.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are planning on updating to 2021 LTS when it releases.

We generally pick a stable version and stick with it for a while and then update as appropriate. Unity updates sometimes require code changes or break things, like a more recent version of 2020.3 causes a null ref in some animation code. I will need to look at that if it still happens in 2021.

No vehicle weapon plans for A21. Beyond that I don't know.

03 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Mod support is already heavily implemented, the devs basically rewrote huge swathes of the game in a more mod friendly manner and implemented a system to enable modding without overwriting files.

And, Workshop support is planned. It's not that they won't add it at all, It's that they won't add it now. They don't want the workshop full of tens of thousands and more defunct and deprecated mods made for old versions of the game, So they're waiting for late beta stages or even release before implementing workshop.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
One critical factor is where the player character stands. You might try re-positioning yourself, closer to the hole and farther from the ladder.

Originally posted by Lelo Mariin: Theyre dead but not entirely stupid. A drop that far down will damage them. So they either take another path OR dig down themselfs

Although debates continue on the "not entirely stupid" part :boomer:... one thing that's been consistent is that zombies have no sense of self-preservation. They do not consider if they'll take damage when deciding where to go. Players often misconstrue zombies as avoiding danger, when they're only avoiding obs... Read more

01 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeesh. People be salty today.

The old hay bales were deprecated and replaced with new HD models, which are a different size. They may have been lost in the conversion, in an oversight.

27 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Capt. Q. Schwartz:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I’ve noticed that final wave of zombies won’t begin until you close the box.

The spawn trigger is putting the "quest supplies" in your inventory. You can open/close the container multiple times, which can alert any wandering zombies/hordes.

There is a sound difference between alerting and spawning, when spawning you can usually hear the collective footstep as the zombies are spawned and then dro...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ElDudorino: …Grabbing the treasure also makes more zombies spawn, so get ready to jump out of the pit as soon as you grab it. Use R to grab all the instant the box opens.

I’ve noticed that final wave of zombies won’t begin until you [EDIT] grab the supplies. So you can take as much time as you need in the box inventory. For instance, you could consume any food or drink in there, and scrap or discard the empties, thus potentially reducing your encumbrance for the upcoming fight.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I did this a while ago. Shows how much of a difference simple things like CPU and RAM clock speeds make. Literally just having your RAM default to the min spec speed because the person who built the PC neglected to set the XMP profile.

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