7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

22 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Edit: I stand corrected. Thanks, NoMan.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Everyone already covered the serious answers, so…

Originally posted by Loot Repeat: I'm actually doomed to 7 fires in a circle in the middle of the road with 1k wood in each. :c

Sounds like your unholy septagram has shifted the campfire interface onto another astral plane. Is there a witch doctor in the house? :munchies:

21 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Schmiddy: You guys get mad and insult me for asking a genuine question.

Maybe the devs/mods should pin a post to actually address the issue instead of leaving half the community curious and the rest to flame and attack the former.

To put it simply for the "smoothbrains" in the thread: eat ♥♥♥♥. thanks.
It's not like we haven't tried pinning plenty of stuff... Still, 95+% of the time, People just make their posts without actually reading any of it.

Further, The more pins there are, the less likely people are to bother looking through them to begin with. Searching for keywords of your topic is functionally the same thing- But very few use the search feature either.

Why... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nope. I’m selling extra stacks of meat to the trader, even in the first week. :buzzed:

19 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ☆TheDough: Create a stack of each frame shape you desire, move each stack to your quick bar. Simply use # keys while your building so you can easily switch between them
Pretty much this. Using the shape menu to change the shape only affects the stack of shapes you currently have selected. So you can have multiple shapes readily accessible by having separate stacks.

Do be aware, however, that when shoved into a chest with the quick-move function, any disparately shaped frames WILL stack into one pile and all become the same shape. So if you want to keep them separate and not have to redo it, you'll have to manually move them with drag n drop.

18 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by slaideri:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
I don’t follow you on that one. If you have a cure, why not take it immediately? I see no advantage in letting the infection level tick up higher before you cure it. Ignoring the infection until it’s too late is the real killer (besides RNG).
- have 2 honeys
- get infected from one zombie
- cure it with honey immediately
- get infected from another zombie shortly after
- interrupt whatever you were d...
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    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nebula: I planted 54 Coffee plants. I harvested the coffee and received 21 seeds, that is less then half of the plants I harvested. i then needed to plant 54 more coffee and only had 21 seeds so I used my coffee beans and made 33 more seeds and planted my crop. I was left with 26 coffee beans from my harvest which is nothing for all the work I did, It's not even worth the effort.
Are you sure you waited till all the plants were fully grown because the math you give does not work out at all.

Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX: Perk level 0
2 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 1
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 2
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BigRowdy:
Originally posted by Ramar: Ok, I can respect that. Your not really just trolling, your expressing an honest feeling about the game. I could give you a thousand ideas on how to change the game to make it more interesting, but I have a feeling that others are about to do the same, so I won't.
I would almost guess you hit the nail on the head with the idea that you have just become too familiar with the game. That I can understand.
Probably but I played for ...
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17 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah yes, the design change. Wanna narrow that down a bit? :steamlaughcry:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I assume OP is talking about zombies jumping up full, 1 meter high blocks that form steps. But I’m still not sure what you’re saying, OP. Is it non-immersive because the zombies shouldn’t do that? Or because they should look better, with better animations, while they’re doing it?

To me it makes sense that they can scale a 1 meter wall, but it takes significant time & effort to do so. Because I, as a player character, can climb big ‘stairs’ like that too. But I have to jump each one, and it slows me down and takes a lot of stamina. Affecting how the zombies move by limiting them to slower, more difficult and/or dangerous paths is the foundation for tower defense gameplay.

I think in principle, zombies should have as good or better physical abilities as the player. The player can use tools and guns thanks to mental abilities the zombies don’t possess. Since both of them get over big steps by jumping up them, I don’t see a discrepancy (Well, other th... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by aY227: - don't cure every infection straight away

I don’t follow you on that one. If you have a cure, why not take it immediately? I see no advantage in letting the infection level tick up higher before you cure it. Ignoring the infection until it’s too late is the real killer (besides RNG).
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Great to have a workaround until this is fixed! Thanks for sharing.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AV8RTreekin: I've also considered doing the arrow slit exploit around the hatch so they don't path to it, but I don't want to rely on something that will eventually get patched.

You’re wise to do so. In fact, the arrow slit exploit has already been patched.

16 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AustinJovi: I think it's supposed to be in the game but they haven't added it yet. If you open the item_modifiers.xml, there is a mod listed that is named "modRoboticDroneWeaponMod" and "modRoboticDroneStunWeaponMod"
They're unsure whether to actually implement it, iirc. They tried it out in an internal testing trial, but, it didn't seem particularly balanced or fit what they wanted for the flying drone.

But, the devs often leave unused elements in the xmls on purpose because of modders. Maybe the devs decided it's not balanced- But it IS something that some people want, so, since the work is already partially or fully done, may as well leave it there for modders to enable and expand upon if they wi... Read more

15 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have literally spent all night in the control room of an industrial POI, in the middle of a quest there, wrenching down the walls of control panels. It takes forever, even with enhanced stamina and high Salvage Harvest. Was it a good use of my time? I’m still not sure. When it comes to harvesting, I frequently have to remind myself that just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I enjoy POI quests, so I’m not interested in removing traders altogether. But I did decide to nerf them significantly, down to between one and two pages worth of stuff. They also restock every day, so if you see something there’s always a chance it’ll be here today, gone tomorrow. It’s early days for this mod, but I think it makes them feel less like a Walmart and more like a swap meet in the apocalypse.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was nothing changed that I am aware of. We are using a newer version of Unity in a20 than a19, so beyond that, I don't know.