7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

01 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Reminder: please discuss particular seeds only in the pinned thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum, so that others seeking out seeds have one place to check.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You clearly haven't played A20 much (or read the release notes) then to claim steel has a low build diversity. Every material has access to all the same shapes.
As for the upgrade path
Wood Frames > Wood > Cobblestone > Concrete > Steel
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not against decision trees for any reason other than I don't need them for what I want to do. What we have now could be called decision lists, which are lists of tasks that get checked in order. Bandits will probably have more task types added to support new behaviors.

The key thing I'm doing now is a full cleanup of the zombie controller parameters, states and transitions and their avatar controller code, to get ready to be copied for the bandits, as I don't want the bandits starting from some legacy mess.

31 Mar

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The number of bandits that are spawned at any one time. Say a bandit takes x2 the performance of a zombie, then I would not want more that half of them in the world compared to the number of zombies a computer can manage and still have a reasonable FPS. Now that does not mean the world will have bandits everywhere. That depends on game play goals. I would like bandits to be rare, because this is a zombie game and 99% of the population is dead or a zombie.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ll move this to the Servers sub-forum, where you can also find other servers.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BitenPie:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: Are you saying pressing any one of those keys does it? Because A for instance is the key for sidestepping left, with default controls. It's not clear how you could be getting this result, unless your key mapping is modified or there's something external to the game at work.
yes and i not modified any keys all is default

I think I'm stumped then. As a general fix, that kind of issue would probably go awa... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you saying pressing any one of those keys does it? Because A for instance is the key for sidestepping left, with default controls. It's not clear how you could be getting this result, unless your key mapping is modified or there's something external to the game at work.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That sounds somewhat like the debug info menu. While debug mode is on (dm in console), you can press F3 to show or hide the debug info menu. I'm unaware of other key combinations that work, but maybe you found another one.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 𝓝𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲: IIRC (someone correct me if i''m wrong here), you can tell based on the chest inside. Generic wood crate is 1, leather chest is 2, iron chest is 3, small military crate is 4 and double military crate is 5. One of the tier 4's actually has 2 crates, a tier 4 and a tier 3 outside.

You can't really tell by glance unless the trader sends you on said difficulty quest or you know by looking at the coding/wiki/POI compilations. some normal houses might be tier 2 or tier 4, you never know!

I never knew that to be a universal standard, but it's an interesting theory. I'll try to pay more attention to which crates are in which POIs.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

EAI has been optimized over the years I've been working on it and UAI being dead, I have not touched it. I do plan to remove it at some point, but hopefully the bandit framework will be adequate to extend from for modders.

Good bandit performance and numbers is a goal, so they will run adequately on all systems.

It is still in the works. There were some issues with platform changes and then there was a bad merge of some of my changes that they backed out and may end up having to hand merge.

30 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Condor:
Originally posted by TruculentTonka: I wonder, with having zeds now tunneling and Swiss-cheesing the ground between, precisely beyond temporary mining and such, precisely why would you want to build an underground base?
There is no point. its another example of how the fun pimps continue to destroy game play. Players come up with strategies to deal with zombies and hordes and the fun pimps keep changing play to counter player strategies. Doesnt make any sense. It used to be fun to build under ground bunkers but now its just a waste of time. I wish they would deal with real issues like bugs, making a random world gen that was actually worth a ♥♥♥♥...
Read more

29 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Spada:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: Please see the pinned thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum to discuss particular world seeds.


When browsing the list of General Discussions threads, the sub forums are listed on the right sidebar.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please see the pinned thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum to discuss particular world seeds.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Personally, Navezgane gets boring fast because you learn where everything is, and it loses that element of surprise.

The world generation tools are not yet updated for a20 and are not advised to be used. The default RWG has more options and faster generation now though.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Optimizations are not really in progress. They just happen occasionally as I or someone else sees something to optimize. It happens throughout the development process.

Min specs should not be changing from what they are now, but we just recently increased the CPU core/frequency specs. Min spec means you can run the game, but not necessarily every feature or mod well or at all. Dynamic mesh is a good example. I would not be using it at min spec, but it is not something we enforce.

Nav is 6k.

Thanks for playing.

Not decided. Will depend on how it impacts game play.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bandits kill squads could be as simple as a blood moon, but instead with a set group of bandits at whatever time it decided to spawn.

We will have to wait and see.

Probably. Should be higher as bandits will be more rare.

28 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They’re still seen in certain trader POIs, so the shape should be in there somewhere, probably under a different name. I’d start by making some shapes and searching the shape menu for “cone.”

If you want strong spikes, the intention is that you now use iron spikes, which were purposefully designed to be traps instead of made to do damage as an afterthought.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by goatfish: does rain travel through glass blocks? i use a mod for blocks and i like to make skylights but the rain travels through it. just wondering if that was normal or if it is something to do with the mod

I think it’s a property that’s set in the block definition. So since you’re modding anyway you could make it stop rain in blocks.xml, unless I’m remembering wrong.