7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

24 Mar

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is a model an artist is working on, so finalish.

23 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You might be able to edit rwgmixer.xml to comment out the trader POIs. But even if that works, your starter quest would glitch when there are no traders, so you’d have to cancel the quest or do more modding to fix that effect.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell: Yeah death is a complete joke. I used to travel very far then purposely die to warp back to base. Death needs to hurt.... BAD.
There is a mod for that...
Harsher Death Respawn Penalties[7daystodiemods.com]
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, this bug was again addressed for what appeared to be the last time like a year ago. This is the first time it has been mentioned since then.

AI does not see backpacks.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not likely. That would probably have to go through Unity and I have not seen Unity mention it.

More time seems to be spent processing data than loading it. I was just saying today, we need more improvements on processing data, because if we had infinite data read speeds, load times would probably still not be much faster.

22 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell: what is a pipe machine
I would imagine they are referring to the pipe machine gun. It's a bit OP early on.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The devs are always working on balance. There are a lot of other changes in the mix as well that affect it.

Almost every update has had changes in this regard. Especially recently as the game is getting much closer to completion.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sure, if they can get animations to look good doing it. The 'spider' zombies used to climb, but they looked ridiculous doing it. Now they jump instead. I would suggest that, rather than a random chance, a certain kind of zombie be a good climber, so that you can identify and target those zombies if your base isn't designed well to handle them.

Then we can do the same for digging: give that ability to one type of zombie which may or may not be present in a horde.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know what the average POI designer typically does for rooms, but they should already be able to include the wall inside the volume. Now volumes are not meant to include the full 1m wall thickness plus all of where you can stand beyond them (just a little) as we don't usually want you beating on walls and waking up the volume.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Depends on performance. Currently water is not infinite, so it would drain the higher portion.

2 I'd would guess they will add some as they improve POIs.

3 There is always a chance.

4 Not that I know

5 Should be wandering and inside POIs

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, the only feature I can confirm about a21 right now is, we won't release it until it has some new features.

I would like to have more vehicle choices. I saw a picture of a sweet new police car model today that made me want to drive it, but I'm currently not allotting time to it for a21. In the end it could happen if I find some time and the art is setup for it.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Really depends on what he's got behind it.

Unlike other games, 7 Days requires CPU power, RAM, and fast storage.

I'm sure they can get 60FPS on it, but what settings will really depend on the rest of the system.

Here I tested with an old GTX 770
Minimum hardware test a18/19 comparison

20 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bo0Mz: considering they made a topic in their forums for A21 development im pretty sure they are already working on it and abandoned A20
that means only in 1 or 2 years from now you will get a patch for current problems like the teleporting vehicles or the game not being playable on mac
if only there was another game like 7days...
Well, to be fair, they've been working on a21 since a20 went experimental.

They did mention doing 20.4, and it was advertised to go experimental just after 20.3 went stable.

I have no further information though. I was a little surprised with 20.3 dropping because there hadn't been any internal testing or patch notes on it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It should be possible via modding, using functionality from the Animal Tracker skill. Very overpowered, but doable. We have a Modding sub-forum, if you’re interested.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TruculentTonka: I wonder, with having zeds now tunneling and Swiss-cheesing the ground between, precisely beyond temporary mining and such, precisely why would you want to build an underground base?

You can still put a lot of blocks, with cumulatively a lot of HP, between you and the zombies. Remember, they may dig down now, but it’s not like they won’t ‘dig’ sideways, e.g. through your walls, to get to you at the surface. So the gap in viability between above ground versus underground bases has narrowed.

19 Mar

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX: Perk level 0
2 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 1
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 2
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed + 50% chance of additional fruit
Perk Level 3
6 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed + 50% chance of additional fruit
Yes, with 1 or even 2 points of LotL it is possible to have bad RNG and lose out. LotL level 3 is a guaranteed profit.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can create a second Steam Game Library Folder on the SSD and just move 7DTD to that folder.
Steam Client > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > Click the + > Select Your SSD
That will create a SteamLibrary folder on your SSD and automatically select it (which will show no games at the moment). Now click back to your slower HDD. Find 7 Days To Die and click the check box next to it. Then click the Move button. After the move is done you can click on you SSD and see 7 Days To Die there.
Done, now the majority of your Steam library will be on your HDD, but you can move select games to your SSD if you want (and back to HDD).

18 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RaozSkillz: These suggestions are just for the game in general and is the direction you should take with the development of this simulator <3

1. Improve performance and optimization, continue to focus on better resource saving techniques. If you made a mobile version, imagine how well that would optimize this game for PC. If your company/s pulled it off.
This is something you work on primarily in Beta. Development isn't at that stage yet.

Originally posted by Rao...
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