7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

14 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Semirotta:
Originally posted by Mardoin69: It's been discussed a cuzillion times. Search 'Workshop' in here and you'll see. Basically, it boils down to: The devs will not implement Workshop until the game is finished (or mostly finished) being developed. Reason is there's too many core changes to game from on major Alpha to the next--which tends to break mods. Then the Workshop would constantly be filled with a bunch of broken mods that the authors neglect to update.
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TL;DR: "Because it's not realistic!"

Don't mind that many other survival games don't give you empty jars either, but you don't really see complaints about that...

The forest? No water jars. Also all the water is either tainted or sea water and you can't drink it. You can after much ado get a pot you can boil water in- But for much of your playthroughs you're going to be subsisting on rain water captured in turtle shells. Seriously, a pro might be able to get that pot right quick; But a newbie isn't.

Raft? No jars! Water everywhere! Yay! Oh wait no, It's sea water. You can craft a plastic cup to hold it and boil it over a fire.

Project Zomboid: All external water is tainted and needs boiling... Technically no jars you can put water in, but you can use a lot of other containers. And water in PZ is basically a perpetual non issue because even after the water shutoff every water object in the game, ie toilets, sinks, and tubs, have a rese... Read more

13 Jun

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: You're be disappointed because 1.0 isn't 1.0. It's just relabelled A22. The game is still in alpha.

So when you complain about something come August can I answer back to you "Its Alpha. You agreed to the early access TOS" since you believe the game will still be alpha? ;-)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Boojamomma: So can we keep our saves from the experimental 1.0 version into stable 1.0 release?
Typically all Minor version changes (21.1, 21.2, 21.3) are forward compatible

Typically all Major version changes (19, 20, 21) are not compatible.

1.0 experimental -> 1.0 stable will be a Minor version change. So, unless something major comes up, the experimental save will be forward compatible to the stable. It is however generally Recommended to start a new save anyway.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kara:
Originally posted by TheChoccoBiccy09: Yes there is news, each time someone asks an easily searchable answer that takes 30 seconds to answer, the release date moves back 1 day.
I think we are looking at 2030 right now, but by the end of the month with how many times this question is asked, we are looking at 2040

It took me several days peeking on here looking for some dates. It should be pinned at the top of the forum somewhere. Shaming people for not rea...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Syntheticat24: Thank you two!
I'm excited to play 1.0 with a friend on console, they got me into the game quite a while back
Glad to hear you're so excited. Just to be clear though, these target dates might still change. But currently there's been no sign of such. :winter2019happyyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Edit: These are the Target dates of the upcoming things; These dates may change.
Streamer Weekend Event: June 21 2024
Experimental Beta: June 24 2024
Stable PC Release: July 25 2024
Console Release: July 25 2024
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I remember when it was in the game natively without need for going into the debug menu. I believe it was F5 if I'm not mistaken.

One of the big problems with third person is with competitive multiplayer gameplay. It opens up such a can of worms for cheating. You think it is bad now with being able to posture yourself in 1st person until you can look through the world and find hidden bases? The 3rd person view is almost impossible to prevent it since the camera is even further away from the character model.

Back when it was consigned to debug mode it was at least in part due to the fact that TFP hadn't fully decided whether to embrace single player and small group co-op as their main focus or whether to make this game another Rust and DayZ clone and go full PvP. For PvP, 3rd person view was definitely going to be a no go. It was also due to the terrible horrific 3rd person character animations.

Of course, history has revealed that a PvP focused design wa... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Operator:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Iirc the very first versions, like A1-A3~, had a third person mode that came default in the engine, But it was causing huge problems and ultimately got disabled.

The devs may've said at the time they would like to keep it as a feature if possible but It was never a promised feature on the kickstarter. Nor by any other avenue to my knowledge.

Despite that they've still done some cursory work on getting it to work again, but, i...
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12 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mithrandir:
Originally posted by Operator: So if you bought the game originally like i did when it first was released.
You should know that third person was both in the original trailers and game play. it was only later removed due to bugs.
it was a promised feature.
I know it was a long time ago, but that is what got me first interested in Zd2D.

Thank you for your answer. This is something I wasn't aware of at all.

I think you got it before ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by thestile: I'm really looking forward to 1.0 partly so no one can comment on the game still being in EA. Lol

I haven't played in months and I'm looking forward to diving back into the apocalypse
It'll just be the same crowd going "This wasn't ready for 1.0, how could you do this", despite them saying the exact words "they should just release it already!" :conwayshrug:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nerevar:
Originally posted by ElDudorino: Is Nerevar just making these up or is this actually written somewhere / Nerevar has a dev build? Some interesting changes there in theory.

just google up some of the dev stream summarys of multiple people who played the streamer weekend or really really checked every single detail of the devstreams. doesnt take long to confirm most of these.
The streamer weekend hasn't happened yet... It's only been dev streams... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The OP may be pleased to know the devs haven't forgotten about this. The roadmap calls for further development after the 1.0 release, and they've started some work on different art for in-hand food. It's not a promised feature or anything but I believe this was mentioned in one of the recent dev streams.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Invader Zim:
Originally posted by Shurenai: I've actually wondered this forever. Afaik, Yes, IF the fuel in slot 1 runs out, it 'switches' automatically, more specifically the 3 slots are like a little miniature container.

But, like... Why would you put that much fuel in there? 6000 wood in just 1 slot already runs it for ages. And you aren't likely to put multiple fuel types in there (IE, Coal, if that even burns) since it doesn't round robin between them... So why 3 slots?...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Leader of the Zakonistians:
Originally posted by Pybro: damn this be real good upvote
I agree. It really doesn't make sense to read the same books over and over and somehow get new info every time. It's the same book. That doesn't make sense
It's not any more 'the same book every time' than it is 'the same hunk of meat every time'. Imagine it as a series of magazines instead of just 1; They just represented it as a specific magazine because it would be tires... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably not for experimental. Maybe for stable or post stable.

Edit: Allan just tested and shows in green.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When 1.0 goes stable, just go to the steam beta menu and select A21. It's as simple as that. Till then you don't have to do anything; and installing, or even launching, 1.0 won't delete your saves.

11 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've actually wondered this forever. Afaik, Yes, IF the fuel in slot 1 runs out, it 'switches' automatically, more specifically the 3 slots are like a little miniature container.

But, like... Why would you put that much fuel in there? 6000 wood in just 1 slot already runs it for ages. And you aren't likely to put multiple fuel types in there (IE, Coal, if that even burns) since it doesn't round robin between them... So why 3 slots? :conwayheadscratch:

10 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean.. It's not really THAT slow, You're getting 15~m/s aka 33~mph w/ the motorcycle or 4x4 when holding shift. That's a pretty good speed out of a vehicle made out of random scrap you found and powered by what is essentially little more than a lawnmower engine.
    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
TFP continues the Developer Streams on Friday, June 14th at 9 PM CT. Join Co-Founders Richard Huenink, Joel 'Madmole' Huenink & Senior Developer Lathan (@fubar_prime) as they show off gameplay 1.0!

Tune in for Free Keys!
