7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

02 Jul

    on News - Thread - Direct


Hello Survivors!
Today we have the 1.0 b312 EXP update for you.

How to participate:

  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the “betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will now have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  5. Select that and wait for the game to download


b313 Hotfix:


  • Client Argument Null Exception on loot bag drop
  • Missing tags on trash piles and rubbish decor preventing silent sneaking form Urban Combat Vol 3 to not work correctly
  • Wrong operation used in requirement for lockpick magazine boost
  • UserIdentifier serialization support
  • Hair Color should not default to green


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    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello Survivors!
Today we have the 1.0 b312 EXP update for you.

How to participate:
  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the “betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will now have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  5. Select that and wait for the game to download

b313 Hotfix:

  • Client Argument Null Exception on loot bag drop
  • Missing tags on trash piles and rubbish decor preventing silent sneaking form Urban Combat Vol 3 to not work correctly
  • Wrong operation used in requirement for lockpick magazine boost
  • UserIdentifier serialization support
  • Hair Color should not default to green

Here is what changed from b309:

  • Hazmat zombie SFX
  • Inventory UI Audio ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: The Steam message used to say "Your post was moved or deleted". It doesn't stop everyone from assuming the latter anyway.

Nope. It was moved. I even responded to you and provided detailed information. Might learn how to check your post history.
I dont see it and steam doesnt tell me anything So how would I know where it was moved too?
By looking at the right-side navigation of the forum, an... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Raythered: Steam gives the same message that your post was deleted, even when it is just moved. That is not something the moderators have control of it is just steam automation. .
The Steam message used to say "Your post was moved or deleted". It doesn't stop everyone from assuming the latter anyway.

Originally posted by Deathless: They also delete my posts so your not alone they want us to be silenced.
Nope. It was moved. I even responded to... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, placed in a battery bank quality increases the power they can store/discharge iirc. Or at least store. In any crafting recipe, the battery quality is irrelevant.

01 Jul

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AkiKay:
Originally posted by Nerevar:
yes they do. here is the good news : they also disappear if you get out of thier loading zone aswell.

immersive? not really. better for game balance? definitly.

I just respawned and took the loot anyways. But yeah it's not that immersive, that's all I'm saying. Should probably spawn out of view of the player, behind them or behind a building.
I think the reason they spawn in front of the player is t... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShatteredPumpkin:
Originally posted by Shurenai: So it's a dumb feature to give players a choice? Okay, Bet. Set every single setting you've ever changed back to default. Graphical ones, Save related ones, generate a new map with the default settings, All of it. Since choice is so dumb, You don't need the choices you made to select other settings, right? :conwayshrug:

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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShatteredPumpkin:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Jokingly: Game balance? :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

People have been begging for death to matter for ages, because it was so easy to just top off your food water health and clear all injuries with a quick death.

Actually: There's a new setting at save creation that determines what happens on death; ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Jokingly: Game balance? :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

People have been begging for death to matter for ages, because it was so easy to just top off your food water health and clear all injuries with a quick death.

Actually: There's a new setting at save creation that determines what happens on death; Your options are fresh slate, injured, or permadeath. You apparently set it on Injured, as that is the one that retains some injuries of the prior life on death. Go change that to the other non-permadeath setting.

30 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by shelton543650: How about needing 5 entire ears of corn for 5 seed.
THE ENTIRE EAR OF CORN IS F***ING SEEDS. That's what an ear of corn is, corn seed.
Same with potatoes. Yea know the plant beloved because of its multiplication genetics?!? Farming sucks nut sack.
This is simple game balance.
It's interesting that you're advocating for the realism of 'An ear of corn is entirely made of seeds' but blatantly omitting 'An actual corn plant takes WAY MORE WORK TO GROW'.

You need to water them, keep them deweeded, keep vermin out, keep pests and insects away, monitor for crop rot and other crop killing fungi, A growth time of 70-80+ days if not longer (For corn it's closer to 90 depending on the... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You are basing it on your own personal knowledge of cooking that is so ingrained in your mind that you don't even think about it, It's "Simple" to just cook meat without burning it, 'Bacon and eggs' is basic to you.

But you've never cooked meat ON a fire before, Only in a pan. Get a grill and you can make grilled meat instead of charred meat.

And you are woefully (and probably happily) unaware of how many people in the world have no idea how to cook, simply using a microwave or oven and making pre-packaged meals. Bacon and eggs would not even occur to someone like this. Because it's not prepackaged and not microwavable.

Your player character is exactly that kind of person- No clue how to cook. A blank slate with very basic knowledge of 'Making food hot makes food safe to eat'.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dear next of kin...:
Originally posted by seven: No. It doesn't. It uses EOS services for crossplay, no account required.

For a fresh install, before the main menu even comes up, there is a full screen message that pops up saying you have to connect to EOS for online play. The three options are retry, play offline, or quit. There is no option to play online without EOS post release.
Yes, There is no option to play Online without EOS. You do not, howeve... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ozarck: I knew about the 64 alive in the world thing, from the wiki. the explanations there could use some tweaking for simplicity though.

THe reason I started this thread was because, in the previous version I could finish a horde around 2 AM if I got good loot and stuff, but in this version, there is no end to the zombies. Which means, not only do you simply have to survive the night instead of hoping to "beat" the horde, now, killing zombies fast is counterproductive, since a) they respawn instantly and not very far away, and b) you spend more ammo / durability the faster you kill.

So, riding a bike around for six hours and killing eight zombies gets you through the night, same as killing 113 zombies...
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29 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by Ogami: Honestly the pregen maps are pretty useless now when creating a custom map only takes like 30 seconds. I would just keep Navezgane and then selfmade maps.

Whether the pregen maps are useless is beside the point. Those pregens are just RWG maps that tfp included. If they can have missing traders then your "selfmade maps" could be lacking as well.

I checked all the pregen maps. Only 2 are broken, but it's a broken that shou...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ozarck: Do the Horde Nights have limits on the number of zombies to spawn over the night? I remember in Alpha 21 I could clear all zombies by about 2 AM, and no more would spawn all night. The way I understand it, wasn't the limit something like 64 total spawns per player?

Now, it seems they spawn continuously until 4 am. I killed 113 zombies, which I thought was well above the max for a horde night. at the end of the night 15 minutes before dawn, a squad of vultures and something that spits (maybe that was also the vultures) descended on me and stun locked me. I died at 3:45 or so, thanks to at least three vultures and the rest of the Horde. I got a screenshot of my killcount before and after the Horde night (244 to 357 or so).
Just to clarify something, Blood Moon Count is the setting you are thinking of for '64 total spawns per player'. This setting determines how many zombies ar... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How many you've read of a magazine has no impact on how many you find of that book. What Skills you spend points in, however, does. If you Haven't put any points in Miner 69er, but Have put points in several other skills like a melee and ranged weapon, an armor skill, etc, Then you're not likely to find many of the tool magazines.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Putting one point into Miner69 just makes good sense for the bit of boost it gives to block damage. But it will also help the harvest tool book appear a bit more often as well. Also check trader stocks at every inventory change because that book is a pretty common one they sell. Remember also that iron tools suck stamina a lot faster than stone tools so you don't want to graduate to iron tools until you've leveled up some and have plenty of coffee to support their use.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Any POI set as a trader on the server is added to a list. That list of traders is sent to clients. The clients no longer generate the list from their own files.

POI's xml:

28 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trader quests progress from lower difficulty biome to highest. If the next biome is missing, you will have no destination. You will also not have the type of trader that goes with that biome. You can always wander around and find traders yourself. My daughter and I are are playing together and we only did the dig quest at Rekt, then just left the forest for the burnt forest, as I wanted something different, and just searched around until we found the big town and Jen. I had a basic memory of how RWG laid out the map. We did not even place a storage chest until day 5.

Play the game how you want, but as we add more biome progression (hazards/weather), story and end game content, it will require playing in a way where those features can chain together if you want that content to fully work.