7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

07 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just noting for posterity that the missing post has been found; It was the first post that I used as an example of a thread that had been merged into another thread, the one by Aworie.

This one here:
ht... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
First, Thread locked for:
1. Discussion of Moderation Actions
Publicly visible responses to or discussion of forum moderation.
Instead, send a private message directly to the moderator(s). On Steam, you may use the comment section that’s provided with every warning and ban.

When we delete threads, We issue warnings, bans, or more rarely PMs when doing so. Whether we choose a PM, a warning, or a ban, or even simply delete, Each of these actions issues the user a notification about it. That notification is an automatic process that we as forum moderators have no control over- The user will receive a notification unless the automatic steam process itself flubs up, which we would have no knowledge of if it did, nor could we do anything about it if we did.

When we Lock threads, however, the user receives no notification. However; When a thread is locked, the thread remains visible on the forum for all to see that it has been locked. As such, We d... Read more

06 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Remember kids. Always do your research before starting a flame bait thread.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Maekar - Boycott Capcom:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Literally a roadmap outlining the addition of the remaining features-to-be-added extending into Q4 2025... But sure, "They won't be working on this game anymore other than a few bug fixes.".

That's sarcasm by the way. They've made it pretty clear they fully intend to keep working on the game, including meeting most/all 'promises' for, at the minimum, a year and a half, and almost definitely more.

They've been ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Literally a roadmap outlining the addition of the remaining features-to-be-added extending into Q4 2025... But sure, "They won't be working on this game anymore other than a few bug fixes.".

That's sarcasm by the way. They've made it pretty clear they fully intend to keep working on the game, including meeting most/all 'promises' for, at the minimum, a year and a half, and almost definitely more.

They've been at this for over 10 years much to the ire of many who think they should've stopped 4-5 years ago. What exactly makes you think they're just going to drop everything at 1.0 and never touch the game again?

Also, Side comment, What is with this weird prevalence of '1.0 means they're never touching it again!! >:(!" lately? I can't think of a single game released the 1980s that actually finiished developing on a 1.0 unless the company went immediately bankrupt when they made it 1.0. Even SNES and NES games had 1.1, 1.2, etc versions; Granted you didn't... Read more

05 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, dyes work.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by God Bless The Dead: Plus the burnt biome is making a return, shame the plains biome is not making a return, that biome really had a Walking Dead feel too it.
I mean, I can see why the plains was removed. It really didn't have anything unique to differentiate it much from the forest. I just wish that some of the background sounds from it had stayed.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moved to the modding subforum as it's likely/definitely a modding issue.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Replying to your query here though:

The reason we have a rule against naming and shaming is that we are forum moderators; And there is no reasonable way for us to verify the veracity of any allegation made- You can Say they kicked you. You could even have screenshots- But those screenshots could be fabricated. And the other side could themselves fabricate their defense. There's no way for us, or anyone, to reasonably prove any of it, it's all he-said she-said they-said; So all it causes is reputational harm to those involved and arguments that really don't belong on the forum.

We also cannot really force such private owners to behave in a certain way; It's their server. You could be perceiving something you said as something perfectly normal but to them is gravely offensive for any given reason. Maybe you Thought you were being reasonable but they thought otherwise.

When it comes down to it- It's their server. Their house, their rules and... Well, ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the warning you received is the correct place to do so.

Locking as this isn't something for open discussion; If you have an issue with a warning you received and wish to talk to moderation about it, in the comment field of the warning you received is the place to have that discussion.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's literally not a 7th day horde; It's just a wandering horde that happened on the 7th day. They happen like clockwork. Every X time that has passed, a wandering horde is spawned. That particular one happens to spawn on the 7th day around midnight.

There has never been a point where Wandering hordes have had explicit knowledge of the player's exact location at all times; And there's never been a point where Blood Moons DIDN'T have explicit knowledge of your exact location at all times. Both of which had been explained in your other thread, Within which this post itself should've been posted. If you disagree, Argue there where the discussion started.

Locking for duplicate thread.

04 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cleave:
Originally posted by Shurenai: No. They've always known Exactly where you are. They were less intelligent about pursuing you; There basically used to be 0 intelligence to them- They navigated in a roughly straight line in your direction and anything they ran into was attacked. But their knowledge of the player has always been pinpoint since the implementation of the blood moon.

They busted everything 'trying to find you' because they could barely navigate a simple s...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by restarter:
Originally posted by Kuriousjorj:
Except I did know how to play. I'm playing as a human being. Human beings can move, throw, and strike. The character could more or less do that. So I knew how to play.

Throwing or bashing with rocks, or any other object, would have downed the zombie. But it didn't, because of contrived, unrealistic gameplay.

Also what was the "tutorial?" There was nothing that "had me make a weapon." Was that some text som...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cleave:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: AFAIK the 7th day horde has always had GPS to the player's position. I started with Alpha 8.8.
Back in the day they had a general idea of where you were and would seek you out instead of wallhacking straight to you, they would bust everything trying to find you which was nerve wracking and really played on the horror aspect when you were new to the game.

Also the heat system & random wandering hordes would happen all th...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Heat system and random wandering hordes still exist. Heat system has even been revised so you can't cheat it by spreading some of your stations out.

Yeah, the new hordes are a bit different because of changes to the AI. That will likely change more again with 1.0. If you want the older non-smart hordes you want to look at pre-alpha 19, though the AI has been in development since Alpha 17.

In your OP you stated that previously they "didn't circumvent stealth completely", which is untrue. They have always GPS'ed to your player location. I recall designing a reinforced basement in Alpha 10 following a base design I started with in Alpha 9. Got completely overrun. Stealth doesn't matter. They will go through everything to get to you, and it has always been this way.

And they still do that, but now are a bit super-intelligent about the "easiest" path instead of just bashing through whatever blocks are in front of them. IIRC the plan is to make the zed AI a... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kuriousjorj: Also what was the "tutorial?" There was nothing that "had me make a weapon." Was that some text somewhere?
Yeah, you get a notification and the quest shows in the upper right of the UI display. It tells you what you need to gather, and additionally the items are highlighted on the ground.

It is pretty hard to miss, and has been made that way intentionally.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
AFAIK the 7th day horde has always had GPS to the player's position. I started with Alpha 8.8.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zero:
Originally posted by Desert Rat:
I believe you are correct. My understanding is that you can mix and match, but you have to wear all pieces of a set together in order to get the "class" bonus.
Even if it works that way, it still punishes people for wanting to wear whatever they want.
Current system effectively punishes them for wearing whatever they want too. You wanna dress up like a beach beauty, You're going to freeze in the snow. Want to dres... Read more