7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

22 Apr

If you haven't heard, 7 Days to Die will be leaving Early Access in June, and the price of the game will increase to $44.99.

In good faith to people who want to catch the game on sale before this price increase, we're offering a weeklong deal for 76% off.

This will be your LAST CHANCE to get the game at its historic lowest price, before the price increases on the launch of 1.0. We welcome you to let all of your friends know to pick the game up at this price now!


    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lady Ming:
Originally posted by NHL12: it was certainly more logical that's for sure, now it feels more "arcadey"
Walk into a cactus for hours to improve armor skills. Yep, logical.
Bonus, you used a bunch of bandages to raise medical.
Or just crafting and firing 10000 arrows to improve archery.

Yeah, it was a "great" system.
It was also advertised from day 1 to be a temporary placeholder.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not a reason that most people accept, but yes, there was a reason. Several, even.

In essence, they made the bottles behave like all other items that have containers; IE, Gasoline, you never have to have a gas can, you just get a gas item that has a gas can icon, and when you consume the gas you dont get a gas can, it just goes away again. Similarly, the bowls and plates that appear in meal icons, or the way you dont get brass shells back after firing your weapons, etc. Or how you dont get candy boxes from the candy items, or cans from the canned food (empty cans were a thing but were removed for a similar reason actually)

The containers for items are just a nebulous thing that represents the item.

Another reason they were removed is that having access to a refillable bottle, even one let alone being able to craft more with ease, made water survival a complete non-issue- You take your one bottle to a water source, fill it, throw it in the fire, drin... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Arnold J. Rimmer BSc, SSc.:
Originally posted by Aoroi:
Somewhat? I will say this is a sore spot for me, as someone who got the console version and then the PC, mainly because it was marketed as a completed game back then.

Don't get me wrong, I feel I got my moneys worth out of both purchases now, but to be "sold" a game when it was still early alpha as if it was finished was poorly done. Heck, in store they were playing the 7D2D ad on their regular tvs as well as the...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To the best of my knowledge the devs have no intention of removing the alpha builds from the beta list.. So you should be able to continue to play them.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Arnold J. Rimmer BSc, SSc.: So getting that out of the way, I'd love to hear straight from you: are you guys/whoever is involved, releasing 7 Days To Die on PS5 as a completely new and separate title? Will it be the same full release as this PC full release? Will there be any alpha or build from the PS4 version involved? IE will it actually be the real 7 Days to Die, not like the appalling PS4 version previously released? Cheers.
Answering what I can,

Yes, It is being released as a completely new and separate title; The existing console version that was published by Telltale will be being de-listed from the store to prevent confusion.(Which should mean existing owners will be able to play the PS4 ve... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Elloitsmom: I don't really that i'm going to have to purchase the game all over again. Its a great game but its the same reason i didn't buy the new ark evolved. So depending on the reviews ill get it but most likely not.
PC owners won't have to purchase the game again; Anyone who owns it on PC will continue to own it.

Console owners have been somewhat shafted by Telltale, though, as Telltale made that console version a 1.0 release a long time ago right before going bankrupt, and in doing so they basically prevented the actual developers, The Fun Pimps, from ever being able to bring that console version up to parity with the PC version due to the Microsoft and PSN store rules.

This, in esse... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Discipline Before Dishonor: This specific change just has no logical consistency applied to it, it's extraordinarily arbitrary. Does the trader want those supplies, or not?
The logical consistency was that it was done to prohibit exactly what you are doing to easy-mode killing the zeds in the POIs without the challenge of killing them in the POI. It is pretty basic. The developer is making a game to be a challenging survival game, and they never want for you to feel "safe".

You can disagree with that all you want to, and as you have discovered the dev's also heavily support modding so you can adjust the game to fit your playstyle.

You are basically arguing that the quest shouldn't ... Read more

21 Apr

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do optimizations regularly, but that does not mean any of those optimizations will improve whatever feature or situation you are thinking about.

For example, I have some optimizations in the works for larger explosions that effect many blocks to stop them briefly using hundreds of megabytes, which can actually crash the game on consoles. This also improves FPS for the fraction of a second the explosion is initially happening, but otherwise that is not helping FPS.

Another example, RWG has a new building density limit calculation to keep complex buildings away from each other. This should help FPS in some cases, but depends on many factors.

Optimizations will continue, as that is one of my favorite things to do, but many of them will be small gains, in specific situations.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is not as simple as that. In tweaking rwgmixer.xml wilderness counts, I found there is a max count at which it stops successfully finding locations for for prefabs. Don't yet know what the limiting factor is. On a 10k I can get over 600 to spawn, so the Wilderness Many setting for that is now 750, up from 400. Many is now 450 on 8k. Reducing mountains also helps as that does limit some prefab locations.

Hopefully less often, but there is no guarantee some tech issue requires changing data formats in a way we can't make backwards compatible. Ideally we will load/convert what we can instead of nothing at all.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your thread was not deleted, it was merged with a different thread due to being, more or less, on the subject of the coming 1.0 release.


Right hand side of the forum, "Your Forum Account-> Post History", You can view all comments you have made in the past here, and you can check whether your post was simply Moved, or if it was Deleted.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your thread was a duplicate of an already existing thread, and it got merged. Learn how to check your post history.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread where people are talking about what they think. There is no need for another separate thread.

7 days to die leaving early access on June 2024

There is also the ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Eppiox: (Wonder if they'll focus more on less breaking changes due to 1.0)
I think they'll pretty much have to, if for no other reason than A) they want parity between console and PC, and B) Sony and Microsoft won't allow updates that break saved games.

20 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zerotheliger: Imagine if they did this bait and switch to pc players? people who were promised an update would be comming eventually to their console versions of the game are now going to be expected to purchase the game yet again?
This is an issue caused by the publisher of the original console version, Telltale. In a last ditch grab for cash before Telltale went bankrupt, one of the things they did was announce that the console version was 1.0 finalized and complete.

The Fun Pimps fought for years to reclaim the rights to the console version, but, unfortunately, because of what Telltale did, they actually can't update the existing console version. The Microsoft and PSN store rules require that any 1.0 released game cannot have updates that would break save compatibility with existing saves. Unfortunately, every single update since like A14 has completely broken saves necessitating... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I like the knuckle pathway quite a bit. There is something very satisfying about punching the zombies. But I don't know how fun it would be without any weapons to progress with. Just a bare fist for the entire playthrough? I dunno...

I'd try it out if it was a mod. Maybe I'll name my shotgun "Chi"
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Odyne69: So, just to correct someone on Discord, is this Beta?

No. Despite the tag of Alpha, TFP have not been following a traditional Alpha/Beta model of development. The last two major updates have been almost exclusively polishing and optimizing which are Beta activities.

Long story short, they are going right to 1.0 status and there won't be any Beta1, Beta2, etc.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
The Fun Pimps are happy to announce 7 Days is leaving Early Access!

Join us with TFP Co-Founder Richard Huenink in this Video with details on ‘7 Days to Die’ plans to leave early access, the launch dates for PC and Console Alpha 22 (Now 1.0), the roadmap of planned future updates and features ahead for all platforms, and the games new pricing.

Comprehensive FAQ here![7daystodie.com]