7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Originally posted by Fun-Psycho

Is there a post or something about it that I can read? Just curious now 🙂

Prime mentioned it on a stream about a month or two ago.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Increasing the damage of a wrench has no bearing on the resource return of a dismantled object, Only on how fast you dismantle it. There used to be a bug that allowed you to 'overkill' a block and gain more resources which made it better to do 99% of the blocks HP in one or multiple hits, then do an extra power hit, but, it's been fixed, so there's no reason not to just one shot things, and thereby no reason not to just mod the heck out of any given tool, pickaxe, wrench, or otherwise.

And if anything, the impact driver is more of an electric tool, not a gas driven one.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Mining helmets do not inherently make light anymore. If found while looting or purchased from a trader it will come pre-installed with a helmet light mod; But if crafted by the player it won't have one. So you'll need to get a helmet light mod.

10 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by liquidsarcasm: Can anyone confirm how the screamer system works near traders? In a Navesgame run, I have a small base pretty close to the north of Trader Jen, have 3 forges, a campfire and chem station running 24/7, while mining out a nitrate deposit I found deep underneath the base and have not seen a screamer there yet,

I use a Mine a little further away and I get screamers there all the time. Are areas near to traders 'screamer free' zones?

I can see why there would be a different rule around traders. They can have working stations to build heat, and it’s mostly a waste of resources to have zombies banging uselessly on invincible blocks potentially far away from the player. But I’... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by crmarlow2874: Crank up your forges and do some mining close to base. I have my forges go 24/7 and mine near my base ( I have found two very massive iron ore deposits that, also, gives me huge amounts of nitrate, lead and coal).

Also, the tools you use matter a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a screamer when mining with hand tools in A19 (including a high quality modded steel axe with maxed out Miner 69’er, blackstrap coffee, the works), but they’ll show up with the auger in a snap.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
From the sounds of it, your CPU is falling behind what the game is calling for, and the spawning director is having to take shortcuts in zed placement- Which is to say, it's spawning them wherever it can in spite of having to break rules like 'dont spawn on top of the player' and 'dont spawn where the player can see' to do so.

Suggest taking it slower when entering larger buildings to give the game a chance to, yknow, spawn things.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ve experienced this bug a few times, but it happens so infrequently that we haven’t been able to pin down the cause. If you can get it to occur reproducibly, I hope you’ll consider filing a formal bug report, preferably on 7daystodie.com.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I used to do this to run over cars on the road....

Right up until one exploded on me.

09 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by dichebach: My approach to bases is perhaps a bit different than others. I build one base, not a "main" and a "horde."
Simple. Fear of losing everything to a failed defense. When you have a Main base where you do everything, and a Horde base where you fight hordes, your main base is never at risk from a horde and so a failed defense really only risks the items on your character if you have inventory drop enabled, and the horde base itself.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, the key is ‘F’ by default, but you may need to hold the key down to get the radial menu if you also have a gun light mod, helmet light mod, or laser sight equipped, because they also use that key.

Actually, does anyone know a way to change which one is affected by just tapping the key, without removing mods?
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Any electrical object can only recieve one Input line, but can put out a number of Output lines. IN order to do what you want you need to wire the camera to the plate to the door (Or plate camera door) -- Note there cannot be anything in the line between the plate and camera or else the first in line will determine if the next one functions. When they're both wired directly together (Read: No relays) they should both be capable of powering anything down the line, in this case, the door.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Waldorf_Happenstance: in an apocalypse wouldn't it make sense to find a lot of trash in containers instead of just empty boxes? for example, if you go through an abandoned house's kitchen you would find maybe one or two cans of food and mostly rotten food, plastic or paper packaging and empty cans. it just seems weird to me that there are so few npcs and yet the containers you loot are mostly empty. also, sealed boxes should guarantee something good, no one is going to seal a box with cans of sham and a piece of paper, just like a sealed hardware store box and hardware store shelves should not have stone tools in their inventory. I'm not trying to be whiny, i know this game is in alpha but isn't this point in the dev cycle the time for these discussions? also there need to be more junk type items added to the game for immersion's sake. in fallout 4 for example, you don't just find scrap plastic, you...
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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Water is still stored in the chunks we already have. It will just not be as blocks.

Vehicle tinting and mods have already been worked on and should be in a20. Three of the mods need code support, but it is not major work.

Not sure, but currently water blocks just convert to the new water data format.

08 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Waldorf_Happenstance:
Originally posted by The_Pastmaster: I always assumed that what shows up in the inventory when looting is any useful items you find after sorting through the junk. Thus why there's a loot timer.

that kinda makes sense. but if that is the route the devs wanna take then they need to find an immersive way to convey that fact. not everyone will assume that.
I don't think it's much of an assumption. More of a deduction...There is no w... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No time for playing in the dirt for a20.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tunnel=Gay:
Originally posted by Shurenai: I think the game is heavily influenced by time management, and to force a sleep schedule in at this point would necessitate a huge rebalance of basically every other facet of the game for what to me at least is no real gain.

Plus people already more or less despise other debuffs, I can't imagine one for not sleeping enough would go over well.
Ur not really going to get ruined by wasting 1 days out 6 in my opinion.But i...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think the game is heavily influenced by time management, and to force a sleep schedule in at this point would necessitate a huge rebalance of basically every other facet of the game for what to me at least is no real gain.

Plus people already more or less despise other debuffs, I can't imagine one for not sleeping enough would go over well.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by IAmDone: But on the store page it says crossplay. So is that false advertising?
It is not. Cross play unfortunately counts not just for between PC and Consoles, but also between PC, and Mac, and Linux.

The consoles are unfortunately on an entirely different version of the game created by a different company than TFP; and while after some troubles TFP did regain the rights to the console version they intend to finish the PC version before looking into fixing up the console one to match. In the interim, since they are two different games essentially, PC/Mac/Linux cannot crossplay with the consoles- But in the future when/if consoles get the updated versions of the game, crossplay between console and ... Read more