7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

20 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh sheetz candy would come in handy, or place some hay bales.


I think this guy hits 56km/h (about 35mph) trying to avoid one.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah I tuned it the way it is because otherwise you have to clip polygons to score a hit and it sort of looked and felt wrong when we tried realism.


Originally posted by RRhinoC

I aspire to have an entire storage chest full of coins and paper money.

I wonder how the end game will require coins too

I was working towards a 4x4 full of dukes in my last LTP. I got over halfway there before an update screwed the save. Durn experimental....

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sounds like someone hasn’t encountered demolishers yet. :cozyroe: :cozycastondeath:

Nah, but seriously. Some things you’re talking about are already in the game. You might form your own opinions after playing to a late game stage. Figuring out what to do about each type is part of the fun. I recommend encountering things organically so as to not spoil it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refer to the pinned thread in the Bug/Crash Reports sub-forum that explains how to report an issue.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I think living animals are not enemies. Zombie dogs and zombie vulture are enemies. But not wolves, boars, etc. Even though wolves and boars will attack you. Otherwise you would have no food and bones.

Also, btw, I don't think this is new.
It wasn't a thing. Wolves were just far, far less common in A18 than they are in A19. All animals are more common in A19 now.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ihateeverybody: Conan is in Unreal. No.....No. Don't get me wrong, Conan is a good game....but 7d2d is BETTER. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH (You get the point) better.
Conan isn't even a Voxel game.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No traders means it is an A18 map, pure and simple.

Start the game and choose: Show game launcher
Select the tools tab in the launcher window
Select Clean game data
Check every box and then select clean

Close the launcher and then start the game for real.
Start a new game and try one of the pregen maps

Hopefully you will have a trader this time.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean... The other maps are fully playable even without traders. Traders are not necessity in the sligthtest; Just nice to have.

That said, I'm unsure why you're experiencing the no trader issue.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is there a voxel game under Unreal that looks better than 7 Days to Die? Serious question, I'd like to know. The voxel bit isn't just a genre technicality. It has deep foundational effects on how the game world manifests, and in turn on hardware performance.

As for gameplay, that of course is engine agnostic. The shackles are off. I can think of no kind of gameplay you can make in Unreal that you can't make in Unity.
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alpha 19 is not compatible with A18 saves or A18 maps, or with earlier experimental builds of a19. For best results remove all saved data and avoid using the same exact seed name for your A19 map that you used for A18. If your trader is MIA or you have garbled biomes it means you are playing on an old map.

How to Clean out old data:

  1. Start the game from your library
  2. Select show game launcher
  3. Click in the tools tab
  4. Click on clean game files and check all circles
  5. Click clean

Obviously don't do this if you want to play pre-A19 saves or worlds later. Thanks to JOST AMMAN for the suggestion to post this.

P.S. Delete the Mods folder from your client directory to ensure you do not have any old/incompatible mods installed.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Giving One: And, it all would not matter if people posted in the right sub forum, eh ?

Quite right, that would be best for everyone. We're trying for basic forum etiquette here.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Unpinning this thread. Now that Alpha 19 has reached stable status, all users that haven't manually switched to latest_experimental, Alpha 18.4, or some other version will now download the Alpha 19 update automatically. If you still want to stay on Alpha 18.4, you can do that but you now have to follow the procedure in the top post and select Alpha 18.4 instead of latest_experimental. Refer to other pinned threads and sub-forums for how to report bugs, look for players and servers, etc.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Why would you re-write years worth of code to go to an engine that isn't as capable as supporting the voxel environment as Unity is?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't know why people always assume it's deleted. The first thing the notification says is Moved.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm just talking about melee combat reach. Watch a player hit stuff. They can hit while visually not touching. Now some of that extra reach might stay, because we may decide it makes for better feeling combat. Just my opinion.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm assuming this is the post in question, As it's the most recent topic by you and has been moved in the last 24 hours.

Mind that the notification you recieved states "Your post has been MOVED or deleted." Not just 'Deleted'.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it just got buried under a lot of other tasks. Player reach could actually use a nerf too.