7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

04 Aug

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Banana rocket jumping. Just to keep people guessing where to find bananas.

Even if you say "Romero zombies" then those zombies are clever enough to ride a horse or fire a gun. All seen in Romero movies...

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

And then the screen fades to black as they suffocate....aha, oxygen tank to the rescue....land shark then swallows them whole.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Inside vs outside is a very vague concept in a voxel world made out of all kinds of odd shapes. Not easy to determine and not fast.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not easy. Chunks are many pieces of data distributed across different arrays in a type of compression and it is not simple. Then you have tons of code that says give me the block at xyz or set the block and now it is multiple blocks? Some hybrid? To be sane, it would need to remain a primary block at a location, but possibly a secondary block could be added for visuals, but I would not be doing separate heath and collision resolving for it or it just gets more complicated and slower.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm already done with those performance changes.

gfx st x are streaming commands and forceload is a Unity debug option that just makes streaming textures load, which would not help if a texture was slow because it is in system RAM.

Friday I actually disabled streaming when texture quality is less than Full, since both features are doing a similar reduction in textures and due to what seems to be a Unity bug were not working correctly with each other leading to blurrier streamed textures.

Testers found that some FPS drops were actually biome particles, so today I fixed that:

Fixed Particles in snow and desert cause major FPS drops (balanced sand, smoke and snow particle rates to a reduced max count of 150).
Changed "Water Particles" video quality option to "Particles", which now also decreases world particle count.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Someone literally said they want to be in their bunker and sit out horde night and the beauty of that is: You absolutely can!

Turn off horde nights and you can even play the game during that time and feel all smug about having outsmarted all those zombie fools with your superior game option skills! =P

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Minecraft you can't have everything without ever leaving your house and the attached mine.

03 Aug

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

What some people like to gloss over is that while the number of recipes has gone down, the number of craftable blocks has gone up more than ever.

There are a bunch of variant blocks that fold out into a lot of things.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

He's not wrong. Even a double barrel destroys all the early game zombies.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's how it's currently working.

With the exception of super early in the game there is always overlap. Any modder who can be arsed knows how to look up the details. 😃

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm left-handed.

Correct. The right hand has a chainsaw attached.

You guys do realise that this is getting into the territory of weird and hard to enforce rules, right?

There is no need for a solution because there is no problem.

02 Aug

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

What do ghosts use instead of a food/drink bar? Ectoplasm?


Originally posted by LackingNutrients

But they're mods right? I'm still new to 7 days but playing the PS4 version.

PS4 is several versions behind, and unfortunately won't be getting any updates for now.


Originally posted by LackingNutrients

Okay are these mods I keep seeing? How did you get those gloves or whatever?

They're steel knuckles. Used as a melee weapon.

31 Jul


Originally posted by N8Widdler

How was your day?

My day was good, thank you for asking. Watched some Twitch, had a few bourbons, streamed a little. Finally had a good nights sleep. Now it's 4:30am and time for work. Bugs wait for no one!

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Games always have lists of lowest priority ideas and they never get done, because you run out of time. You want something actually done, you don't make it the lowest priority.


Originally posted by N8Widdler

I was totally under the impression you had that linked to your account somehow. Now I have even more questions!

You may ask one, young Padawan.


Originally posted by N8Widdler

I have so many questions but I'm afraid to ask them.

I somehow managed to get dive-bombed by a random bot.

You're not the only one with questions here.


18.4 they can jump up to four blocks on occasion, and one block up.