7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

11 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're not doing new features that only work in single player. Delete all on death and you'll have a more interesting challenge replacing your gear, and that lost day will be nothing in comparison.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can just back off the % of music allowed per day in general for now.

I'm glad you had some nail biting times, hopefully many more to come. It isn't even game staged yet, so once we get the game stage modifier, radiation the wasteland should be a serious challenge.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've never understood it when people say it takes a day or two to fix their base. I'm usually done by 8am. The longest it ever took was until noon or so and that was a fancy base that had stuff for looks and not purely functional. R concrete and steel just don't break that often. All you do is run around with the nailgun clicking, and very few block replacements for me, but I'm killing a lot. Most of the damage is self inflicted from my grenades I drop that damage a lot of blocks a tiny amount.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The base damage is always a "_set" operation, never a "_add".

Look for that.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If I recall correctly, the AI factors in the HP of the blocks, but doors have their own fudge factor. So they might be seen as having, for example, 25% of the hit points they actually have. I believe this is partly because the AI system doesn’t support dynamically noticing whether doors are open or closed.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I wouldn’t say throw away. If you’ve stockpiled a base worth of the stuff, the traders do buy bulk building materials.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is this on A19, though?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct


    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

They don't have ladders, just stairs and ramps, and teleport doors.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

LOL no. You get pipe guns and we're done. 4 tiers of firearms is insane IMO. We'll have legendary versions on top of it all yet at some point.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not happening for A19. We are giving each weapon their own mod models built into the original mesh though, so eventually as we rework stuff they will not only align, but look custom built for each weapon.

10 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll just move cooking to whatever attribute I'm playing each month just to piss everyone off

Take a close look at the pathing of any 4 legged animal in the game inside houses. We can't compete with dogmeat, they mocapped dogs and spent probably 2 million just developing animal turning / mocap. We can do a drone though.
So basically we don't want to ship something that looks like crap and will take 2 years dev time and still might not pass.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mining needs calories, sledgehammers need calories. Strength needs a way to recover HP.... fortitude doesn't use any calories and he heals instantly without bandages.

Careful buddy my fridge throwing days are back.

None of the above.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was probably from the streaming bug reducing texture mipmaps one extra level, which is why streaming is off now when texture quality is not Full.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I already fixed that message showing with the values in your picture.

It now does otherHeight <= -.001f. If you still are seeing it, then I need the new # it is showing.

I told the programmer who works on music what you noticed.

You can turn music off. I play almost all games with music off, so have not noticed it in 7dtd.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are just not willing to push new stuff in when large sectors of the game are completely unpolished and need optimized and improved.
There is character R&D going on right now for new player outfits that replaces UMA. It just *MIGHT* work for bandits too so once players are overhauled then we can decide if bandits are skinned meshes like zombies, or assembled parts via pieces after the new player clothing/armor system is completed we can do some stress tests and see and make the right calls. Then bandits can sort of fall out of the character system instead of a separate effort.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Then the guy must be skipping tons of volumes and not following the path to have it not kick on and show the remaining few zed volumes.

You can't take broad stroke philosophies and apply it to ever meta in the game. Only under certain circumstances does crafting allow you better gear than loot and that is if you prioritize specializing in what you want to craft, probably specializing in blacksmith, and then you still need parts (obtained by looting/purchasing) to craft anything game changing.
I'd say in general that both have their purpose. I would not want to wait for looting to get me some decent tools, but that is my play style, so I typically dump points into miner and blacksmith so I can get blue tools ASAP. Early game crafting gets you what you need, but later game looting gets you what you want. Crafting holds a pretty strong place yet because you just can't always find a blue whatever, but you can craft one if you invest so I think it is fine this wa...

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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm. While it’s a ‘want, not need’ kind of thing, it would be nice for the sake of modding to have an inventory interface that supports scrolling and/or multiple pages.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Samaelka: Its never happened for me =\ They are always back at the toolbelt slot where it was.
It only happens if you have more than one type of the same spear on your toolbelt; EG: 2x stone spear. The first goes back into it's slot like it should, but then the second goes into your inventory because the game has built in protection for the hotbar to prevent duplicate items; So you dont end up with a hotbar full of looted items constantly.

It can be bypassed by using multiple spear types though, 1 stone spear, 1 iron spear, 1 steel spear; because each is its own item they can each have a hotbar slot without triggering the duplicate protection.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

As for the whole item degradation topic:

A lot of the suggestions are way too complex and fiddly or worse - introduce a whole bunch of junk items that you are supposed to carry around.

I'm not convinced it's a good idea to begin with but what is doable:
- Only allowed to repair at a workbench. Easily circumvented by keeping a workbench in your vehicle.

What would be modable:

- No item repairs ever. It really is pointless to want item degradation... but not.

- Book series to add +1 crafting quality.