7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

13 Oct

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bdawg977:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: When you think about a faction of NPC's that is determined to make your life difficult, the idea of them strapping some bombs on zeds that they know are headed your way is simple.

Also note, if you don't shoot the body, you can usually kill them well before they get close enough to do any core damage. Just keep a constant eye for them, and pop em in the head a few times. They aren't easy to drop, but they aren't much harder than...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Capt. Q. Schwartz:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: I'm sure that this particular zombie will tie in with the storyline on the bandits.

Seriously? They added an IEZ?
When you think about a faction of NPC's that is determined to make your life difficult, the idea of them strapping some bombs on zeds that they know are headed your way is simple.

Also note, if you don't shoot the body, you can usually kill them well before they get close enough... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm sure that this particular zombie will tie in with the storyline on the bandits.

29 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Olaf_Sand™:
Originally posted by WhiteLight:
Didn't know that, bought the game a few months ago. Jesus it's not like they are 25 working on that game and updates are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slow, they should stop wanking a bit and start working on their game.

Game is great but still buggy asf. Also tired of waiting a year to see a game going forward.

Another clueless rantpost..
That's what i'm tired of.
It's like they don't pay any attention to t... Read more

05 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In a game where there is a cost to running, auto-run does not make sense.

01 Sep

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It has to do with you comparing apples to oranges. Rust was designed from the ground up to be PvP. 7 Days was designed from the ground up to be PvE. If you try to balance a PvE game for PvP you end up ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all the PvE content up. This has been proven many times over in several games.

SO sure, the devs could give the PvE players the middle finger and develop the game more for PvP, but why exactly would they? They are designing the game they want, and their desing is for PvE.

Hell, players damaging other players was a bug. They only decided to leave it in to placate the few, and have barely expanded it past adding a toggle to the settings. They have stated that after the game is completed, they may consider looking into some balance for PvP, but it's not something they're going to worry about.

Also, the game is still in Alpha. Core features and content are still broken. They are really way more concerned with taking care of that than adding a featu... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by South Park Flag:
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: First, the game isn't really designed or balanced around PvP and probably never will be. With that said, PvP is viable if you find a server that is starting on week 1, where everyone is equal. Yes if you start new on a PvP server where people (enemies) already have high skills, armor, vehicles, etc, it won't end well.
Yeah, I meant to add that in my original post about this game being primarily PvE. Guess I forgot. It's ...
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28 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The big thing is, that, by being 'so good at base building', you're not gaining any experience to just stand around; You as a person do not improve by sitting there doing nothing. You dont get better at a task without doing a task.

If anything, the trap itself should gain exp; But not you the player.. You built the machines so that you didnt have to do the work, Now you're not the one doing the work so you dont get the benefits of doing the work.

Edit: and yes, Perhaps it may seem a bit 'punishing' to do things, But, You're putting in the effort and while you lose in exp, you gain in protection and reassurance. Once you set up your traps and your base, you can mine with impunity, craft with no fear, pick off zombies from afar from your tower, all without EVER putting yourself in harms way.

"If you want more reward, you expose yourself ot more danger" is just as much a common thing among gaming as "the better you are, the better reward you recieve".
... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We've had this discussion so many times now it isn't even funny.

No, you aren't going to get experience for not doing anything.
It is intended to be that way, and is not likely to change.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To my knowledge it's fully intentional. If you want the exp you need to be an active participant and getting the kills, Otherwise fully automatic zombie grinders where one stuffs 20 forges into a building, turns them all on, and watches as the many screamers and their hordes come running to die a trap filled death would be the be-all end-all experience gaining solution that gets you massive quantities of exp just for being somewhat near to the trap house.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Music in a17 is a bit gimped because the dynamic system wasn't ready yet. It should be in a18.

08 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let me rephrase. There’s an important difference between ‘players shouldn’t be allowed to do xyz’ and ‘xyz isn’t challenging right now and that should change.’ You’ll consistently find the latter is, at a minimum, a lot less controversial.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: They need to add something to prevent riding through horde night. That's as bad as hiding at bedrock. They added digging to prevent that. I'm sure they'll add something to prevent riding out the horde. The Devs dont WANT players skipping the bloodmoons.

“Prevent” is overstating things. You say prevent, and you immediately get pushback of “why do you care how others play, it doesn’t hurt you, don’t ruin my fun, don’t force people, blah blah blah.”

A better approach is to bring vehicles into balance with other horde night tactics. The effort versus reward should be comparable to building, fighting, etc. For instance, it will be harder to acquire gas in A18, which will have a d... Read more

07 Aug

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BodyBagger:
Originally posted by Jost Amman: In A18 there will be an electrical storm coming on BM night which will stop all vehicles from working... >:-)

Then everyone will want nuclear-powered vehicles...
Except that when your electronically controlled cooling system fails......

03 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I found and listened to part of the song in question (it's 20 minutes long). That music does not appear anywhere in the game. However there is an ambient track layered underneath the music of chirping birds. My best guess is both the music and the game use similar or identical bird chirp sound effects, and the timing of the bird chirps in the game lined up well enough to trip Twitch's automatic digital rights thingamajig. I am not a lawyer, but in my non-professional opinion you should appeal because clearly this artist doesn't deserve any credit for anything in the game.

02 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kick: ... When you fetch the server list, you are asking hundreds' of strangers servers to send code to your computer and execute it.
This is so wrong it's not even funny. They aren't sending code to your computer and executing it. They're sending a data information packet with specific information. The client then reads that simple information and fills in the fields in the list. If the data doesn't match what the code in your client is expecting, nothing happens.

01 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, you're not going to have that ability here. You'll need to copy your data to a USB drive to move between PC's.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Avanar: Isn't it just copy and paste to save the data?

The reason it's not currently implemented in-game is because in it's current state, copying the files while they are being used by the client has a high chance of corrupting them. (Windows issue. This doesn't happen on Linux.)

Really think about it. You have a single region file that may be 1GB in size. Your average computer system is only capable of writing data at 75MB/s. If you have a newer system with SSD's you're looking at 250MB/s as an average. So it will take at best, 4 seconds to move a file which is constantly being written to several times a second.

That's just one region. After some gameplay you ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have already had this discussion very recently.

When are we going to have a REAL save game & Steam Cloud?

Answer: Not going to happen. Save data is...