7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

16 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm currently reading Chris Cox's Magitech Chronicles. I've read some of his other sci-fi books, but Magitech has spaceships/tech combined with mages doing magic and space dragons/gods. Works for me. His lore.

Player swimming feels like mud. I'd like to fix that someday.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Of note, the stage of the car that you're dismantling- If you're only dismantling the unlootable wrecks, i dont think it has any chance for a battery; Or at least not a good chance. You'll mostly get batteries and engines from the lootable middle and top stage.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

How do zombies walk or attack or eat? Is it not muscle memory from their life?

How do zombies swim...

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is not that simple. There are more rules than that. Distance matters and the lower the zombie intelligence, the less they care are about block heath, so distance matters even more to them. Zombie intelligence is also a random range that is set per zombie type. The dumber zombies don't even like long distances and will increasing bail on a path and destroy.

Oh, I did forget I was playing hordes every 3 days, but then switched to every 4 days when I upped the AI block damage from 50% to 67%.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually, I tend to just play like a normal person and then get annoyed by stupid stuff like anyone else regardless if it was something I worked on or not.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Doom and gloom much?
A positive outlook so you could interpret what I write as positive news could do you wonders.
Such as, we won't release lore.doc for people to pick apart and read. Rather the game itself will be the lore in all the dialogue, quest notes and what you take in with your eyes, ears. A picture or in this case, multimedia is worth 100,000 words.

Losing car harvest bugs is a shame? Breaking through a block to see another block with almost as many hit points and seeing it pop up and down is cool in what way? Look at what you gain, no more cars bobbing or frustrating doors that have hidden health pools and changed materials requiring you to change tools mid destruction. I didn't say we'd lose damage models for sure, I said we'd show the model when the hit points are X most likely. But if I had to choose, I'd pick the streamlined option with no bugs than downgrade models with bugs and blocks respawning with a new health bar...

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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not like it's hard to mod it in either. A few of the items even have the code already there, but commented out.

15 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Seftak:
Originally posted by dr.toast: i think it adds a little extra crunchy texture to my dishes.... although i dont understand why i cant snack on my favourite ingredient by itself :/
You can?
Yep; Broken glass is a thing, Munch away..........Side effects may include massive internal hemorrhaging.

Originally posted by ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by strask: Shurenai, your explanation makes very good sense up until the end where you give example numbers and it all falls apart. Could you double check those digits are what you intended to type?
Yeah sorry, Could've been more clear there.
28(current day)
7(Default Blood Moon Frequency)
1-3(Blood Moon Range used in the example)
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

There will be no lore released. There will be a game which you can see what was done and figure out the lore based on what we did.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're probably going to phase out downgrade blocks entirely. It is annoying to break a 5000 hit point block to have a 4k one spawn in its place. We will probably swap models when hit points are a x % instead of completely remove one block and replace it with another which has it's own bugs like deforming terrain and cars popping up and down, etc. Not everything has a downgrade model is the short answer though.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If at any time you change one of the blood moon settings (Blood Moon Frequency or Blood Moon Range) the game will upon log in immediately re-calculate the next horde night from the current day at the time.

EG: IF you're on day 28 and about to have a horde, you log out and change range to +3 because you want to ahve a bit of extra time, It will subsequently re-calculate from day 28 and horde night will instead appear on day 28+7(+1-3)
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by lvl. 50 honkler:
Originally posted by Shurenai: In A18 this is a problem, but A19 introduces some things that make it impossible for it to be the case.

In A19, While fortbites can protect you from damage, It cannot protect you from critical hits. You can't just ignore zombies. If you let them keep beating on you because you take no health damage you'll take critical hits that dramatically weaken your character and reduce your max health- And your max health can be reduced to...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In A18 this is a problem, but A19 introduces some things that make it impossible for it to be the case.

In A19, While fortbites can protect you from damage, It cannot protect you from critical hits. You can't just ignore zombies. If you let them keep beating on you because you take no health damage you'll take critical hits that dramatically weaken your character and reduce your max health- And your max health can be reduced to 0 and you die because of it, iirc.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Armor rating is a flat %
Basically your total armor rating is the % of damage you just don't take.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can always put that in. Until water and RWG gets fixed those details don't matter that much IMO. I've yet to see a lake deep enough to swim in, let alone get fully submerged, are you guys playing Navezgane or something?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

What part of "there should be no easy way to avoid the horde" don't you get? We could make zeds not swim, but then we would have to make players drown when they run out of stamina so I'd rather not hear all the complaints about drowning and have zombies be able to get to you in the water. We have our own lore that is molded around tower defense, fun and challenge, not Romero lore or whatever flick you think feels real and immersive.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm done with A19 unless there is a bug I can help with. I'm working with concept artists on special infected and pipe weapon visual design. That stuff will all be really cool.

I don't know, it would depend if they merge it over or not.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't mind a healthy discussion but nerd polling is now off topic. It has been discussed a thousand times probably more than LBD so just stop already unless we officially make a change to it in a future alpha it is off topic in this A19 thread.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

It would probably be for the highest tier POIs where there is a super chest involved. You could still grind your way through with a pickaxe, but it would be more obnoxious than just taking the intended path. I'd like to see auto turrets protecting loot myself, so even if you break in you get insta killed pretty much without deactivating them properly with a key card or something.