Doom and gloom much?
A positive outlook so you could interpret what I write as positive news could do you wonders.
Such as, we won't release lore.doc for people to pick apart and read. Rather the game itself will be the lore in all the dialogue, quest notes and what you take in with your eyes, ears. A picture or in this case, multimedia is worth 100,000 words.
Losing car harvest bugs is a shame? Breaking through a block to see another block with almost as many hit points and seeing it pop up and down is cool in what way? Look at what you gain, no more cars bobbing or frustrating doors that have hidden health pools and changed materials requiring you to change tools mid destruction. I didn't say we'd lose damage models for sure, I said we'd show the model when the hit points are X most likely. But if I had to choose, I'd pick the streamlined option with no bugs than downgrade models with bugs and blocks respawning with a new health bar...
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