7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

14 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I look at exploits on a regular basis, but it competes with bug fixing, optimizing, cleaning up old stuff, updating engine/3rd party code, balance and new features. Yesterday I started redoing how AI walks on ladders due to the bouncy ladder exploit. Legacy code basically just shoved the AI up the ladder. Now they can walk and stand on them like a player can. Hopefully that will be ready for testing today, but may not be released until after stable.

The bandits will just nerd pole up to your roof, bust out the wall and rob you blind.

Easy. "Is that a bear over there?", then they teleport while you are looking away.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have not looked at that yet. Have more pressing things to work on.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The district border is right between them.

Both districts were required to have their own fire station but for improved efficiency and cooperation they built them next to each other.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Depends on how sweet pathing, AI and combat animations all end up I think. There might be too many scenarios where a human NPC gets glitched out and stuck if forced to try and follow players.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

As long as there is some upkeep/maintenance/costs I don't mind bases that make you very safe. Something you can build once and never have anything to worry about again with zero fuel/trap repair/base repair would be something we would want to investigate I think.
I know Faatal hates cheesy things. I showed him that ladder video and its already fixed, zombies are ninjas on ladders now and can attack and strafe on ladders.
I know you have said I shut you down all the time, but even if I did I appreciate you bringing some things to light. You are on the extreme end of a hardcore player, I'm probably 65% hardcore with my settings. Our goal is to have enough options to make most people pretty happy, and after gold nearly everyone can be happy with mods.


Originally posted by BigBoiFoot

Will there be HD reworks for the remaining zombies before A19 stable?

They'll trickle in with 19.x patches. They take quite a while to do.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's good then. :steamhappy:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crater Creator: As I recall, there's no UI telling you what your gamestage is outside of the console. So from that perspective, tying it instead to zombie kills makes sense.
Gamestage is listed in the player list; Fully visible to the player at any given time without the console...albeit in a bit of a weird place to look.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It may or may not be balanced currently, but I wouldn't balance it based on what feels right when cheating with the creative menu, either. And I'm not sure why you bring up glitches in A16 - obviously glitches shouldn't factor into the balance, either. If you want to min-max your gamestage, I would suggest getting your heat/activity map piping hot so that screamers are coming all the time. Or much easier, turn up your XP gain in the settings.

It's admittedly weird to have achievements based on gamestage, because gamestage is a non-obvious stat that would typically be calculated behind the scenes. As I recall, there's no UI telling you what your gamestage is outside of the console. So from that perspective, tying it instead to zombie kills makes sense. On the other hand, there are already achievements for killing zombies. We've also definitely had Alphas where players complained that killing zombies was the "only" (read: optimal) way to get XP and level up. So tha... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's more likely that the achievements will be redone than for them to redo the gamestage. Gamestage has been refined and tweaked continuously, but the achievements havent changed in ages.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
2: Falling damage
3: Drowning
4: Setting yourself on fire (Own thrown molotov, or standing in fire)
5: Accidentally exploding yourself (Players own mine or rocket launcher shot)

Iuno about a 6 and 7 though
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it should work. There is no trick to it.

Alpha 19 B-180 Experimental is out! The build has many great fixes, balance improvements and much more. Here are the full Official Release Notes, the forum B-180 Release Notes and how to opt in.

Official A19 Full Release Notes![7daystodie.com]

Official A19 B-180 Release Notes![community.7daystodie.com]

This is how you access the A19 Experimental build:

  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the “betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/251570/announcements/detail/4641476065439374634]here[/url].
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gringo Suave: Hi.
What is the biggest deal breaker for not restarting a map? What would break on maps from the last experimental build? Just deciding whether to wipe it or not. Thanks. ... Wigbert ...
So far, is the inability to play on the world. Map files not being loaded properly from the server. Weird bugs where every time you fire a shot with your weapon your view gets rotated. Blocks not showing correctly. Invisible blocks.

That's just a short list you can get started on. I've only been able to spend about half an hour testing this build.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by D.A.R.K.: I didn't see the fix for Dancing Car.
What happened with b179?
had issues that needed fixin. b179 lasted all of about 4 hours. LOL There are a lot of internal build you don't see public.

13 Aug

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We suggest you start over with this new build.
Patch notes are posted here.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can identify the block in debug mode by looking at it and holding shift with the F3 debug info up.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Changelog for A19 b180
  • Utility_celltower_02
  • Allow the complete freezing of zombies within the game (ctrl-num* toggles)
  • Add chunk boundary markers that look like the land claim bounds box (Shift-num toggles)

  • Worlds' splat maps support PNG again to reduce world sizes
  • Replaced collider and shadow caster on car parts ramp
  • 40 prefab materials to use the crossfade shader
  • 100 block entities to consistent LOD culling heights
  • Top tier foods sell for more dukes, and no longer have economic bundles of 5 but 1, so single meals can be sold
  • Wine kegs are not lootable

  • Client view distance setting ignored for player render distance
  • Blocks with simple rotation enabled cannot be reversed with R key
  • Prefab...
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