I think it would just clutter the loot and coming up with a third armor perk... it would just be too clunky and add uneeded complexity.
The game was never designed to be purists using a single attribute. Armor perks don't increase your AR anyway so it isn't like you can't use armor with those builds, and buying a few ranks of armor perks is cheap enough.
1 - AI may just be stuck not generating a path for an unknown reason. Just like ladder blocks did not make proper paths to adjacent ladders or climb in a controlled manner, which I fixed recently.
2 - They have a timer with destroying blocks, which tends to override other things. I don't consider it a big deal, since zombies are stupid. If bandits did it, then would be more of an issue.
Arrow slits will get fixed when I get to it. Pathing is cheap, but grid generation is not, which is where the fix would live. The fix would not just be for that, since cube casting will cause extra colliders to be hit, which will change paths and possibly make more problems to deal with, beyond just being slower.
Drone AI is special case, just like vulture AI is. Bandits will probably use AI pieces like the normal AI does. A melee bandit is not much different than a wolf, but with more circling (wolv...
Read moreMost games are not going to be using 100% of your CPU in general gameplay, because 100% in Windows means every core is maxed out. Games don't use every core most of the time, because a lot of code can't be run in parallel.
I think it is too close to Christmas now to do a short build, so we'll just do our normal thing and it will be done when it's done.
That would be awesome, they would be much easier to kill than hiding in the grass.
A20 will be weapon complete for all classes. INT will never have amazing firepower, you sit on your ass and let your traps and inventions do most the heavy lifting.
It isn't coming to A19.
Yes, they were speed up by like 25%.
I thought you couldn't even load "outdated" savegames any more.
The plan is bandits that can take cover, patrol, retreat, etc. It isn't that we don't want to put bandits in, it's that we want to tidy up and polish the game before we do. We're trying to break the cycle of putting in prototypes and unfinished work every build, but finish systems off and tidy things up nice so it isn't built on a house of cards.
I haven't even tested it let alone played, so when I do I will think about this.
We use A*. What to do with that information is our code.
Originally posted by A93ntZ3r0: I started mining for iron in a chunk near my base, by going deeper I discovered coal, nitrate, leed, sand, rocks, and of course clay in the same mine, not sure if this is the usual thing or I am very lucky.Its usual. Any given vein has primarily whatever the rock was on the surface, and a little ... Read more
Added a screenshot