7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

16 Mar

7 Days to Die is now on sale for 66% Off! Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Navezgane awaits!

10 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sinbad:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Fog density matters a lot.

Yes exactly. We cant compare the game to real life of course but I can confirm; Where Im from on the rural highway on a foggy night you cannot see 10' in front of you and on-coming vehicles dont pop up until they are right beside you and that is not an exaggeration. Also any light passing through the fog makes it seem even more thicker.

To the op. Entering weather fog 0 will completely fix ...
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09 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AviusL: Even if it's foggy fog doesn't make everything around you super bleak so then that's a game thing (bug?) that should be changed. Fog shouldn't appear right on top of you like that.
Fog density matters a lot. With dense fog in day light (which is fairly rare, as fog tends to occur in the evening or morning hours as the sun is rising/falling) it can very easily be super bleak. Where I live we get tons of super thick fog; Can't see further than a street away; often not even that far, and it greys everything that you CAN see out pretty harshly. Colors become very muted, and it can feel very smothering to be inside it.

... Read more

08 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fairly certain that is fog; Or at the very least fog effect. It seems you've used some method to force FOV or something out further than it should be; Or perhaps to a resoltuion the ame doesn't support, since the UI is not against the edges like it should be..Is it possible whatever you changed screwed up something unintended, causing fog to appear 24/7?

In short; That is NOT how the game should be appearing most of the time. So if it's a constant thing for you, something, somewhere, is broken and not functioning as intended. IS this a completely fresh install? Including using the launcher to clear all game files before re-installing? Lot of possibilities here. Need more info.

07 Mar

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Amazon link!
The Fun Pimps are proud to announce our new OFFICIAL women's t-shirt as requested by many of you! In addition to our men's tee, we wanted to bring you a shirt with a modern, soft and relaxed fit for you female zombie survivors out there! We appreciate all of your support and be sure to check out our new OFFICIAL women's t-shirts on Amazon, supplies are limited so be sure to get yours now! Please be aware of fake merch on Amazon, this is our ONLY official store... Amazon link!

04 Mar

We just released Alpha 18.4 b4 language patch to stable with many great bug fixes and improvements. Read on for more details.

Official 18.4 Release Notes[7daystodie.com]

23 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I don't think much of anything is guaranteed if your game crashes. Including not being able to load your save file again.

The bigger issue is why is your game crashing. I don't remember having a crash for years now on my two systems.
Pretty much this. Data loss is a frequent occurrence when the game is shut off unexpectedly during a save function- And the game is constantly saving things here and there in the world. VEhicle location, for example, is being updated constantly as you're driving around.

So yeah...crashes will cause corruption. It's a problem in pretty much -Every- game that crashes, not just this one. And it's not really 'fixable'.

There's a reason that bas... Read more

20 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Did not appear in the above search, but was just posted a couple of days ago....

14 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JimmyIowa:
Originally posted by Vresiberba: How is this even possible to slip through testing?!

BTW - this didn't "slip through testing", lol :) And it won't change. It will stay this way. The reason is because the game can't tell if you have built a aabase in a POI. Because what would qualify as a "base"? You can't just count any player made blocks as a base, because lots of people use wood frames to climb and move around while exploring. So the program doesn't know what you consider to be a "base". Live and learn. :)
With the exception of a placed bedroll and/or a placed land claim block, yep.

Edit: To elabora... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Vresiberba:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Well.. For one, The game doesn't reset a POI until you reach the location AND interact with the giant floating exclamation point. Plenty of time to recognize "Oh, huh, this is my base. Maybe I should not do this quest"
Don't know why I owe you an explanation, but my base was in the back and the exclamation mark was on the porch at the front. I didn't even realise the building was my base. I also did NOT [because CAPS baby] know i...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well.. For one, The game doesn't reset a POI until you reach the location AND interact with the giant floating exclamation point. Plenty of time to recognize "Oh, huh, this is my base. Maybe I should not do this quest"

For two, If you have a land claim block or a bed roll IN the POI you have received a quest in, The game won't allow you to begin the quest after reaching the location.

Third, The POI is reset because it's entirely possible you may have cleared and previously looted the building- Meaning if the quest starts and the POI is -not- reloaded, it would not be a completeable quest. -- It's also possible for zombies to have damaged the POI, either wandering hordes or if the player had used it as a horde base, or a number of other possibilities.. So, the POI is refreshed to it's initial state, to bypass all those possibilities and ensure the quest is doable.

I won't say you 'should have known' that it would reset your base...But, You should have k... Read more

05 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There’s a definite irony here. The developers had to explicitly program the two wheeled vehicles to fall over.

26 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jolly: I do wish we could cook with ovens and brew teas/coffee in coffee pot, maybe add rot to foods and could use a fridge
Adding food decaying mechanics to food would necessitate food being unstackable; The game has no way of assigning different values to items in a stack. Not to mention that I don't think it's currently possible to make anything 'decay' like that inside an inventory; the players or otherwise. The functionality just isn't there for an item to change without being 'Used' by a player.

The oven and coffee pot are totally possible though.

24 Jan

Hey Survivors,
we just released Alpha 18.3 b4 language patch to stable. The patch has full language support for English, Spanish, Spanish Latin American, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Simple Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The release also has many great bug fixes and improvements. Read on for more details.

Official 18.3 Release Notes[7daystodie.com]

20 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Split-screen gaming isn't something that is common at all on the PC for a large number of reasons. I'm not aware of any mods that will allow it for 7 Days or most any other game out there.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not a PC game feature. Split screen only exists on consoles.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JErosion: Well Hornets could be mutated like how some of the Zombies are. Although there are times i would like to see more Biomes like a marshland or Swamp. Then you could have gators and Giant Mosquitoes.
That mutation is built upon being zombified in the first place though; No zombie hornet, no mutation.

Zombie mosquitoes; sure, They bite zombies, draw rotten blood, bam, infected mosquito. Same with gators using the same logic of the bears and vultures.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't know personally, But I suspect because there wasn't a good reason/cause for the hornets to exist.. The zombie vultures make sense; They're vultures that ate zombie flesh from the rotting shamblers and got infected. Same thing with zombie bears; Zombies came after it for fresh meat, bit in and assaulted it, it fought back, doubly infected. But, How's a hornet gonna get infected? Why would zombies go after hornets that arent a hot blooded lunch for them? It just didn't fit the world they're trying to create.

17 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Captain Nap: I had never considered a knife... now it's next on my list, thanks.
Fair warning; Early game can be a bit dicey especially after the change that doubled attack speed but halved damage. Sharpen your kiting skills, because a lot of your damage will be via the bleed effect until you get a better weapon (Hunting knife or machete; because the bone shiv is...not great.)

Also be sure you never get caught in a corner as unlike most other weapons, the knives have Very little chance of staggering or knocking down an enemy to get you a way out.

Still, I really enjoyed my knife playthrough. Being able to power attack enemies and just kite it for a short while to kill it was really ni... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pretty much any weapon with all of its perks and fully modded out is..Fairly imbalanced. If you think the sledge is OP; Go play with fist weapons. With max fortitude, max The Brawler, pain tolerancce, heavy armor, and healing factor(All within the Fortitude tree, for convenience), you're basically an unstoppable tank. Even the strong enemies hit you for 1 damage most of the time.

Pair that with your fist weapon which via the Brawler perk and mods can have up to NINE different status effects it can apply to enemies, and you can just wade into a group on horde night and pound everything into mush. Any damage you -do- take gets refilled by healing factor and the occasional bandage. -- The status effects include negating the infection ability on headshots; A chance to stagger; a chance to knock down; a chance to ragdoll them; a second chance to simply explode their head; a chance to set them on fire; a chance to stun them; a chance to slow them; a chance to burn them; a cha... Read more