7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

19 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was not here then, but they did what they did. Back then it would of been Unreal 3 and I hated that engine.

The Subnautica players are so mad, they lost their minds and are leaving to play Subnautica.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

18 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

From what I hear they mostly subbed out Fallout 76 to other studios. That is why it was a POS IMO. They let them try some wild stuff, then when the world declared it was a big steaming pile of crap they reeled it back in by adding human NPC questgivers which is what it should have shipped with in the first place. They will probably massage it for a few more years into something reasonable, but it will never feel like Fallout 5 which is sort of what everyone wanted, not what we got.
I think its taking forever because they are making a brand new IP Starfield, doing some new stuff they have never done before, and after the fallout 76 fiasco I'm pretty damn sure they need to knock one out of the park.

I played the crap out of Oblivion, but I modded the crap out of it too, that was a ton of fun just tinkering so I can relate Game dev is like crack.

We won't let you know when it's done because we'll all be ash lol.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As of I think either A16 or A17, the game is completely 64bit; There is no 32bit option anymore. The game simply requires more than 2gb of ram hands down, but 2gb is the limit with 32bit.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Honestly for a hobby game where people play it ALL the time I think it would be a good business model. For games that don't have legs no it would be horrible.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

$24.99 is fine, but hey if your throwing money around... Oh you meant hours my bad
I was thinking we should just charge 25 cents an hour. Dirt cheap, but you 5000 hour guys would have coughed up $1250 to us by now.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Or just ship this amazing game and stop rethinking every design because 3 5000 hour guys are bored

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just use twitter.

Probably go with Unreal but what is done is done. You can be close on a release for up to 2 months, no point in speculation.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm pretty sure we can expect traditional BGS features. The thing that bothers me is that it compromised the standard cadence we were getting between elder scrolls games and will probably impact fallout 5 as well. They went from 2002, 2006,2011 what looks like a ten year or more wait between titles. If Starfield comes out 2021 that means 2 to 3 years later for ES6, putting it at 2024. So going from 4, to 5, to almost 15 years between sequels is really depressing. When Skyrim launched I was so happy I thought I will get another 5-10 elder scrolls before I kick off if I live to be 70 or 80, now it looks like 1-2 more at most.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean.. Kinda surprised it hasn't been said yet, but, yknow, it's entirely possible the quest bugged and one of the zombies didn't spawn properly.. I've only ever had it happen to me once myself, but it can happen.

When it happened to me, i had a yellow dot pointing to a spot as if there were zombie(s) there, but, no matter what angle i came from no zombie spawned there. I ended up having to log out and in to start the quest over again.

Originally posted by xX_YUNG-DIPSHIT_Xx

Run far, run fast

Can confirm. Run.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can have one Trader quest per trader active at one time. For the Note based quests, you can have one of each unique quest active at a time. So you can't have 'Nail some Chicks' twice at once; You need to complete the first to accept the second.

So you could have as many as say, 5 trader quests at one time, and theres...iuno, what, 15 or so note quests, and 4 types of buried treasure quests all at one time; They wont interfere with one another.

17 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Delayed until next year for sure. Maybe longer.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You left out that Starfield is pie in the sky and Elder Scrolls six is a retirement home for all the devs because they will be elders in their 60's when it is released.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm one of the few at TFP who plays solo. Everyone else enjoys coop and I'm sure we will get some data soon from gamesparks once we are out of exp on what % of players are connected to a server vs solo. That is not even relevant though. We have to protect the single players from themselves too, because coffee pot bases would destroy their own frame rate and then they will complain. If you can imagine it, someone will do it so we have to limit things in a responsible manner and design for average use case mostly.
Anyhow there are ways around it, but this topic is getting really old as well. The answer is a simple mod.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think ideas are interesting, but have to say no to everything so we can get the must haves in and go gold.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah Rust single player and coop is so exciting. 🤪 Don't get me wrong I like Rust and have a lot of hours, but the only thing it does good is pvp. They should be stealing our pvp fans since we have put 0 effort into pvp so far. Once sp features are done I will get into pvp and do some balancing.

I don't care for the constant maintenance they added to your base. You have to stuff high quality metal into your cupboard to prevent the decay of your steel base, etc. So it becomes a grind to maintain a small fort. I get why it should decay since they don't have voxels and old abandoned bases should decay to keep servers running good but I think the new design is worse than before where you just had to log on every so often to prevent decay. Imagine building a steel base and having it suck all the forged steel out of your chests just to keep the health bars from degrading in 7 days. It would suck. Repair is bad enough but an ongoing cost makes it so you c...

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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You never had the coffee pot, you never lost the coffee pot. It doesn't eat up too much texture space by itself, but if a person started placing every skinned mesh in their base it might cause blurry textures because of low vram. The bigger issue is someone spam crafting coffee pots and placing one every meter which is 5 million polygons in one chunk to troll other players and bring server FPS to a crash because that is what children do. So for those two reasons players will never get high polygon blocks they can place.
Ultimately someone will make a mod that allows coffee workstations, fridges, etc. I'll probably mod my own game to do it when we're gold, but for the masses it isn't worth solving all the problems, and is more of a small niche feature that not everyone would want. It is better to keep it simple and just craft coffee in your campfire, and one workstation isn't worth designing and training players on just for coffee.

Paints cannot stream so the...

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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

None, artists aren't programmers so upgrading art has zero impact on game play.

She still looks inpired from the original, but looks scarier.

We aren't cutting zombies to make room for new ones. We are cutting ones that you would never see in 1000 days in a real apocalypse like cheerleaders and football players. There will be more unique hd zombies than ever soon enough. Most people have better performance now than ever.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think I’ve been influenced by experiences from prior Alphas.

In A17, you pretty much had to do an Intelligence build to unlock many of the fun parts of the game. Having done that, now I’ve swung in the other direction. I’ve gone with a Strength build, and almost no Intelligence skills, I guess in part to test the promise that other builds are viable now.

In A16 and earlier, the minibike was the bomb! There were no other vehicles so, like mining helmets, everyone used one, because why wouldn’t you. Having played through those days, a gyrocopter feels extravagant. It’s important to have a vehicle, so that I can get to that quest POI that’s 2 km away without wasting the whole day. But I feel like any vehicle, even the bicycle, gives you 80% of the benefit over moving on foot. They should differentiate the vehicles more.