7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Aug

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was thinking all zombies would have that sense, not just ferals. Might as well make it hardcore since not that many ferals spawn at night anyway except in the wasteland. I'd want ALL zombies to have the ability if I turned it on.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr Blue Playdoh: To be fair people here was slagging me off when I was saying about how there was stutters in A18 all I got was

“Potato PC”
“Your PC is got bad hardware”

Blah blah blah

and guess what?
A19 was released and it’s running perfect yes once in a blue moon you may get lag/stutter but other than that it’s so smooth and I didn’t change any thing on my PC!

so before gobbing of to people saying “it’s your PC” it probably isn’t it seems this game just don’t like some hardware.

And I’m waiting on a update that will break it again as it will happen lol
We say this because 95% of the time, that turns out to be exactly what the issue was. Either a lack o... Read more
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

So while they are on a sideways garage door you activate it and they fall in the pit?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I put that feral sense at night idea on the roadmap. Don't say we never listen to you guys Obviously I'll need to get everyone on board and make sure its pretty easy to do, but I can see that being a great feature to make the game more challenging and scary.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

They already have specialization.

"Feral sense at night" would be a decent option. You couldn't go anywhere at night without eveything coming out of the woodwork to get you. It would be pretty scary tbh and add cheap legs to the game.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

A modder could hack it together easily.. just make the door a 2 meter multi block but it would be 2.5 meters high to the peak of collision. Then it would work fine, but the issue is if you put any block other than an arch up there, it clips, looks wrong and would get us a bug ticket so we can't really do it properly without some kind of new tech that had the arched block paintable and achored above the door. Way too much engineering when you can just put a plate or something behind it and just use a square door.
I'm not really picturing your use case needed an arch corner?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

When you see an alpha 19 thread go up, we will add stuff to it.
All I can say is most likely pipe weapons, POI work and more HD zombie replacements, possibly some new / old special infected.

Knives really suck early game though. If anything I'd buff the hunting knife so it is right in the middle of bone knife and machete.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't do doors and its not really possible since the door would eat into the voxel space above it.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah I made the outside corner, but noticed the lack of an inside stair corner, it would be great for sunken living rooms, etc.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Seftak:
Originally posted by CoinSpin: Wonder if they could do something to make it auto-equip into an open toolbelt slot? Like tap E to retrieve normally, hold down E (or alt+E or something) to retrieve and equip into first available slot on belt.
This would actually be a good solution.

But i frankly do not understand the limitation to have 2 of the same item on the hotbar. Are the hotbar slot not remembered independently? I guess the hotbar just have a "queue"...
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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

If it was a bug then I would not stop your perma death play through.
Did the dirt fall on her and kill her?

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wandering hordes wander by you, randomly off to a side, but they have an investigate target in the distance, which probably causes them to be alert, so you can't sneak attack them.

I'd call that a bug. Added to TODO.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can check the log file. It should show why a player died.

Looks like:

Entity name 830 killed by animalDireWolf 1561

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If that's a single player game then you are the one and only authority on what constitutes cheese. Or milk. Or vegetables.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually volumes can be grouped, which would cause them to act as a whole. That was something I added back in March 2019, but designers have a ton of POIs and thousands of volumes, so they can't just easily go through through them all and know what could be improved.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

When I read thisI felt like I heard a drum roll while I'm waiting to see snowdog's response to your comment

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it essentially is.

The biggest POI have a bit over 30 zombie groups. 3 of those is 10% when it was 3.3% before.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it was balanced for the bigger POI.

Previously you only got the guidance for the last missing zombie room.

On a T5 POI it now shows you the last three. Unless you make it a point to tunnel through walls or skip entire floors that should work every time now.

If it is a problem then it is very likely a self-made one.

Don't take me wrong - feel free to tunnel all throughout the building. Just go all the way and hit every room while doing so. That works, too.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well... Why don't you go sprint several marathons, fight a hundred zombies, dig several hundred cubic meters of soil and stone, chop a few dozen trees down, jump all over the place all while recovering from grievous injuries all in one day and see how hungry You feel after all that.

In different phrasing, Hunger decay is actually pretty slow. But all your activity from sprinting to jumping to swinging tools to climbing, to swimming, to recovering health all consumes hunger bit by bit- The more active you are, the faster your hunger goes down; Which, in all honesty, is pretty accurate. The player can singlehandedly achieve more by themselves in a single game day than a dozen strong burly men can in a work week; So it's completely fair imo for a commensurate amount of caloric intake to be matched against your tireless physique.

The most notable alternative to all your actions consuming hunger is a hard daily limit on how much activity you can have balanced... Read more