7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

27 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!
We just sent out the second wave of tester invites.
We did lock the thread because as of right now we are not looking to do another round of invites.

For A20 pre-testing we will be selecting people based on how well they report bugs during A19 experimental and stable, instead of creating a thread like this one.

So if you did not get picked, really show us your bug reporting skills as soon as experimental releases.

25 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Locked this thread.
Wave 2 is coming soon.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kitty: It is not balanced at all. Fix it. Or else you're probably gonna lose gamers right now. I didn't play 4 years for this and that attitude to come down on me.
Oh, and this is funny considering that the game's player base has steadily increased over the past 4 years. So much so that it hasn't left Steams top 100 selling games.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You set xp % to be boosted so your gamestage increases more than you have time to gather resources for?

The game is balanced fine for playing at default settings. So either you maxed exp to level fast and kicked yourself in the ass, or just have trouble fighting zeds.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Lowest blood moon count with two people would be...8 zombies total (4 each)? You cant fight off 8 zombies at a time with 2 people?

You must have dramatically changed other settings such as EXP gain to values way outside the norm and subsequently leveled WAY more than you should have before the horde night on day 7 in order to get demolishers on the first horde night; when normally they should be being encountered by day 21+ at the earliest under normal play. If you change settings willy nilly without knowing what might happen, the result is on your head when the game crashes down on you.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be in camp 'git gud' for once. There are people that play solo and do 64 horde count hordes on the highest difficulty with always run zombies. Anyone playing with default settings solo is doing 8 zombies at a time.

But you and your friend can't do half of that (4 zombies) each..? And on the lowest difficulty setting at that, in which... Read more

03 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Round 1 invites have been sent to you via PM.

If you did not receive an invite, please be patient. We may have another round of invites at a later date.

30 Apr


    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
At this time, yes; The traders are the only NPC's in the game. Other NPC's, particularly hostile bandits, should be coming in the next alpha or two.

28 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Grimreepr: Zombies cannot spawn on a player placed block. ...
This has not been true since like Alpha 7.

Before Alpha 17 you could just fill the void with frames and then pick it up to kill the sleeper blocks, but that went away with the new volumes.

24 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lesh-9:
Originally posted by Geck0: Doesn't the LCB stop zombies from spawning in it's radius?

Yea, but the blood moon horde is immune to its effects. I think screamer spawns might be too.
Correct. The LCB and Bedroll have only ever stopped POI spawns. Biome, screamer, and bloodmoon spawns are not affected by them.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Spirit Wolf: So, if you are in a deep cave base. Will the blood moon horde spawn in the ground 50 blocks from ya or just spawn above trying to dig to you?
Above, and they will absolutely dig down to you. Even if you make a big hollow room, i dont think they can spawn underground (Never really tested though.)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How big of a base do you have..?

In any case, The zombies currently spawn around 50~ blocks out from your location, ish. Given the default zombie spawn total of 8, if they spawned much further than that, you'd basically only ever have one or two zombies active at your door, and the other 6-7 way out away from your base on their way back from respawning, just taking up pathing space for no real reason. Spawning them such a distance away too would require more active loading of those regions rather than just having it prepped and ready for you to travel into them; And also would require increasing the size of the AI's pathing grid to compensate (since blood moon hordes always know where you are; their pathing area must be large enough to contain the player from the range at which they spawn.), which would increase performance costs of the AI.

It's just.. Not really a good deal to make them spawn further away, in any aspect.

20 Apr

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Survivors, Avoiders, and Maniacs!

Since a lot of people are sitting at home and are looking to kill some time, we would like to offer you guys a chance to bite A19's bugs before they even arrive on EXP.

You will need to be able to communicate in english. Broken, fluid, native speaker, avid learner, as long as you can describe an issue, you are fine, fear not.

Builds are coming regularly, having to start over up to several times a day should not be an issue, if you are interested.

For communication we will provide a discord server where you can report bugs, talk to other people and maybe catch some of the QA team by chance.

Here is what we would need from you:

Steam name:

Hours played:

Started on Alpha:

Discord name:

Native language:

Operating system :

Hours p...

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19 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll have to give this a try. :O Even just a small increase'd make me happy.

18 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually, a20 is planned to be the first stage of Beta, and is expected to arrive near the end of this year. The is along the plan of a19 releasing within the next few months.
And if all goes well, Gold is expected by next summer.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dark Fox:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: For some people, spreadsheets and optimizing are fun.

Anyway, this is good, and what would be even better is updating the wiki with your findings. :steamhappy:

I might do that, though I'm worried they'd just delete it, though the wiki itself is practically dead.

I don't see what anyon... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For some people, spreadsheets and optimizing are fun.

Anyway, this is good, and what would be even better is updating the wiki with your findings. :steamhappy:

17 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Henry: I guess this depends on playstyle. I play sneaky crossbow archer and went very carefull in that room the first time. I noticed the ground is breaking and moved (in slight panic) towards the stair as I thought it cannot break. This was true. So I sat up there, sleepers still sleeping and could easily snipe them one after the other.
Also there is big red warning light above the door you enter that room. That SHOULD give a hint.
My point is. It is possible to survive that even without knowing what awaits you. Just by entering a room slowly, watching, listening. This does NOT mean I havent been cought by such traps in other buildings. But those are not that severe.
So if you move carefully in rooms you don'...
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16 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Civillian: Just been playing a game with my friend, raided a shamway factory, got near the top, followed the lights as your supposed to.

Went through a door near the top and got dropped into a room FILLED with zombies (Ferals and radiated, about 12 I'd guess), she got eaten within seconds,

No warning, no way out, it was litterally a 'you die here' room, regaurdless of what you have and or do.

I thought things like that were getting removed as they were seen as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ttery.

If it's the room I think it is, There is a way out. It's just not immediately apparent; So it's quite easy to miss while you're panicking about all of the zombies coming for your tasty flesh.

There is a way out of just about every trap you can fall into in the game; The only exception that comes to mind is a three story drop that tends to be a one way trip to spla... Read more

08 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Waaaghboss Smashface: Okay good to know this is an option. Thank you!

Since I was still able to survive the onslaught on Bloodmoon I'm fine and will try to just gather that Iron again.

Is there any way Forges share materials from a pool? (might be off topic, sry)

No. Each forge only uses its own, self-contained material. You can, of course, have a cluster of forges and keep the raw materials to eventually be smelted in one crate, however.

31 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Trooper Bri: The reason for resetting a POI for a challenge is to insure that it is in fact a challenge.
Just say no.
And to make sure theres loot there for you to get; And to make sure there are zombies inside for you to kill for the quest; And to make sure the placement of the quest bag is there if applicable; And to make sure the player hasn't turned the quest house into a killing floor for the zombies that spawn..etc, etc, etc. Lotsa reasons for why.