7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

24 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have not noticed that. I don't think it is doing anything fancy. Mostly changing the FOV I think.

23 Jul

22 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Is not the fix I'd want, since the message should not happen period.

2 There are many console messages that are in the game for the devs, not for you. Those messages should never happen and are supposed to be in our face, so we fix them. The values in the error are very close, so it could be a floating point precision issue and just needs a bit of tolerance.

Thx for the info.

21 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Spawn 'randomness' is from the name you chose for the world. Pick another name or add some numbers to it.

Sorry, I have other features to work on.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That would not buy you much. Passive sleeping zombies are already low overhead.

Yes and no. It is from load on demand, but mostly from block entities. I've already made block entities preload again. Looking at other ways to reduce texture memory use. Unity streaming is not working as well as I'd like. What a surprise.... ๐Ÿ™„

20 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bags normally drop and get unloaded (destroyed), because you respawn some distance away, so those chunks unload, then they reload as you get near the chunk. The reloading is where I think the bug is.

19 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is why we have testers and I have not heard of any of them having issues. Dropped in on a lot of streamers this weekend and have not seen any of them having load delays either.

17 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Changelog for b164-b169
Note: There is a chance that character progression will be reset, if you continue a savegame from b163, due to a change.
As always we recommend starting over with a new savegame during experimental..

  • Option to change size of FPS display
  • Old Wild West Coffins
  • Tough Guy Sunglasses that boost your fortitude. Found in loot and for sale at traders
  • Allow XUi list ComboBoxes to be initialised with ints/floats from XML
  • Allow enabling/disabling XUi SimpleButtons from XML/bindings
  • Allow XUi controllers to react to binding changes at runtime
  • Mem obj and mem objs console commands to list and shrink the object pool
  • HD Biker Zombie
  • Chainsaw/auger flesh impacts for melee & harvest.
  • Added hits/grazes to all 3 tiers knuckles.
  • Visual clue for text ...
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Alpha 19 B-169 Experimental is out! The build has many great fixes, balance improvements and much more. Here are the full Official Release Notes, the forum B-169 Release Notes and how to opt in.

Official Alpha 19 Full Release Notes![7daystodie.com]

Official Alpha 19 B-169 Release Notes![community.7daystodie.com]

This is how you access the A19 Experimental build:
  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the "betas" tab
  4. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental avai...
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    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct


There is a chance that character progression will be reset, if you continue a savegame from b163, due to a change.

As always we recommend starting over with a new savegame during experimental..

Changelog for b164-b169


Option to change size of FPS display

Old Wild West Coffins

Tough Guy Sunglasses that boost your fortitude. Found in loot and for sale at traders

Allow XUi list ComboBoxes to be initialised with ints/floats from XML

Allow enabling/disabling XUi SimpleButtons from XML/bindings

Allow XUi controllers to react to binding changes at runtime

Mem obj and mem objs console commands to list and shrink the object pool

HD Biker Zombie

Chainsaw/auger flesh impacts for melee & harve...

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16 Jul

11 Jul

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by darknessanubis: You may disagree all you like but there are a couple of things you are not taking in to account. Your own experience with the game prior to this can never be completely set aside and RNG.

On your experience. You know how to use the spear and the club. You are not in that stage where trying to kill one zombie will likely get you killed as you learn. You know how to use the bow. You are not taking 10 shots to even hit the deer and then having to chase it for miles after it runs from you often into a zombie or worse direwolf or bear which will kill you before you are able to kill it. If you spend too much time trying to stay alive to get to the trader or trying to get that deer you will not have time...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RasaNova: Also, I enjoy looting, which some people don't. I agree it would be harder without looting, so that may be a challenge I set for myself in another game...
The game self balances to account for this; If someone never loots and only crafts, they'll get difficulty tailored to their choices. This self-balancing is why it can actually detrimental to double the day length or double/triple exp gain.

For double day length, if hordes are enabled, then you will have spent twice as much time accruing exp and such as you would have normally- You'll end up gaining around twice as much gamestage as you would have normally, so you'll end up with a horde tailored to that raised game stage. Yes, it gives more time to prepare- But where most screw up is in not realizing they need to leverage that time properly and prepare for something much more difficult than they realized.

Simil... Read more
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alpha 20 Known Issue List[docs.google.com]

To submit a bug report, go to this section of the Official Forum. https://community.7daystodie.com/a20-bug-database/

Do note that you need to be logged into the Official Forum first before this page is accessible.

Don't Forget to RTFM. ... Read more