7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

06 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can also adjust the sensitivity in the game options.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zero: If I set my mouse dpi to < 400, ya it's ok. Does this game not have raw input or is the settings just wrong? I have it set to the lowest and the sen is crazy high.
If your mouse has additional software, you should choose "use native input" from the game launcher. I run between 1400 and 2000DPI most of the time without any issues.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Fine for most everyone. Maybe you need to adjust your settings.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HotButteryCopPorn: the servers get harder as the day number goes up, by design its hard to host a server without an ingame interface to interact with the community instead of relying on people using discord
This hasn't happened in a few years. Difficulty is based on gamestage. The only issue with high day count servers is if they are not properly managed to clean up dead bases and respawn loot.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game is designed for 8-player co-op between friends, or single player. That is how most people play the game.

It isn't made for 30+ MMO servers.

04 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you're looking at your inventory, you see how there are 3 rows of gray squares, and then 2 rows of what look like locked slots? Pack mule 'unlocks' those 'locked' slots making them into the same gray squares as the upper three rows.

You get slowed down when your total number of unique slot occupations exceeds your number of gray squares, regardless of where the items are positioned in the inventory. If you have 30 gray squares and 31 gray items (even if half of those items are in the 'locked' slots), then you will be slowed down.

In short, Pack Mule gives you 3 more inventory slots to fill before you would be slowed down.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You're definitely not vibing with the video game logic- You're referring to the baseball bat as a 'piece of wood', But in game it's not just a piece of wood. Heck, IRL it's not 'just a piece of wood'.

The Pipe Shotgun is a Tier 1 weapon as explained above- What neither of them mentioned however is that both the Baseball Bat and Sledgehammer are Tier 2 weapons. And that tier jump makes a HUGE difference.

The Baseball bat is a tier 2 Club type weapon- The T1 version being the wooden club you craft 60 seconds into a new game to complete the tutorial. The Sledgehammer is the Tier 2 version of sledge weapons; The T1 version being the Stone sledge that you can optionally craft like 90 seconds into a new game.

And being T2 weapons, They reflect that in their stats and usability.

Also, You want to talk about a level 1 bat vs a level 6 bat? Go pick up a random tree branch and swing it at a few baseballs/trees/etc- Chances are it's going to break pr... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is only one hand crafted map; Navezgane. Pregen01, Pregen02, and Pregen03 are named as such and are all just pregenerated random worlds.

Literally any other map by any other name is a randomly generated world with a name randomly generated from a list.

That includes both Western Territories and San Junipero- What you're seeing in those maps is the new A20/A21 random generation in action.

03 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It is a you issue.

Moving this to the correct forum section. Read the Pinned threads, and do the needful.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game cares about CPU, not GPU. Your 4090 is useless.

Moving to the correct forum section. Try reading the Pinned threads.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
An active thread for this subject already exists. Please take the time to look around before starting a new thread.

dying of dehydration over and over again

02 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It depends what counts as so many things changed. The complete release notes[7daystodie.com] for A21 feels a hundred pages long (it’s also pinned on this forum), but you can read it and decide for yourself. Magazines and water changes get the most attention. There are plenty of other features - chunk reset, infestation quests, redesigned spears, permadeath, HUD-less mode, Twitch extension, etc. - that are a big deal to some but not others.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread for discussing how long the game has been in development. We keep it pinned so it’s easy to find. Please use it instead of cluttering the forum with redundant threads.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to Support & Bug Reports. Please see the pinned threads for instructions on how to report an issue, which is what people need to be able to help.

01 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please look around before posting. There is already an extremely recent active thread on this subject that was started less than 24 hours ago.

Light bulbs useless?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
An active thread for this subject already exists. Please take the time to look around before starting a new thread.

dying of dehydration over and over again[url]

31 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Effectively, vitamins or goldenrod tea mean you can fill up on dirty water.

If you have vitamins, take them first before you drink. While under the effect of vitamins, you are prevented from developing dysentery.

If you have goldenrod tea, drink dirty water until you’re hydrated or you develop dysentery. If you do develop dysentery, take the tea to start curing it.

This could probably be communicated better in the game, but there are multiple safe paths to avoiding dehydration. And like Ardele is saying, dysentery isn’t a death sentence… if the choice is risk dysentery or die of dehydration, then risk dysentery. That’s survival for you.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I reduce the loot setting; it really makes a difference on accumulating too much food/ammo/meds. Also, where you reside makes a difference, with living in the snow, the wasteland, and/or the city being (in broad strokes) more challenging with more enemies. But I sympathize that some areas of survival, e.g. surviving the elements, are underdeveloped.

30 Dec

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ghostmaxi:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: List of all the damage values for each weapon/tier
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
List of all the damage values for each weapon/tier