7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

18 Jan

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Outfit pieces can be mixed and matched for a variety of benefits and looks--- some of which will likely cause everyone on the server to laugh uncontrollably when they see how stupid you look....

But supposedly there will be an additional bonus for wearing a complete set so depending on what you are doing you will probably want to go with complete sets over mixing and matching once you have obtained full sets.

Hopefully their UX guy is going to figure out a way to let us quickly and easily change outfits rather than our always having to swap out our clothes one piece at a time.

There is still a lot of mystery about how the outfits will work. Most of what the developers communicated about them was during the conceptual phase.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
One of the magazines you find removes encumbrance at night.

Not a bug.
    Cakeday Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
With a noisy auger running and poor lighting underground, it could be easy enough to not notice the terrain blocks above you collapsing until it’s too late. The game would make a whole mountain collapse at once if it could, but it’s limited by how fast your machine can do all the structural integrity calculations.

I believe it’s an “Art of Mining” book that gives you immunity or at least reduced damage from mine collapses (e.g. damage from falling blocks).
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Support pillars are nice.

A closed entrance door guarded by turrets is even better. :)
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a game where you define and develop the class you want as you play instead of selecting the class before you start.
    Cakeday Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I would point out that calling perception the archer class, when archery is under a different attribute, would be confusing at best.

Anyway, remember that the next alpha will feature a complete overhaul to character appearance. Some outfits already previewed would align with role playing tropes. And the developers have talked about certain stat bonuses that fit those outfits. So you have to imagine you'll be good at farming if you wear the farmer outfit, good at sneak attacks if you wear the assassin outfit, etc.

17 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is no announced sequel for this game. TFP has stated that the next game will be different, and also is going to be developed on UE.

TFP is going to finish 7 Days to Die first though.

Since this thread is going to be ripe bait for the usual trolls, I'm going to close it now and save them the effort of having to type.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is no cloud sync to copy your saves or profiles from one system to another.

Restart the client, and create a profile from the main menu before doing anything else.

If you need help with migrating saves, this is covered in the Pinned threads in the Support section of the forum.
If you still have an issue after following the instructions provided, follow the Pinned thread on how to report an issue.

Moving this thread to the appropriate forum section.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you’re here to discuss the pace of or time in development OP, please refer to the pinned thread that already exists for that subject.

16 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I also play on macOS, and I can access the console with F1. You may need to go to System Preferences->Keyboard->Keyboard tab and select "Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys." Or if you don't want to do that, hold down the function (fn) key when pressing F1. You could try other function key commands, like F8 to toggle the frame rate counter, to see if your function keys work in game in general.

Vehicle theft could only be a thing in multiplayer. It's conceivable that would change with the addition of bandits, but we'll see.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you pick up your gyrocopter, it converts from an entity to an item. And anecdotally, items seem to have fewer problems. Entities physically interact with the world, whereas an item is just an element in a list of a container's contents.

With that said, the game simulation doesn't run unless somebody's in the game. And even when the game is running, zombies won't target vehicles; they'll only target you.

Anyway, you can open the console with F1 and enter le for list entities. If there's a gyrocopter in the area, it should be listed. If it's not in that list, then it's either far away or it's no longer in the world at all. You could enable creative mode (cm in console) and open the creative menu with U if you want to restore a lost gyrocopter or other lost item.

15 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They've all been playing 7DTD for years and years, They've all done pretty much everything that can be done in vanilla and have thousands of hours played. They may do a short vanilla playthrough of each alpha just to check changes, but, at this point they play mods because they change the game so much it's like new again.

That's... almost literally exactly the reason so many people consider mods so beloved- They extend the time you can continue playing the game you love or fix up problems in a game you love so you can enjoy it problem free.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You could find that information with enough digging into loot.xml in a text editor. Though I suspect the skills you have are the bigger determining factor. For instance, it seems like mailboxes can have any magazine.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You would do this by first finding a shallow body of water. Then you would craft a lot of dirt or other terrain blocks. Then you would place the blocks on the sea floor, piling them up higher and higher until they extend above the water’s surface.

If you understand the game’s structural integrity, you could use fewer resources and build a platform on the water, supported by pillars.

14 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I would speculate that there are three explanations.
  1. The devs use these decorations sparingly to maintain good performance, and they worry that players won’t do that and blame the game when their frame rate tanks.
  2. There’s too much potential for new exploits.
  3. They’re simply putting crafting decorations on the back burner while they work on higher priorities.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pixels are heavy bro
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not currently. A story will be added to the Navezgane map once all of the supporting features are added.

It's just a sandbox survival game atm, though a bit less survival than it used to be.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 绝望噢: New Does anyone bring the new one?
Bring the new what?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I'm Atomic: Has anyone tested the lossless scaling program on 7 days to die?
Since there are buildings that break FPS by more than half, I wanted to know if this lossless scaling program would work in this situation.
Even with 90 FPS outside the city, simply when I enter the city or some more complex construction, the FPS drops to 30/40 and often even less than that :/
Any improvement would be minimal. This game is CPU-bound. tech like DLSS and FSR aren't going to help a CPU\RAM\Disk bottleneck.

13 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Usually because your CPU, RAM, or storage aren't up to spec. Hard to say for sure without a log.

Moving this to the correct forum section. Try reading the Pinned threads. Particularly the one on how to report an issue.