7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

13 Jan

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not that they didn't think of it so much as they don't always worry about adding a brand new feature in a state of perfection with all balancing accomplished in its first iteration. They are aware of the imbalance and there are sure to be improvements to the system in the future. I'm playing a mod right now where all tools, armor, and weapons that are found in loot are broken and can only be scrapped for parts and the trader only sells up to orange tier quality of anything. I really enjoy it and I too hope they fix (somehow) the imbalance.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When discussing this subject, be aware that all users need to observe the forum rule against naming & shaming.

D5. Naming & Shaming
Content that advances damage to a person or server’s reputation in the community, for instance by alleging griefing, cheating, admin abuse, server bans, or other offenses.

Allegations like these aren’t fair unless proven true, but the staff are unable to investigate what did or didn’t happen outside the forum.

In other words, you’ll pretty much have to stick to generalities.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
IMHO, most communities aren't. Getting a VAC ban for some games is almost as easy as breathing.

It isn't like this is a hugely PvP focused community either, which is where most of the people who would likely care exist.

12 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Must be nice! I’m trying to go all in on Perception on one of my playthroughs. I can make it work for horde night, if I design my whole base around lining up headshots/penetrating shots. But until I progress enough to get that sniper rifle instead of the bolt action rifle, it’s proving hard to run with Perception weapons exclusively, for quests and general survival. Even with the glasses and the rifle skill at 4/5.

There are ambushes where you just need to mow things down quickly, and I feel like with rifles, anything short of the sniper rifle doesn’t cut it. The delay of reloading dooms you. So anything with a multiple-round magazine is superior, whether or not you’re skilled in it. And that doesn’t feel right to me, when my RPG stats say I should be best with rifles. I guess I can try multiple rifles on the belt at once, until my stage is high enough to get a sniper rifle.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, this should be possible if the spotlight is within your land claimed area. Interact with your land claim block to see the bounds.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Most likely is an issue with either network or system bottleneck. Unfortunately, no one can help without any real information.

Moving to the correct forum section. Try reading the Pinned thread about how to report an issue.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please discuss this subject using the existing thread (which GinsengSanurai linked to) instead of cluttering the forum with a duplicate thread. We keep it pinned so people see it.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Back when zombie vultures were added it was talked about possibly having them pick up zombies and drop them on top of your base. It was also hoped that the Behemoth would pick up and throw zombies up onto bases when it was still a possibility.

Alas, one person's desire for more challenge is another person's livid certainty that the devs are making war on players. If they did either of those things or even made vultures drop bombs, the cries of rage and waves of salty tears would deafen and drown us all with "the devs have destroyed muh playstyle!!!!"

Could be a kewl mod tho!

11 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Trader quests are refreshed every day. And the buildings they send you to are reset every time. So you will never run out of quests. :buzzed:

10 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pain Weasel:
Originally posted by Virtual Insanity: So i'm genuinely curios, has the default difficulty become impossible for an average Joe with no external knowledge of strange meta structure formations for defense etc.. to have a fair shake?
The good thing about the game, particularly as it relates to bases, is that you can learn over time. The difficulty ramp up is fairly well balanced to the pace of your progression so the more casual you play the more sedate the pace. If you just play the game you won't need some crazy meta base on day 7, or even day 14, maybe not even 21. Build something simple, observe how the zombies respond and add on as you...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We know clothing and armor is getting a complete overhaul next alpha, so how dyes work could change radically.

09 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think the OP's name pretty much tells us what we need to know. I'm going to lock the thread for now and discuss it with the team.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread for this. Please do not create duplicate threads.

A21 Should Keep Reusable Empty Jars

08 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NHL12: because it would be more profitable to create a new game from scratch

with a new engine, new overhaul... and market it as a completely new game, and sell that...

call it, 7 Days Before Dying... and make it on console cause that's where the money is AT

also it will have bandits in it

am just saying it's wasted resources patching a game
I mean... Yeah, kinda.

Many other companies by this point would absolutely have done a 7DTD Back 2 Back, a 7DTD Bull3t H3ll, A 7DTD pinball game, a 7DTD gacha game, etc, dipping in on branding and the name power, sap all the money they can and be done with it for minimal investment. Oh and most of these would have at least one or two DLC's or a soundtrack purchase available.

Which is why I think it's hilarious whenever people come in claiming TFP are "milking" early access like it earns them so... Read more

07 Jan


    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Right... But you're not logging out 'for lunch or whatever'; You're logging out explicitly because it lets you reset the POI again....... The game is intended to be played without logging out except when you're done with your play session, and has some safe guards built in for legitimate emergencies that you're abusing to your own ends.
You're making the assumption that everyone is logging out to abuse the system and that isn't the ca...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pain Weasel: Or unlimited magazines at a Crack A Book.

If someone wants to do this sort of thing, why not just hop into creative and give yourself whatever you want? Save time.

Originally posted by NHL12: but why would it respawn back after restarting lol, are you playing online
It doesn't matter. It is the quest mechanic that causes it to reset and this only works with an active quest to that POI, you can't just walk up to any random POI and force a ...
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06 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Might take a stab at reading the Pinned threads. Yes they are still planned.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This isn't a game client issue. This is a problem with you not having a good connection to the server.
Which could be because of a large variety of reasons.
Some of which are even covered in the Pinned topics in the Support section of the forum.

I'll move your thread over there so you can maybe find it better.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I must admit, I don't feel like I'm 'really' playing unless I do a Blood Moon. It's unsatisfying to stop before that, like snacking instead of having a full dinner.

There are other games that are addictive, where I go for long play sessions and I've accumulated a lot of hours in total (Left 4 Dead and Civilization come to mind). But I don't have any other games likes this, where (at least on default settings) anything short of 7 hours doesn't feel like a 'full' game session.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They still want to add bandits... In my view there's no way that couldn't radically change, and hopefully expand, the types of missions available.