7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

20 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The way the programmer who added variable foliage animation described it, the effect is rudimentary. When the ‘wind picks up’, trees and grass simply play the same animation at a faster speed.

I’m not exactly sold on the “pulls down the realism” argument, personally. Outdoors, it’s all too easy for the wind to pick up a falling leaf or something, catching your eye when you’re watching for movement. But in games, the default state of everything in the world is to be still unless it’s been specifically animated or had a physics simulation put on it. If realism is the goal (and it’s not :tank:), the phenomenon of mistaking inanimate objects for creatures should be present.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You say in a group… be advised the game doesn’t consider you as doing the quest together unless you’re not just allies, but in the same party. And things like generators will only be interactive to those on the quest.

It’s also possible there’s a level design bug with a POI. Could you name the POI and/or provide a screenshot of the area?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zanarkand: AMD Fluid Motion Frames adds frame generation at the driver level for 6xxx Series cards and up. Makes a crazy difference on horde nights with loads of zombies, tested on a bunch of systems. Pretty much doubles your FPS, it's meant to add input lag but it's not noticeable unless you're getting really low FPS.
Just a note for this. You would need to manually get the experimental driver, as it is not slated to go public until next year.
... Read more

19 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by thestile: I don't notice the foliage moving that much. I wonder if it's buggy in your game? Or maybe I'm used to it.
Feel like it's buggy.. Definitely nothing in My game that whips around like a hurricane or tornado is goin on.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jonnson: Roland's right

Wait, wut?

*marks calendar

18 Dec

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Or another way to do a 10-year complaint thread without putting it in the title. Sneaky… 😂
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not firgetting that you need a fire axe and a hammer taking up two inventory slots to match the functionality of the stone axe. (Not to mention the pickaxe as well…)
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you can just sleep through the night and avoid all nighttime danger, or just take a nap and instantly recover from your injuries with no added resource cost... Then what is the point of night time or having wounds?

You have 7 days until the horde, And the game is balanced around utilizing both day and night to be prepared for it. You should be making use of the night time hours to craft and build or mine for resources if you're not interested in going out and doing a quest you saved for night time or otherwise looting/fighting through POIs at night.

Making good use of your time is how the game is designed to be played out- So it's pretty unlikely that they'll provide a method of sleeping through the night any time soon.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Six of one halfof another- Whether you have healing factor or not, regenerating that missing health is going to cost you food, as the food drain is per point of health filled... Healing factor just advances the time scale and makes it more noticeable as it makes your natural regen tick significantly faster.

So, the real solution is to get hit less, tbh.. Or be more proactive with your healing items so your natural healing, be it amplified by healing factor or not, can't soak up your food.

Personally, I vastly prefer having healing factor than not- In a tight fight where you don't have time to pause and heal and tend to your health safely, it carries you, all at the expense of having to eat a bit more often- Having the critical injuries heal much faster is also a huge boon.

17 Dec

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game is still in Alpha. This is where the primary focus is setting up the core content and mechanics of the game. Optimization comes later.

Here, I haven't shared this in a while.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a Pinned discussion on this subject in the Modding section, as well as a thread here that was made just a few days ago. Please don't make duplicate threads.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The game still requires restarts at each major update. Saves are completely broken as well as all current mods. Since the game is still developing and the major updates are not optional, it would be a bad idea to enable steam workshop at this time.

There are lots of mods already for the game but you have to be willing to add a mod folder to your directory, download and unzip the mod files and put the correct files into the mod folder. In other words, the people who want to use mods are willing to learn how to install them and usually follow the development and updating of those mods so they can re-download them after the next update.

Steam Workshop is more of a point-and-click type of process which makes it easy for anyone to get a mod--even those who don't really understand the process that Steam is doing in the background to enable that mod for them. These folks would be extremely frustrated when they clicked on mods after a new update only to have them all be... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Padischli:
Originally posted by KeiserKnight: To get used to the gameplay and learn the ins and outs I think its worth it really
so its not worth it got it

It depends on whether you want a challenge or not. Navezgane is now a much bigger challenge than randomly generated maps because the traders are hand placed in rural areas far from towns whereas with RWG the traders are mostly near tons of POIs.

So the early game is tougher because you have... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I always use Navezgane to test new features and mechanics because it is a familiar map, and things are always pretty much in the same place.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Split your excessive production into multiple locations. If you have multiple forges/cement mixers/chem stations/work benches/campfires all working at the same time in the same small area, you're going to get screamer central. Build a sub-base somewhere like 200 blocks away and put most of your extra stuff there.

15 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Torches, candles, Flashlight, weapon mounted flashlight, head mounted flashlight. Torches n candles being the easier ones to get.. Flashlights not too hard to get either. The weapon mounted/head mounted flashlight might take awhile depending on your luck.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Creative mode, eitehr by enabling cheats in your save which just enables creative by default, or by pressing F1 while in your world and typing 'CM' and hitting enter.

U opens the creative menu. One of the buttons along the top enables developer tools like the super digger that breaks any block in one hit at a good range, or the pistol that instakills any enemy. Can search for any item or material in the game and spawn it in and try it out.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
10 years of ongoing development instead of having given up at any point.
10 years of steadily remaining in the top 50~ of the steam charts despite many competitors and many new and great games.
10 years of steady growth from an average playerbase of 1500 online at any given time to an average playerbase of 30k+ online at any given time, representing millions of users monthly.

...Could cite a few more. Obviously it's not the greatest that development isn't complete by now- But they're taking their time and trying to do it right, when they could've cut out 5 years ago with a version most people were happy with and moved on even though that would've meant missing out on a lot of their promised features from the kickstarter.

But, Overall, I think that, Yeah, It's reasonable to be proud.

Edit: Minor correction; Meant millions of users monthly, not daily. Edited in the correct word above.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Would help if you could provide your logs and other information as requested in the "How to report an issue" pinned topic in the support subforum

Link to it for convenience.

The more info you can pr... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread for discussing how long the game has been in alpha. We keep it pinned to the top so you can't miss it. Please discuss it all you want there, rather than making redundant threads that clutter the forum.