Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

21 Dec

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

If possible so we can investigate this further and if you're able to accurately reproduce this issue could you provide us with screenshots and even better video if possible demonstrating this, please? If you are able to provide video please post a link to a hosted video here and we'll take a look. Thanks!

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

Thanks for your reports and workarounds shared on this issue.

Just to let you know if you weren't already aware the team is aware of this issue and are working on a fix. Thanks!

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Unfortunately it appears as though those attached images haven't embedded properly. Could you provide us with external links to them so we can view/download them please? Once we've got these from you we'll be happy to investigate this further. Thanks.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Sorry to hear you had issues initially but glad to hear it's worked the second time around. We'll keep an eye out for further reports of this issue.


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

We're not able to provide official support in Dutch from this forum I'm afraid. If you're able to translate to English however we'd be happy to assist further here. Thanks.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

That's strange that it's specifically if you press a key. Have you tried launching the game after a clean boot at all to see if the same issue occurs after doing so?

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there.

Thanks for reporting this to us. Screenshots are not required in this particular case but we appreciate you offering.

I can confirm this issue is known to the team as confirmed here. Apologies for any inconvenience caused as a result whilst we're working on getting this resolved.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Ge4r_CZ @Kapiteinwim2021

Hey there folks

Thanks for reporting this to us.

For the screenshots you've mentioned could you provide us with a lin...

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    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

This issue is known to the team and is under active investigation at the moment. There is however a potential workaround for this if you haven't already tried which another player shared here


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there.

Thanks for raising this with us. I've forwarded this on to the team for further investigation.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there.

Unfortunately we're only able to offer official support in English from this forum. If you are able to translate your query to English however we'd be happy to help you out with this. Thanks!

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with crashes/freezes at the moment.

The first thing I would suggest is to attempt each step suggested here. These steps are known to resolve most of the common causes of crashing/freezing.

If after doing so you're still experiencing issues I'd then recommend opening a support case. You can reach us either through the ...

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20 Dec

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Thanks for raising this with us,

I can confirm that this is not by design and the team are investigating this further as we speak as confirmed ...

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    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

Thanks for reporting this to us,

This has been confirmed as a known issue and is under active investigation at the moment. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused whilst we're working on getting this resolved.


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

Just to confirm if you weren't already aware this is known to the team and is under active investigation. Thanks for taking the time to report this to us.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Have you tried checking to see if these can be installed manually or is this not possible for you as a result of using GFN?

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there folks.

Just to let you know if you weren't already aware this issue is known to the development team and is under active investigation as confirmed here. Apologies for any inconvenience caused in the meantime whilst we're working to get this resolved.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there

We appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback on this. I'll pass this on for you.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll pass this on for you for further investigation.

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Hey there.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this.

I can confirm this issue is known to the team and is under active investigation at the moment. Apologies for any inconvenience caused as a result of this whilst we're working on getting this resolved.