Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

06 Aug


Originally posted by ImperialDeath

They posted on their trello board that they are indeed looking into this issue.


Yep, looking into it


Originally posted by DynamicSocks

How was this not obvious to yall prior to release? Is there any kind of review process regarding new skills and their interactions before they go out?

“Receive some balance in an upcoming patch” Why not… immediately? Like every other online game when something is so broken the entire community shits itself in frustration? Why do the players have to deal with frustrating gameplay for an extended period of time because the development team failed to catch this before sending it out the door.

This shit is so broken and frustrating it requires a hotfix not a patch “TBA”

With Apex, we have some levers that we can tune with a patch and some that we can tune on the fly. Regardless there's a whole testing process that we have to go through and as much as I'm sure we'd love to be able to do these things instantly the reality is that we can't, and they can take some time to go through the process and ultimately be released.


Originally posted by uwango

This happens very consistently for me when I go into the firing range and pick up only a rampage to charge it, both before picking up a thermite and after. I have to drop the weapon and get a new one to get it to charge.

Thanks! I made a note of this in case trying it in firing range helps lead to the fix.


Originally posted by Odin043




I'm really liking the Rampage LMG. Any plans to allow to re-thermite a partially revved up Rampage, to top it off?

Thanks! Glad you're liking the gun :) We currently like the choice of having to use up the charge before charging it up again.

We want the moments to charge to be meaningful and I'd worry if you could keep toping it up you'd end up trying always stay in the Revved up state. We like the risk reward of knowing when is the right time to charge it up.


Originally posted by Jsnbassett

Will we have to wait until midseason? That might be extremely frustrating in the current state

Nope, it'll be sooner than that.


Originally posted by The_HoomanPS

This questions are for u/RSPN_quazz

  1. Were Fragment East an West looked at when you guys were thinking what places to change? If so, why did you decided not to? Every change you made is great, but irrelevant because everyone just drops Fragment right now.
  2. This was a big map update, was this possible because you had more time to look at WE and solve it's issues due to now having three maps in rotation which makes updates in the same map more spaced between each other? Can we expect more updates like this one instead of the Season 9 one, which was rather small?
  1. We briefly looked at Fragment as we are aware of the communities feedback in regards to a lot of the players landing there. Fragment is a massive central POI and we would require a lot of planning, iteration, and playtesting as we would want to make sure we nail it. That being said, we won't rule out anything for the future. We hear you and the community and are paying attention.

  2. We had around the same amount of time for development on the map update for any other season map update. Season 9 development was a little different as we were introducing Arenas and that took up some of our art resources for Olympus. We always try and push for fresh new spaces that really make the map feel new! Stay tuned, we got some stuff coming :)


Originally posted by AndHellFollowedAfter

I have a few lore related questions about my two favourite characters for u/RV-AmandaD that I hope can be answered! In no particular order:

• How far past Wattson’s face does her scar extend? Lots of artists draw it down her arm and I’m curious as to what’s accurate.

• In a similar vein to the above question, does Wraith have implants on her body in the locations that correspond with the nodes on her suit? Also does she have a tattoo/mark of some kind that correlates to her test subject number 61137? Again, this is something many artists draw so I’m curious.

• Will poor Wraith catch a break any time soon? :(

• If you can answer this one without obviously spoiling anything, will we ever have any clarification on how the Voices from the Void work? Does Wraith hear a hum of voices at all times or is it only when she is in potentially dangerous situations?

• Can we expect any lore development for Wattson that isn’t...

Read more

This isn't a fun answer, but I don't think I can answer any of these without spoiling future reveals, especially things we'd like to explore through skins.

The one I can answer is that Wraith always hears the voices, but has found a way to tune them out over time when needed.


Originally posted by littlestbrother

I'd prefer more actual worldbuilding/Titan introduction than some ambiguous, fluffy gay love-triangle between contestants of a gladiator bloodsport.

It's a shooter video game not a soap opera.

All I'm hearing is give us more gay stuff for Apex!


Originally posted by Bahmpocalypse

I would like to add that this problem is also on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5. I have the ping button mapped to X instead of the default R1, and can not ping the map. Additionally, when in your inventory, the command to ping or request items reverts to R1.

Got it, thanks for the extra info!


Originally posted by Jsnbassett


Can you share any interesting and juicy Rampart rare fun facts that we might have missed? Or something you know that we don't without losing your job haha

I think you should tune into this season if you're interested in some Rampart tidbits... ;)


Originally posted by xDRAGONxSLIPPERSx

u/RoboB0b Is there any update to Loba's ult in Arenas?

This one has been extra tricky but I would love to see this fixed ASAP. It's obviously crucial to her kit (even in Arenas) and pains me to see it not working 100% of the time.


Originally posted by Electrical_Traffic_4

Will Crypto receive a buff anytime soon?

Crypto is being looked at and should be getting some improvements in the future just not sure when they're coming

Maybe a way to use the drone on the fly....


Originally posted by sonhalo

@u/RV-AmandaD I’d love to hear lore-wise how Ash was decided to be brought to Apex. Was her backstory as human already planned before Apex? At what point was Horizon incorporated into this (especially if Horizon was, at least at some point, supposed to be more of an evil character compared to what she is now)? I realize Ash and Horizon’s story is still unfinished but I’d love to know as much about what went into the development of these two characters as possible. Thank you!

What do you mean? Horizon and Ash have some sort of ties? Maybe we should explore this more in the future...


Originally posted by Pleasant_Drive

Hey Team! Thanks for checking in.

Bangalore has been hit hard right now with the introduction of Seer. The utility of her smoke screen is canceled out by multiple legend abilities as well as the digi threat sight. Are there any plans to buff our girl Bangalore back into meta or do devs think she’s in a good place this season?

Yo, I am a Bangalore main and I feel for you! I have expressed the same feelings towards the legends balancing team and hopefully, we can see our girl get the buff she needs :)


Originally posted by Sargent379

Can you charge your Sentinel in Arenas without buying more Shield Cells?

For some reason every time I tried Sentinel without buying more shield cells, I haven't been able to actually charge it.

Gonna be shocked if its just a coincidence that those are the only rounds it doesn't work for me.

From what I can tell, it's a bit more involved than whether the free cells or purchased cells were used. I've seen some workarounds like dropping the Sentinel and picking it back up will let you charge it for example.


Originally posted by Odin043


Thoughts on an end game encyclopedia to keep track of the story? I follow things fairly closely and I just saw yesterday something about Gibby being married that I had no idea about.

Thoughts on an end game encyclopedia to keep track of the story? I follow things fairly closely and I just saw yesterday something about Gibby being married that I had no idea about.

This is definitely something we want as well. It's hard to track all our bits of lore, especially with a live service game that keeps going. All I can say is something is in the works...


Originally posted by autobong




I use a custom controller layout on XSX and i've mapped my Ping button to D-pad up. I am not able to ping the overhead map while using this configuration. While on the overhead map, it says to use RB for pinging however this does not work. I'm not able to ping the overhead map at all. Pinging while playing works fine but it's literally impossible to ping the map. This has been going on for a few seasons and even got acknowledged by Jason McCord on twitter but with no fix yet.

Thanks for bringing this up, I was not aware of it. I'll make sure this gets looked into if it's not already!


Originally posted by poofy_69

What was the goal behind the rempage lmg, did you want to change the meta with it or simply wanted extra options when it comes to long range

What was the goal behind the rempage lmg, did you want to change the meta with it or simply wanted extra options when it comes to long range

There was a few goals with the Rampage LMG. Adding a new gun always has the potential to shake up the meta and we hope when they released they become a viable option for players. The goals for it's design was to add a slow fire rate LMG that excels at mid range engagements, we also liked the sentinel charge mechanic so wanted to introduce this to the rampage to give it some versatility. When we were first developing we had tried a bunch of different outcomes from the charge mechanic (Fire rounds was one) but settled on fire rate cause it offered a great feeling boost that a slow gun needed.


Originally posted by Redfern23

I’m kinda mind blown and feel like an absolute idiot, I’m comparing with old footage now and shocker… it does look the same. It’s strange that a fair few people (even prior to my comment) thought the same thing.

Big apologies.

np at all, friend

honestly we are guilty of missing stuff in patch notes sometimes but we try to correct it when we mess up, so it wasn't a wild question


Originally posted by Redfern23

Edit: I might be completely mistaken about Valk’s passive being nerfed, apologies if so, doing a thorough test…

The team was so confused when we saw your comment lol, we don't think we nerfed it...