Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

12 Sep


Today we're back with a special episode!

Tom Straatman (Community Manager) is joined by LoganTheBrawler for our first Community Spotlight. In this episode we’ll talk about Battlefield from the perspective of our players, and get to know Logan as a member of the Battlefield community.

You can listen to the full episode via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and by popular request now also on YouTube:


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11 Sep


Hi u/knofunallowed,

Thank you for your feedback, We are assessing this and discussing this accordingly. We really appreciate the time you have taken to share this opinion, and the name most definitely checks out.

Yours sincerely,


09 Sep


Thank you to all that had taken the time to fill in this survey! It's now closed and I can't wait to get digging into the responses.

Have a great weekend!

06 Sep

04 Sep


Originally posted by VincentNZ

Could I please not have to give the community team good marks every month. They are the department that fulfills or surpasses expectations generally.

I would very much more like to talk about the UI/UX department, the vehicle design department and, most of all, the weapon design department and give assessments about them.

Community team is fine, really. The rest is the issue.


Thank you for that, if you ever want to raise feedback like that please send it through too.


Hey there folks,

We're back with another Battlefield 2042 Community Survey!

These surveys allow us to better understand the needs and feedback of you, our community, around certain topics in Battlefield 2042 and your experiences in the game!

Take a moment, make your voice heard, and fill it in for us,

We're truly thankful for your time:


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03 Sep

Click here to view the Vehicle Counts for Discarded, Exposure, Kaleidoscope & Stranded. ...
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02 Sep


Originally posted by Temporary-Purpose431

our penultimate map rework

???? Are we getting another rework?? Renewal perhaps??

Typo :')


Originally posted by navyproudd34

I'm so excited

Happy Cake Day ;)

01 Sep


Prepare for the Vehicle Count Overhaul that's taking place next week on Battlefield 2042 across all reworked All-Out Warfare Conquest maps

Over the coming days, we will be sharing the updated counts, once live, all of them are subject to change based on your Community Feedback!

Discarded will become catered toward ground combat focus. Aircraft will be part of its gameplay, but the majority of combat will be between colliding infantry and ground vehicles.

Learn more about this change via our Update Notes: ...

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Hello @magnet24,


I moved your message to the right part of the forum - please always make sure to check, in which part of the forum you are before posting for a specific game.


Regarding your issue with the ban, we are unable to help you here in the forum. Only the EA Support has access to your account details. Please contact them or wait for the ToS team to get back to you with their verdict regarding your ban. We don't have access to account information here in the forum. 

Bitte schickt mir keine Direktnachrichten für Support - taggt mich im Forum @EA_Pythia

30 Aug


The Vehicle Count Overhaul for our launch locations on Conquest will take place in the following week, we will provide messaging on BattlefieldComms as and when this takes place.

We wanted a grace period before this takes place so we can assess and validate feedback regarding 5.3 :)

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26 Aug


Seeing some of these comments has made my evening. 🤗

I think it's often hard to remember that we're all here out of one common thing, and that's passion for Battlefield. No matter how heated some critiques may be, we all want Battlefield to succeed.

Always remember that when it comes to chatting with folks 🧡


Engineer balance changes are on their way, and are currently on course as part of the update for Season 6. We will be discussing more about that as and when we're able to do so.


Just wish to reiterate here, as I had done within the Update Notes thread.

This is not the "Engineer Update."

That is currently on course to arrive as part of Season 6 and will constitute far more than an alteration or two to a single aspect of the Engineer class. There will be a substantial change taking place for some Engineers at a later...

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Originally posted by Wide_Entertainer_407


Increased yaw acceleration to allow for quicker and more responsive turning.

Can we get more responsive turning for controller as well?

We will be discussing more about that in the coming month, stay tuned for it. I hope you'll like the changes being made. Cannot share anything at this stage as we're still working on it :)


Originally posted by Greaterdivinity

Rofl, this is the engineer update?

No real strong opinion on the other stuff why do y'all hype up the most underwhelming shit ever rofl.

I feel like vehicle counts varying by map is gonna get real confusing real quick but oh well, what do I know.

This is not the "Engineer Update." That is currently on course to arrive as part of Season 6 and will constitute far more than an alteration or two to a single aspect of the Engineer class.

I'm not sure where the hype has been driven from, but there will be a more substantial change taking place for some Engineers at a later date.

Vehicle Counts have often been varied on a map-by-map basis across multiple Battlefield titles in the past, and were factored around the experience we want to achieve on those maps and player counts and theme of the overall map. Battlefield 2042 is one of the only titles that had a flat number across every map.

As we stated within the Update Notes, this is something we believe will enhance the gameplay of Battlefield 2042, and we may not immediately get these Vehicle Counts spot on for the majority of players, but we will make changes where necessary to fine-tune them to an even footing.

Stay tuned to ...

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Originally posted by T_BONE_GULLEY

Glad to see they finally addressed the awful feeling pitching up and down in Jets.

Ever since S4 dropped it felt so horrible to fine tune aim.

This came out of our Community Surveys and Community Feedback posts. It was clear you guys were having some friction with the movement and it taking a little while to react - hopefully, it feels a bit better once 5.3 lands.


Originally posted by henchman3

So there’s going to be 6 attack helicopters and 4 Jets on exposure 128 player conquest? Really?

That's correct, yep!

However, I also want to reiterate that these counts will change based upon data that we're seeing and feedback that you're sharing. These counts may not be the same for every map, and they are also defined by the difference between 64 players and 128 players.

We listed Exposure as an example on purpose, this is one of the most air-intensive maps that will exist, and we wanted to gauge early reaction already. Yes - we're already taking in that feedback.

We believe that 64 players will be the most balanced and fairest way to experience these locations, however with 128 players comes an increase in players - that also means an increase in vehicles at times. This is us turning things up to 11 based on the location, theme and experience we want to achieve.

It is now time that we take that into consideration. It will play vastly different - and that's okay. It may take a little while, but we will make changes when necessary.

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