Hyper Scape

Hyper Scape Dev Tracker

03 Jul

Hi everyone! Sorry for the trouble with loading Hype Scape. Could you tell me what operating system and graphic card you are using?

Originally posted by UbiArcane

Congrats! That's pretty amazing.

flair: ubi-response

Hey you two! Welcome to the forums! Sorry for the difficulties during your matches in Hyper Scape. Are you both using Windows 7 and do you see the same issues if you are set to Full-Screen mode?
Hiya TrustyRabbit204! Could you tell me what GPU and operating system you are using on your PC?

Hey guys!

Any footage/screenshots you could provide would be a big help to pinpoint the issue.

If any of you would like to provide your uplay email and uplay username by DM I can pass them onto support and perhaps help you out

Hey there Bibo_XENZIA! Can you please confirm for me if you are in the eligible countries for the technical test?
Hello Darrenwgray! Welcome to the forums! Sorry for the trouble with loading Hyper Scape on your primary monitor. Have you tried changing the display settings from the in-game options under Display Options? After setting the Display Options to your Primary monitor along with updating the Refresh Rate, save your setting, and relaunch the game from Uplay. Let me know if you run into the same issue after launching the game afterward.

Congrats! That's pretty amazing.

Hey G0hma! If you are still running into this error message. Make sure you have the latest Vulkan Drivers updated on your PC.
Hey everyone! If you are using an Nvidia graphic card and receiving the same Vulkan error message, please try installing the latest Vulkan Drivers for the correct operating system you are using.
Originally Posted by Laviolink

I'm writing to you because I have a problem. When I run the game it initializes, ok, but then I get an error window. (I couldn't find how to insert an image so I'm sending you its content)

[window title]
Hyperscape Error

No compatible driver/hardware found [Vulkan] No device available

I've tried to update the drivers but nothing. I compared the minimum configuration and mine is better. You wouldn't happen to know what I can do? I want to play the game too much, but I can't...

Thank you very much in advance for your answer....
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Originally Posted by FB_DaScholar
turned off my adaptive sync and its working now
Thank you for getting back to us with a solution that worked for you.

Can everyone else please confirm if they also have an adaptive sync monitor? If so, please try disabling it for the time being.
Hello everyone!

First of all, please make sure you check your system requirements and have tried the PC troubleshooting in the above link.

If you are using an Adaptive Sync monitor, please try disabling that functionality and try again. This resolved the issue for another player on the forums.
Originally Posted by Paradox_Wolf
Running your Discord as administrator will fix this.
Thank you for your help, we'll make sure to suggest this if we see any other reports!
Hello everyone,

Can you all please confirm if you're running Windows 10 64 bit, or a different operating system?

Please check your system requirements in the above sticky thread, and try the PC troubleshooting steps.

Are you using an Adaptive Sync monitor? Disabling this feature has been known to resolve the issue for another player.
Originally Posted by liceobelfioreMN
i am on my iMac 2017 with radeon pro 560, driver version 19.30
Whenever i try to start my game, it just shows the banner and the vulkan error pops up telling me that my gpu driver is outdated.
I then proceed to update it but windows or even the radeon pro setings seem not to find anything to update.
I searched online on the radeon website but in the bootcamp mac session the highest version available was 19.50 whic is clearly under 20.2.2, the required one.
I tried installing Adrenalin 2020 but i only get error 173.
I love this game so much and i would like to try it out.
I hope ill'help some more mac bootcamp users out there
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Originally Posted by Flamekino
hello, i was just wondering why my game says optimising shades ever single time i launch it, for everyone else it only did that once but for me its every time and takes about 10 min to launch the game
Hello! It's difficult for me to say but we will happily check for you.

It may be due to corrupt game files, or perhaps you have a specific hardware configuration that the game wants to check each time.

Please perform a clean install of your graphics drivers -

AMD: ... Read more
Originally Posted by Mr_Calcifer
Started the game, noticed that i had 500 fps, wanted to lower them, when went to settings the vsync option was "blocked"

It says there that some hardware has the vsync disabled, i have a gforce 1070 never had a problem with vsync before

its a bug, its meant to be that way, what's happening? i really dont want to use my graphics card at max and heat it more than i have to just to have 300+ fps that i will not use
Hello, I'm sorry to read you're unable to use V-Sync.

I don't have any information to say V-Sync is disabled in the Test Server, so I also believe this is a bug.

Would it be possible to provide an ... Read more