Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

27 Sep


Originally posted by Ratb33

It was wisely suggested to use tier levels of all resist or poison resist (or any resist really). I like both options - a flat number or greater as well as the tiers.

Tiers work well given how crafting works.

So in either case, I’m happy with the solution and I love the built in loot filter - it’s a great feature. I Just wondered if there was a way to look for total resist on an item and set it look for greater than or equal to a certain amount.

So let’s say it sets +16% all resist as an implicit (the top most stats that come with an item), then and a prefix or suffix (though I think resists are only suffixes?) there is another 15% poison resist. For a total of 15% resist for everything but 31% resist for poison in total.

I can set it via tiers but that won’t capture this item since neither thing is tier 3 resist, for example. But would be captured if there is a way to look for >= 30% poison. Is that possible?

Again, I love the loot filter...

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You can only look at tiers. It can't filter by values.


Originally posted by Ratb33

Hahah. Thanks.

It may not last cuz, man, I am getting a beat down after killing Lagon for the first time. Turns out my poison resist is Terrible which is what spawned this question. :)

My resistances and damage don’t seem to be enough anymore, similar to after the first time you kill Kitava in POE. That seem about right? An increase in monsters post first Lagon kill?

So I know what I have to do now thanks to assistance, just need time to do it but work is in the way. :)


There is a big difficulty spike right there. It's also a ton of poison damage that you haven't had to deal with much yet. That's a very common "wake up call" moment in the campaign. It's meant to get you looking at your defenses before you enter end game because most builds don't really need much defense focus up until that point.

26 Sep


Your class, and mastery are the only things you can't change. So effectively there will be 15 character classes on launch, 12 are currently available.


As a beastmaster how can I compare the base dps of the different pets? What are the base attack speeds for the bear, raptor, and wolves?

  • some of this information has been mined and is on tunklabs or last Epoch tools (Links in the side bar)

How does the damage calc work? If anybody has the formula for the pets I would appreciate it.

  • same as everything else, not sure what specifically you mean here

How does added flat damage compare to % increased damage?

  • flat is most of the time better because it's so crazy rare so you probably incidentally have way more increased damage already.

Can you go over 100% increased pet attack speed?

  • yes, it's the same as player attack speed

Are there any soft caps or diminishing returns on any stats like pet crit multi or critical strike?

  • I guess Crit chance technically has a soft cap at 100% because it is useless over 100% b...
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23 Sep


Originally posted by I_Ild_I

Oh wow, so i thought with all the movement on patch 0.9 hapoening it was close but are going to wait like 3 month+ before anything get released yet ?

We don't have a set timeline on 0.9 yet. We have an internal goal that we will share when we are more confident in it and get closer to the date.

21 Sep


Damage nodes in Spirit Plague are set up unusually because they need to scale instances of the Spirit Plague ailment rather than the ability cast itself. This has resulted in a bug where they're not taken into account for tooltip DPS.

  1. Maximum companions in the wolf tree... You are basically wasting a skill slot to be specialized

Agreed, having a whole specialisation where you only care about one node and don't ever cast the skill even indirectly is a bad situation. This sort of thing is why we generally avoid putting unconditional global effects like this in individual skill trees. I think the node itself is still interesting and instead of removing it, we're more likely to add a way to make the skill relevant even when you're spending all your companion slots on crows.

2.) %Per totem Nodes in shaman tree - This basically pigeonholes you into taking Thorn totem because this is the only totem that you can summon more than 1 of.

This is a good point. The nodes should probably be changed to "per type of totem you have active", so that building around it is more about finding ways to consistently summon different totems, or pu...

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I don't know reddit mod tools well enough to quickly set up custom colours for it and I just saw this very late. If I can figure it out, got a colour suggestion?

20 Sep


The base damage of most melee and bow attacks is only around 2 or 3, as they're intended to feel like ways of conveying your weapon's damage.

The base damage of most spells and throwing attacks is 1/5 of their added damage effectiveness, so a spell with 100% added damage effectiveness will generally have around 20 base damage and a spell with 400% added damage effectiveness will generally have around 80 base damage. This fixed ratio means that with no other sources of flat damage, +1 flat damage will result in 5% more damage.

Voidknight spells are a bit different. Their base damage is generally 2/5 of their added damage effectiveness, so a void knight spell with 100% added damage effectiveness will generally have around 40 base damage, so +1 flat damage will result in 2.5% more damage. This, combined with their flat void damage per Vitality scaling is intended to make them less reliant on the use of specific caster weapons such as wands and staves.

edit: fix...

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If it makes you feel any better, we have gotten rid of that load screen by just making the rest zone load instantly.

19 Sep

18 Sep


Originally posted by sonic_24

Damaging ailments stack as far up as their individual duration allows. Are you perhaps, by any chance, talking about them removing the limit of stack numbers shown on the HUD in 0.9.0?

Yes, that's in for next patch.

17 Sep


Originally posted by Whoopy2000

I truly apreaciate the reply from you.
My rant was more about some folks missing "good old days" of PoE and wanting LE to be just that - Their key to open up those glory days when PoE was actually fun.

FOR ME PoE is no longer a game I enjoy. I'm far more invested in D2R and upcoming D4 and LE

But that's the thing - In recent month, for obvious resons, we see a lot of PoE players in Diablo and LE forums demanding changes - In D2R it's about PoE endgame in LE it's about... well everything.

So my post was just that - A rant. Nothing more and tbh nothing serious as I trust in developers wanting their game to have it's own identity.

Just to be super clear, those requests are totally fine here. We will just evaluate the requests like normal.


PoE is a very polarizing topic. As a long time big player in the ARPG market, we realize that a large percentage of our audience plays PoE. Many of us on the development team play it too. When we evaluate a suggestion for our game, we don't give weight to if it's in PoE or not. We are no more or less likely to include an individual feature or mechanic if it is in PoE, with the exception of avoiding copying things too directly.

With all this in mind, I ask that we keep posts focused on Last Epoch. You are welcome to include PoE in the conversation too. This is not a request to stop talking about PoE. Just keep the main focus of a topic about Last Epoch.

As a general note I would also like to request that we refrain from debating if PoE is a good game or not if possible. Whether you enjoy a game or not is subjective and debating it can lead to not very constructive conversations.


Originally posted by momocorpo

Piggybacking of this post about exporting info from the game, will multiplayer characters be saved locally too? We don't have any other way to import them in 3rd party tools like LETools to plan builds.

No plans for it at the moment.


To the (currently) 26 people who voted for mage minions. I have previously revealed on stream that it is not being designed as a minion mastery. Sorry.

16 Sep


Originally posted by efdxnz

Not yet

but it would be sweet eh?


Originally posted by pokeblev

Does that mean regional prices for the in-game transactions are probably coming too? I'll probably get the game anyway since it looks great already, but it would be nice to be able to buy supporter packs every now and then.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure on that one. I don't think it's been decided really.


Originally posted by M4jkelson

Wow, didn't expect you to answer so fast. Do you have any plans on the prices of mtx that you can share?

I kinda just have this open in the background as I do other stuff. We don't have anything that we can share on the matter yet. I'm really not sure if we've even done a pass on them like "oh that will be this category and will cost this much". Probably something like that has been done but I don't know the result of it.