Andrew has some good advice there. An old bug that did something like this was solved by unplugging the active audio output device shortly before entering the echo. You can give that a shot if you'd like.
Andrew has some good advice there. An old bug that did something like this was solved by unplugging the active audio output device shortly before entering the echo. You can give that a shot if you'd like.
The launcher is not as awesome for stability and speed as Steam is. If you can, I would very strongly recommend connecting your account to steam through our website. Details Here. Or go directly to your account page here.
This is the one PoE focused thread I'm going to leave up. Overall you've been pretty great at keeping it nice so far, please keep it up.
It is not appropriate to just put down other games here. We believe that there is plenty of room for more than one awesome ARPG in the world and hope to see even more.
I appreciate the sentiment and if it's getting out of hand, please feel free to report the posts that you think are inappropriate. I think we are bound to get some comparisons, especially around a league launch.
Mike you're something else man, please never lose track of your passion! You all are gonna make LE into a hell of a game that's gonna give the big players PoE and Diablo a run for their money!
Aww, thanks bud :) it's still kinda surreal when I see Epoch come up in conversations about arpgs or in other subs too.
No problem, I'm technically at work right now so it was just luck I was able to watch the doc while you were editing. Thanks for the help!
Looks good!
You should have edit permissions now.
I got up to Items and crafting as you can see because you're approving the changes right away :D
I've gotta go make dinner though. I'll finish it up later.
I sent an edit request on my official EHG account.
Once you are logged in, you can unplug your internet completely and it will let you keep playing.
Why would you do class specific character design at all then? Make one male model, one female model, then let people do whichever class they want. Instantly cuts your animations, modeling and voice acting for player characters to less than half since they all share the same resources. It isn't like you can't streamline quest dialog so only npcs reference a character class either, and that very rarely. Every Diablo game managed it.
Wow that's an old thread. Still relevant though.
We want to have each class be a specific character. A lot of that character comes from a lot of different little things like idle animations. Having multiple genders for each class multiplies all the class specific things.
I know that having specific genders to play is important to some players and we do want to expand the options when we can. It's just not feasible to have them included at the initial launch.
Lost Epoch, the upcoming expansion to Last Epoch where adventures will delve into the depths of the pre-historic past!
Stay tuned for details on the follow-up expansion, Loop Epoch where adventures will be stuck in a time-warp where they can gain levels 100-110 over and over again!
Be careful with all these good ideas. We may just take them
I know this is a couple days old and it looks like you're up and running already but just so the full info is here in case someone finds it in the future.
If you buy the game through the website, you are asked to link your steam account. Once you do this, your steam account gets the game activated the same as though you bought it on steam but you don't actually get given a key to use in steam. This lets you download, play and use cloud save functions through steam exactly as if you had purchased it on steam.
I think that the only real difference is that you have to go through our refund policy instead of steam's if you do end up wanting to return it. And I should probably know what the difference here is but I'm not sure off the top of my head.
Development is in full force as we prepare the game for multiplayer launch alongside a lot of other updates. We’ve actually been staffing up significantly and development is going faster than ever. We’ll get back to more frequent releases after we ensure that we are stable and online. Thanks for your patience while we spend the additional time to ensure the upcoming release goes as smoothly as we can make it!
Can offline characters and online ones share a stash or will this be separated?
Online and Offline stash will be separate alongside characters for security and integrity.
Will the offline game still be available after or do we have to go online after even if we want to play solo?
As mentioned in the post, we are still planning on keeping an Offline Single Player option.
I guess now it's mostly fleshing out endgame, then we're 1.0, baby
I would say there's a lot more to do than fleshing out the endgame before it feels 1.0-ready IMO. The animations, models, and combat feel all have a long way to go; it's still a pretty weightless game.
It wasn't detailed in our Combat Feel section of this post but there's a large emphasis on this internally at the moment. Reactive animations for hits/stuns, hit sounds, and hit flash are being worked on in addition to the better feeling death animations. The difference on enemies where these changes have been made really do feel like a night and day difference. So, we agree and we're actively working on it for release in the next patches.
Ooh, that new MA art is fierce! Might be time to pull that character back out and start grinding for LP Maw's again.
Then again, that does bring up a question: Is 0.9.0 (or 1.0) going to involve a wipe of current single-player stuff? I know we can't bring single-player stuff to multiplayer, but I am not sure if the upcoming "offline single player" mentioned is a completely new thing or not.
We are not planning for any sort of character wipes. Our plan is for your current offline characters to remain available offline.
Hello Nuclearism!
I'm sorry to hear you've had an unpleasant experience! We most certainly do try our best to be transparent to the greatest extent we can on what we're working on, and what our goals are. I think your post has some fairly common feedback in it, which we do of course pay close attention to, and I think you might be happy to hear we are already well underway to address!
I'll go over a few things in my response here, however I'll also link you to our latest public development update which goes over a lot of this stuff in more detail, and gives some nice juicy visuals as well: ...
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