Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by onikzin

Trading between party members? Isn't that just opening an echo and dropping items on the ground?

While they are similar as a player facing end result, functionally they are very different and require different systems to be synced cross clients. Drops are instanced so the server only shows you what drops for you. If you drop an item on the ground, other people in the zone don't see it too.


Originally posted by Aelforth

Out of curiosity, what are plans, if any, to handle player and difficulty scaling in multi?

(E.g., when a couple friends that progress at different speeds & have level and gear disparities party?)

We aren't currently planning to do much in this regards. You might be in situations where one person is over or under levelled for a situation.

31 Aug


Originally posted by Depnids


Great show!

Edit: since I've gotten 3 DMs asking what show, Taskmaster. It is a panel show where people compete for pointless prizes over useless tasks for no reason other than it's fun. If you are interested in having a laugh, start at the beginning with "The Watermelon Task".


Originally posted by TheBreakfastBaron

So let me see if I have this right. Wandering Spirits has 3 main stats that it scales from:

  • Spell Duration (the total duration of the spell from beginning to end, during which spirits are revealed at the Reveal Rate and last until either their individual Spirit Duration ends, or the Spell itself ends, which itself ends the duration of all remaining spirits).
  • Spirit Duration (the duration that an individual spirit lasts, default at 4 seconds each).
  • Reveal Rate (the rate at which spirits are revealed, over the course of the Spell Duration).

By using the channeling node, the Spell Duration ceases to be relevant, because Spell Duration is now tied to channeling duration -- it starts when you start channeling and ends when you stop channeling.

It doesn't mean that more will be revealed in total, but it does mean that you'll have more at once

"More at once" is what I meant when I said "revealed in ...

Read more

That summary is all correct.

if I increase the base 4 second Spirit Duration, that leads to more spirits being active at once while I'm channeling, which increases the overall number of total spirits I have active while channeling, right?



I just wanted to quickly pop in to try to clarify this misunderstanding. In an early Developer Blog we had mentioned that we were looking at "september'ish" for patch 0.8.6. In the following Development Update we announced that with early multiplayer testing going so well, we instead decided to go straight to update 0.9.0 with the multiplayer beta, skipping 0.8.6 - and this would require a bit more time (past the "september'ish" mark). We do not currently have a date we're ready to share for update 0.9.0


Originally posted by TheBreakfastBaron

Does increasing the spirit duration reveal more spirits in total? Because the channeling node gives me perma spirits as long as I'm channeling.

It doesn't mean that more will be revealed in total, but it does mean that you'll have more at once as long as you've been channelling for longer than the normal duration of an individual spirit.


Originally posted by Crayz92

Or sample nearest point on your navigation mesh upon the monster's death, drop the item at the sampled point. If using Unity's navigation, there should be a built-in function for that.

This is a surprisingly (computationally) expensive operation to run and doesn't quite solve the problem because some spots are on the navmesh but are inaccessible to the player. You also get extra edge cases in multiplayer. This was the initial idea for it but it caused other problems that we were unable to solve. It's still something to work on.

We do some special versions of this when casting some abilities. For example, if you have the multi thorn totem node and cast it near a ledge or wall, you'll notice that you either get strange placement or not all of them will be created. This is less bad because we know that we aren't going to have (in extreme cases) hundreds of simultaneous instances of the operation being run if you were to kill a couple dozen leaping enemies with 1 hit and have them all drop multiple things.

Ideally we will get it working efficiently so that you can damage leaping enemies in the air.


Originally posted by madkarma

Do you mean that higher corruption improves drop chances, or just that it needs to be 50 or higher?

I don't know what the threshold is but as long as you are above whatever the minimum corruption drop chance for it is, you're good to go.

30 Aug


Originally posted by martinx09

Don't care about the topic, but that didn't really answer OPs question.

Sorry, you're right, I assumed that they were an experienced player with the way the question was asked and assumed that it would be enough to relate it back to the way things are now.

I have updated the reply with the details on how the system currently works, and will continue to work.


Agreed. It's something that was originally added to avoid inaccessible items dropping in mid air if the enemy was killed during the leap. There are almost certainly better solutions for this, but we haven't yet had the time to go back and fix it.


Originally posted by FeelingSedimental

IIRC when a unique rolls, it rolls by slot. So it chooses unique gloves, then a random unique on the list of unique gloves. Then the reroll chance applies, so you have a 98% chance for RV to reroll into other gloves when chosen.

This is close, but not always correct. If it's from an Echo Specific Reward that specifically gives a unique or set pair of gloves, then it can only reroll to gloves, but in most cases it can reroll to any unique that would be a valid drop.

29 Aug


Originally posted by veraltofgivia

Thank you!

Yeah PoE puts you at -60% all res after the campaign too so you've got a much heftier multiplier on incoming damage if your res is bad

That's actually different because that is applied before the cap so you can always overcome it by just having more.

Edit: just saw the conversation about this explaining it all.


Originally posted by veraltofgivia

One other question if I may; is health gained via leech capped in any way, or will increasing my damage continually increase the amount of health I leech?

It isn't capped no but we do nerf the damage done to bosses which does have a secondary effect of reducing leech too.


The bonus chest in between echoes (not the echo specific reward crystal) drop quantity is dependent on the number of enemies you kill in the echo. The bonus stability bar fills up the same way but is capped. So they are related but not dependent on each other.

It is generally assumed that most characters will have capped resistances and it is balanced as such. However, max res is not as important as it is in games like D2/PoE because in LE, enemies also get 75% all res penetration, applied after cap. This means that it's actually balanced around everyone having 0 res (after the pen is applied). This means that not having capped res is still impactful but nowhere near as impactful.

There is no ETA on multiplayer. We have to get it right and we don't want to put ourselves in the position where we have to announce a delay.

28 Aug


Agro systems are not changing for multiplayer.

Edit: They will continue to prioritize the nearest legal target for the ability they are going to use next. Minions will continue to artificially appear slightly farther away than they are. Even more for immobile minions. "Taunt" style abilities temporarily make the user appear closer than they really are.

I went over this in a little more detail on a stream a little while back but I couldn't tell you which one for a reference, sorry.

27 Aug


Originally posted by pabloaram

No. This is the reason you can skip the last part of the campaign and go to monos around level 50 (monos are level 58 if i remember correctly). Also mission after the tundra boss don't give idols slot and passive points

Actually there is. While in a zone more than 5 levels above your own, you gain xp as though you were in a zone 5 levels above you. So if you are level 40 in a level 50 zone, you gain xp as though it was a level 45 zone.

26 Aug


Originally posted by perrythepig

We've been told that gold is going to be the main trading currency. Does that make this the biggest troll move from Judd to Mike, or did Mike know all along that all 5 of these were true? Hmmm

Look at that smirk on my face. You think I didn't know?


Originally posted by Stillhart

Google "num lock trick"

You won't get banned for describing it by the way.

25 Aug


Originally posted by 1trickana

Saw a post earlier saying the further out you go the better shade drop rate. For instance instead of doing a shade after 6 echos do one after 18

Corruption is all that matters.