Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

07 Sep


It is vastly overestimating the value of ailments. While poison chance might seem irrelevant, that's probably what is causing the numbers to spike. We have adjusted the formula and will continue to do so. It's a tricky thing to get right as each skill works so differently based on what nodes you have.


Not sure if you mean specifically not the official discord but you can swing by


Originally posted by TehWhale

I love that the dev team responds to a bug report like this. It just makes me laugh in such a good way that it means not only you acknowledged it, but throw some humor in there too to help the player (probably) feel better about a rough bug.

Just wanted to say thanks for making a great game. I’m excited to continue seeing where it goes. I’m about to hit my first level 100 character (third over all) and here’s to many more!

It's always such a fine line. I am definitely more professional when I've got an EHG tag, on an official platform and my real name on the account though.

06 Sep


Hey there! We are still actively processing applications and inviting members into the program. It may take a bit to get to your particular application, however we're going through them as quickly as we can.

We'll also be continuing to expand the program, so if you don't hear back right away, we'll still hang on to applications for future expansions and you may hear from us in regards to future waves.


Wow, weirdly playable?


Here is the missing piece of information that will be the "ohhhh" moment.

XP gains are capped at +5 levels. A level 86 character in a level 100 zone gains XP as though it was a level 91 zone.

For fastest leveling, pick the highest level zone that you can clear quickly up to 5 levels above your character level.


I can help with question 1 that seems to be stumping people.

Regardless of where you buy, website or Steam, you get the exact same stuff. If you buy it on Steam, you get all the extras that come in the website pack (and if you really want our inferior launcher, you can use that too). If you buy it on the website, you are prompted to connect a Steam account and when you do Last Epoch gets added to your inventory on Steam.

The only difference that I'm aware of pertains to reviews. If you buy it on our website, a Steam review doesn't count towards the positive/negative rating on Steam.

Also, I think that there is a bug with GFN at the moment where steam won't sync loot filters so that's a little annoying.


Hi there, we take this very seriously. I can't discuss chat moderation action publically but we have addressed the incident you are talking about.

Easier in game reporting is something that gets requested fairly regularly and is on our radar. No word on progress for that feature request yet though.

03 Sep


Originally posted by ButcherInTheRYE

It's simple. Abom Necro, what I play every patch.

The same thing we do every patch Pinky, build an abomination to take over the world muahahhahahah.


It is intentionally a little vague and the main story isn't quite complete yet. You'll get answers to some of those questions as you go on.

I do a Friday dev stream and a few weeks back had the loremaster on as a guest to answer questions. Once you've made it through the campaign and are still interested, I'd recommend giving it a watch on YouTube to see more lore tid bits.


Originally posted by TheUnseenForce

melee damage on weapons will still be divided into all the different damage types

To be clear, 100% inc melee damage with a melee skill that deals 50 phys 50 cold would then become 50 * (1+50%)= 75 phys, 50 * (1+50%)= 75 cold? Or (50+50) * (1+100%) = 200, then divided by the proportional amounts (100 phys 100 cold).

I would expect the latter I’m just not familiar with the mechanics and want to clarify.

The increase is applied in full to each damage type, so with 100% inc melee damage a melee skill with 50 phys 50 cold would then become 50 * (1 + 100%) = 100 phys, 50 * (1 + 100%) = 100 cold.

This is similar to your second example, but the multiplication happening prior to the addition is important because increased melee damage would be additive with increased physical damage or increased cold damage in this case. For example if you take the above situation and also have 20% increased physical damage and 80% increased cold damage, then it becomes 50 * (1 + 100% + 20%) = 110 phys, 50 * (1 + 100% + 80%) = 140 cold.

02 Sep


Originally posted by CapitalOrange

When I saw ailment changes, I was really hoping for a change for the tick rate on ailments/DoTs in general, they feel kinda clunky and slow to me, but otherwise looking good, happy to see updates to the SFX, that's big.

The tick rate is likely significantly faster than you think. The numbers of a dot tick are actually several added together.


Originally posted by jokomul

The change to the visual ailment stack counter on enemies is pretty awesome. I thought I read a dev comment once saying it wasn't practical to go above 15 so this is a pleasant surprise. I love DoTs in this game and I'm really excited to actually see how many poison stacks I can squeeze out of my build in-game.

It wasn't at the time. Someone had a breakthrough a couple months ago and got it working which is awesome! It's surprising how impactful knowing what stacks actually get up to is. Turns into a little minigame of how high a number of stacks you can get.


Each crow has an individual cooldown for it, so more crows means more healing.


Originally posted by Lizard_IRL

As I understand, crafting melee damage on weapons will still be divided into all the different damage types, its just the base implicit physical that gets the adaptive property. Implicits that were not physical will remain themed.

I say this becouse with this change scaling damage will be way easier but finding/crafting weapons will be the same as before. Not a bad thing.

As I understand, crafting melee damage on weapons will still be divided into all the different damage types, its just the base implicit physical that gets the adaptive property. Implicits that were not physical will remain themed.

This is correct


Originally posted by Zamirot

humm mana strike for exemple scale from flat melee damage meleedamage% but the spark charge node scale from spell flat and spell damage% right ?

Since mana strike is a melee attack that proc a spell (spark charge).

Yup. I was talking about attribute scaling. Like 4% increased damage per intelligence that you see at the bottom of the skill tooltips.


Originally posted by Zamirot

not true for a lot of melee attacks that proc spells.

Exemple : mana strike, tempest strike etc

All non-specializable sub skills inherit attribute scaling from the parent ability.


Originally posted by kresh4n

Sadly both skills do not share same subskills and therefor will scale differently. Indeed both will scale off of spell and lightning spell damage but maelstrom one will also benefit from attunement (4% per point IIRC).

You can check them here:

Non-specializable triggered abilities which were created by another skill, use that skill's attribute scaling. Usually we try to put the same scaling on the tooltip for the sub-skill as an indicator that it is the same but really it is just passed along.


Originally posted by onikzin

Interesting, so you made instances differently from the other game. Wait, does that mean that if a full party finds an idol shrine in a map, each player gets to use it?

Well no but kinda? Only one person gets to "use" it but it will spew out items individually for everyone at the same time.

So everyone gets their own idol shrine that triggers when any one person in the party uses it.

And, if someone uses one before you get into the zone, the items will be waiting on the ground for you. Not sure if this is intended or a bug but it's really nice. It actually happened to me today and I was very grateful.