Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Gets suggested frequently, we don't have plans to add it at the moment.

10 Oct


I'll see if we can get some of the Warpath visual improvements to Mike to show off in Friday's dev stream, and a node called Void Puffs, lol.


Love to hear that you're enjoying the game, u/RockBottomCreature. We'll continue pushing hard to bring you more and improve what's there!

Welcome to the community,
- Judd, Game Director for Epoch

09 Oct


Originally posted by taxicab0428

Do these stack? And if so are they additive or multiplicative?

No, Deadly is an ailment with 1 max stack so it's like getting 5 copies of haste at the same time, only 1 is necessary. Lining these up like this is a really good strategy if you can handle it once.


Originally posted by RefrigeratorPrize277

sadge to know, like there should be some extra stability for those tougher mobs tho, since some maps/echoes have less but tougher mobs, and others have more but weaker ones

Inside each echo the amount of stability gained doesn't vary from one monster to another. However, echoes that roll with monster types that have smaller pack sizes do give more stability per monster.

As a simplified example, if one echo has 10 packs of 4 wolves each, and another echo has 10 packs of 1 bear each, then each bear will give as much stability as 4 wolves.


The only way to increase your chances of finding that idol is to get the blessing which corresponds to the idol type you are hunting.

08 Oct


Originally posted by yoLeaveMeAlone

Stats are calculated on the same frame that the button press is detected.

On cast triggers happen after the ability object is created, often 1 frame after the button press is detected.

So Avalanche does not benefit from the increased physical and spell damage from the set I linked?

Any physical spell damage done by Avalanche is increased by halvar if you have cast a cold spell recently.

A spell can't trigger a if you cast recently buff for itself.

Edit: if you cast it twice in a row, the first one will buff the second one and that one will buff the next one and so on. But the first one isn't buffed.


Originally posted by yoLeaveMeAlone

Gotcha. So it goes:

-Press the skill button

-"on cast" abilities trigger

-casting animation starts

-casting animation finishes

-A snapshot of all active effects is taken and applied to the spell

-The spell effect starts, using said snapshot of active effects for the full duration of the spell

Not quite, these are asynchronous, meaning that the animation could start and end at different times.

Stats are calculated on the same frame that the button press is detected.

On cast triggers happen after the ability object is created, often 1 frame after the button press is detected.


Originally posted by edave22

Okay I don’t know if this is a Easter egg or not but yesterday I could have sworn I saw a potion drop but it was called beer instead.

There is another even more rare portion alternative too.


The ability balista bolt is used by the balista so the balista's dexterity is what affects it.

Your dexterity gives the balista attack speed when it is created.

07 Oct


Originally posted by H1jAcK

Are you also a Magic the Gathering fan??

Haha, I am! Mostly nostalgia of old sets though - I played a ton around 4th, 5th, 6th edition.


when I formed the team some of the first questions I asked people is if they had played/loved Diablo 2, Path of Exile, and Chrono Trigger. There are definitely more easter eggs for you to find if you're a CT fan :)


Originally posted by Ylvina

out of interest, since the answer is tailored towards the black sun blessing. is this true for the other blessings too? like first one is always something defensive?

No, the structure is not based on defense/other. There are 2 types of distributions.

1st option is always 1of3 more genetically useful options.

The rest of the options are either random from the rest of the pool or random from the whole pool.

06 Oct


The first slot will always contain one of Health, void res or dodge rating, the other 2 get a random option from the other 10 blessings. If my math is right, after 50 runs, you have a roughly 99.999999999999999% chance to have found it.

01 Oct


Originally posted by EnjoyerOfBeans

That's huge. Thanks a lot for the update.

I know this is a long shot, but since we're speaking of performance limitations, do you guys have any fixes planned for ice elemental projectiles? They're consistently causing huge performance drops when they spawn in a big pack.

Not that I know of specifically off the top of my head. There are a lot of systematic changes that affect everything so technically yes I guess.


Originally posted by MyUncleFromNintendo

Do you guys have an idea on which month the next patch is coming? Having an ARPG drought at the moment.

I'm sorry we aren't ready to share any information on the release date of the next patch at this time.


Originally posted by Devych

Its gonna show for poisons and others as well right?

All ailments will display the actual number of stacks on the target.


It is a very precise value. It uses all the decimals. Well, not really but effectively.

Also the 15+ limit was just about as high as we could do. 16 might have worked but 15 was nicer to look at. It has been fixed though and will just say the real value next patch.

28 Sep


Thanks for bringing this up. I've raised this internally and we have a solution. It may not be implemented in time for the next patch as there's a million important things to tackle before then but it's in our queue now