Haha I won’t promise it just yet for 1.0 but our developer who’s implementing gamepad updates mentioned it earlier today as something he’d like to work on https://imgur.com/a/qdQ9qjp
I think we’d all like it!
Haha I won’t promise it just yet for 1.0 but our developer who’s implementing gamepad updates mentioned it earlier today as something he’d like to work on https://imgur.com/a/qdQ9qjp
I think we’d all like it!
Relaying this one to QA. I haven’t heard others report this since launch personally. Are others here experiencing this too?
They’re varying quite a lot at the moment between players and it’s something were actively investigating. Sorry if you’re someone who’s experiencing them being lengthy atm. Working on it!
I’ll be bringing this up with the team Friday at 2pm CT where we’re scoping out more gamepad work. Don’t worry, not falling on deaf ears!
Legend. You’re the man, Dammitt!
We’re definitely getting better at designing these classes and have a larger and more experienced team than we used to. We’ll continue going back to bring other classes, skills, enemies, visuals, etc. up in quality. We certainly agree that there’s plenty of opportunity to make lots of improvements in content we’ve been implementing over the years and we’ll balance those efforts with brand new content additions. The goal is to make the game bigger and better every few months which will include a wide variety of updates
Fair request! I’ll post this internally
It's a typo. It should be Glyphs of Chaos.
Hey there, sorry to hear you're encountering issues getting the game to launch. What you're seeing here is the crash handler creating the crash log. The best place to look as to what's going on is the log file.
Here's some information on finding the log file: https://support.lastepoch.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260805192629-The-Game-s-Log-File
Of course, you can submit a bug report on our forums with the log here: ...
Read moreThe attribute scaling that matters is the attribute scaling on the skill that your character casts. In the cast of Summon Skeleton, you cast the Summon Skeleton skill and that cases summon warrior, archer, or rogue as a subskill. So, the attribute scaling on those skills has no actual effect, and Skeletons Rogues scale just well with intelligence as Skeleton Warriors and Archers.
We do need to clean up tooltips so that attribute scaling for sub skills isn't so unintuitive like this.
If a spell has multiple elemental damage type tags it'll always give you the rune you gained least recently, or default to Fire > Cold > Lightning to break ties. We felt this would give players the most control over gaining the runes they needed with multi-elemental skills.
There are nodes in the Runebolt tree that randomise the order of the combo or directly randomise your runes. Those might provide the sort of chaotic feel that you're looking for.
We're looking into reports of this.
if an item is forced un-equipped, it should follow a series of locations it tries to go.
1.) It goes into your inventory
2.) If no space in inventory, it goes into Gift inventory
3.) If no space in either above option, it appears on the ground.
Try checking these locations, along with checking the Forge (just to see if it might have been left there).
We haven't been able to reproduce this yet, all tests so far did correctly send the weapon to the inventory, but we're investigating cases where the inventory of the character didn't have room for the weapon.
The LE team is pumped to see this and have been posting it internally for the last few hours! Please let us know how we can help. Appreciate you Zeckar, and all the community involvement.
Every sale we have done was for the same amount, 25%
According to this website which keeps track of Steam price history, all four sales you've had in the past two years have been 20% off. Prior to that, you had two sales where it was 25% off. Still no idea where people are getting the 10% from, but 20% has absolutely happened.
It's possible their record is incorrect as no system is flawless, but I've never seen a problem with them before so I'm inclined to believe their data.
I could be very wrong, I thought that 25% was the threshold for automatically notifying wish listed people.
I'm not sure where the 10-20% estimates are coming from. Every sale we have done was for the same amount, 25%. Also, no more sales until post-1.0.
Controller support is continuing to be improved. Many of us, including myself, play mostly with gamepad already and with our future desires to eventually come to console it remains important to keep progressing on. Tooltips, crafting panel, swapping through panels more quickly, etc are all being worked on. By 1.0 I suspect this will be in a “good” state whereas right now it’s just decently playable
Preview of gamepad patch notes going out on the 7th:
Implemented full support for the World Map.
Implemented full support for the Monolith window.
Implemented full support for the death screen.
Improved the visuals for interaction prompts.
it was an offline character and since it was an offline character i'd imagine there isn't much to be done about it outside of using a backup. but it's cool, i've enjoyed this game so i don't mind all that much.
Yea offline character data is stored locally so unless there was a steam cloud save there’s not much that can be done about that. Hate to hear when someone loses a character that way though. Glad you’re enjoying the game!
We have long term plans to create a console version. We haven't started the process at all. We do have controller support already and Unity does have console support.
There is no ETA on the eventual console version. Don't expect it soon.
Was this an offline character?
You got it!
Bonus Trivia: Why does Heo and Rah use the first three letters, and Gon uses the last three?
We didn't want players saying "Lag Lag Lag" for three Lightning Runes!