Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Thanks for the report! We’re tracking this issue internally.


Ah I see. Yea it’s a known issue that we’re looking to improve in the future. I think it’s related to screen resolution.


That sounds good. It’s possible it could be made more clear, but not sure how. We’ll take a look.


I don’t know if we will make it available or not. The main reason it’s not possible at the moment is to avoid endless new characters to farm it. We didn’t have a ton of time near the end of the patch cycle to solve that problem and just making them not spawn with LP was the safe option.

I don’t want to get your hopes up on it because I really don’t know if we will or not. I don’t like to say anything is really set in stone.


We never intended to release the exact numbers for relative rarity of LP on a unique. It is generally based on level, some have had their chance shifted slightly to account for particularly powerful and well scaling attributes.

We don’t plan to release the formula for chance of obtaining LP on an item. It would output numbers that are not easily comprehended by almost everyone. (Tom Scott has a great video about understanding numbers like million and billion. We are talking about numbers way bigger, or well, smaller really.)

200 is a number that when placed in said formula, you always get 0 chance. Quest reward uniques are not able to drop with LP.

Finding super end game uniques with LP at all is going to be very rare. Possible but very rare. It’s difficult to look at an item system and not want to plan for BiS but I think that’s a big difference between ARPGs and MMORPGs, you can’t really get BiS in every slot in an ARPG while you are expected to strive for BiS...

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Thanks, we’ll take a look.


I saw it reported earlier, so we’ll take a look at it.


Very strange. I tested this extensively before the patch and it was working fine. Could you post a log file or a video of it happening?


Yea it doesn’t work for stationary minions, so we need a better handle on this.


Thanks! We have it reported internally already. We’ll take a look.


In any case, we’ll take a look. Thanks for the report!


And there is no NPC to talk to if you go to the town?


Will be fixed in the future when we rework the character sheet.


Oh that’s a fun one. We’ll take a look.


That’s very strange. Do you have (or could get) a video of this? We previously implemented a system to prevent this exact thing from happening, but it sounds like it’s no longer working.


That’s rough. We’ll take a look. Is it fine again if you relog?


You can use a site like and link to your image here :slight_smile: